Heart Of Darkness Chapter 8


Angelica walked behind Lord Rayven as he led them outside the castle. Even though she couldn't see his face, she knew he didn't want to escort them anywhere. She hated to bother someone who didn't want to help her at all.

Her brother left her side before she could stop him and went to walk beside Lord Rayven. He looked tiny next to him. Lord Rayven was a bit taller than what she considered tall, with wide shoulders and muscular arms. She could imagine his strength just from the way he strolled, like he could walk over and destroy anything that blocked his way. His tall legs made one step as long as two of hers.

Despite his big frame, he moved with the same elegance as the other Lords. It was as if he glided across the floor.

"My Lord. I want to become a fierce warrior like you." Her brother told him, almost jogging next to him to keep up.

Angelica held her breath in fear, waiting to see what Lord Rayven would say. When he ignored her brother and kept walking, she felt even more nervous.

"His Majesty has allowed me to become a knight. Would you take me as your apprentice?"

Lord Rayven halted, and Angelica felt her heart leap to her throat. Before anything could happen, she hurried to her brother's side and put her arm around his shoulder. She glared at him.

"William, let's not disturb Lord Rayven. He is already being kind enough to escort us home in the rain." Then she turned to Lord Rayven and smiled at him. "I am sorry, my Lord. He is very enthusiastic."

She swallowed hard, seeing his face up close again. Those scars were… horrifying, and some of them seemed even fresher than what she had seen last.

It couldn't be.

He caught her staring at his scars again and looked even more resentful than before. Turning around, he walked away.

Angelica cursed herself inwardly before following him. This time he walked faster, and she had to almost jog to keep up with him.


Once they were outside, she opened her umbrella and pulled her brother closer to shield him from the rain. Lord Rayven walked in the rain without caring. His clothes were already soaked as he and the other Lords came riding in the rain earlier.

When they were outside the gates, he whistled and his horse came galloping toward him. Angelica felt bad that he had to ride in the rain while she sat comfortably in her carriage.

The rain was relentless and was followed by a storm. Worried, Angelica moved the curtain aside and looked outside the window. Lord Rayven was riding next to the carriage and didn't seem fazed by the wind or the rain.

"Are you scared of him?" Her brother suddenly asked.

Angelica dropped the curtain and turned to him. "No. Why would I be?" she asked with a frown.

"People fear him." He said.

"Do you?"

William shook his head.

"Why not?" she asked curiously.

Her brother had a unique ability to see people for who they truly were.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"What were you doing with the King?"

"He found me while waiting for father. He took me to his quarters to wait there instead and we had dinner." William explained.

Angelica wondered why the King bothered to help her brother.

"What do you think of the King?" She asked.

"I think he is a good person." Her brother replied.


He nodded.

Angelica didn't think he was a bad person, but she would never have thought of describing him as a good person if she had to, so her brother's reply surprised her.

"Do you find him to be strange in some way?" She asked digging for more information.

"I wouldn't say strange, but different. They are all different."

All? He must mean the King and his men. There was indeed something different about them.

"Angelica, maybe they can help me." Her brother said.


Angelica guessed that he was talking about his abilities, but wanted to make sure what he meant. "Help you with what?"

"If they truly are different, then they wouldn't judge me for being different as well. Maybe they know what I am suffering from." She could see that her brother was desperate for answers.

His abilities were becoming more prominent each year. He would need help, but could the Lords help him? She didn't get the feeling that they were different in the same way her brother was.

"I am not sure if we can trust them." Angelica said.

Her brother sighed, knowing that she was right. They couldn't risk telling the wrong people.

William stared at his hands, looking sad.

"Maybe we can trust them one day, but we need to get to know them first." She said to cheer him up.

Her brother looked up again. "Will you let me become a squire to Lord Rayven then?"

"You are too young to start your training yet," Angelica told him. She couldn't imagine her brother staying with Lord Rayven in the wolf's den.

The castle was on the highest hill in town. She wouldn't even be able to reach her brother fast enough if something happened to him.

"I have permission from the King." Her brother said.

"William, let's talk about this some other day. Right now, father is missing."

The fact that her brother wasn't the least worried about their father was concerning.

"Do you know something about father?" She asked him.

He looked outside the window with a frown. "It is better without him." He mumbled.

Angelica's eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. "William! Don't say that! Why would you say such a thing?"

He turned to look at her, his gaze hard. "He doesn't care about us. He wants to take you away from me. What will I do when you are gone?!"

Angelica felt her heart break into a million pieces. She reached for him and stroked his hair. "Oh Will, I am not leaving you. Even if I get married, I will make sure you can come with me. Don't worry."

Angelica had always thought of taking her brother with her if she ever got married. She knew she could make her potential husband agree to it, but marriage had been far away from her mind. Her brother, on the other hand, seemed to have been concerned about it for some time now.

The carriage slowed down and stopped. Shortly after, Thomas came and opened the door for her. When she stepped outside, she realized that the rain had stopped.

Lord Rayven was still on his horse, his clothes and hair completely wet. He looked over to see her home before turning to her.

"Thank you for escorting us, my Lord." Angelica curtsied.

He looked at her without replying before turning to her brother.

"My Lord, I would be honored if you could train me one day." William said, still not giving up.

Lord Rayven narrowed his eyes.

"May I come to watch the tournament tomorrow?" Her brother asked when he didn't get a reply.

Angelica wanted to stop her brother from bothering Lord Rayven, but somehow she was curious to see if he would ever reply. She had not heard his voice yet and wondered what he sounded like.

When he didn't reply again, Angelica wondered if he could even speak. Maybe the scars were as deep as they looked and reached inside his mouth. Her gaze fell on his lips and just then, he opened his mouth.

"You don't need my permission." He spoke.

Angelica's heart ceased to beat.

His voice.

It wasn't completely unfamiliar. She had heard it before, but where and when?

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