Heart Of Darkness Chapter 3


A few gasps came from the guests when the man's disfigured face came on display. Thick, jagged scars covered half of his face. It looked like someone had taken a knife and deliberately cut him. It was difficult to look at him, and Angelica averted her gaze quickly.

Other people stared, and some began to speak in hushed tones.

The King gave permission for the party to continue and the whispers were muted by the music.

"Who is that?" Veronica asked.

Hilde had already done her research through her father. "All six men who came in with the King are the most powerful men in the Kingdom, right after the King. They are the King's arms, eyes, and ears. I would advise you to seduce one of them," she whispered the last sentence.

Vesna's eyes lit up. "They are gorgeous," she noted, looking at them with fascination until she caught sight of the scarred one. "What happened to his face?"

Hilde shrugged. "No one knows, but he is known to be the fiercest fighter and strongest warrior. The many wars, fights, and enemies he has faced probably did that to him," she explained.

"Why would enemies ruin his face and not kill him?" Vesna pondered.

"I am guessing he looked as good as the other men standing next to him. Perhaps his enemies were jealous," Hilde joked.

"People say he was born that way," Natasha added. "He was cursed before his birth."

Hilde shook her head. "Don't tell me you believe that? People like to gossip."

Angelica didn't believe in curses and she didn't think it was a deformation he was born with, either. These were scars that were inflicted upon him. Some looked fresher than others, which made her think that the scarring didn't occur on one occasion.


Natasha shrugged and continued to fan herself.

"Well, I am just glad the King looks even better than I imagined. I will let father introduce me to him. Excuse me, ladies." Hilde adjusted her hair and left to see her father.

Natasha scoffed. "She thinks highly of herself."

"Let her try; she might succeed. Men are men after all," Veronica said.

Natasha rolled her eyes.

Angelica knew that Natasha wanted to be the one to marry the most powerful man and now that Hilde had a chance before her, she was being bitter.

Hilde went to her father and spoke close to his ear. He then took her hand and led her to the King. Angelica couldn't hear what they were saying, but Hilde's father probably introduced her when the King's eyes shifted to her friend, who curtsied. He gave a nod with an uninterested expression and then spoke a few words.

Angelica and her friends watched, curious to see what would happen next. But Hilde and her father paid their respects to the King again and returned.

"I told you," Natasha claimed proudly.

"It was her first try. It means nothing," Veronica defended Hilde.

"She should go for the scarred one," Vesna joked, and then laughed with her sister.

"Angelica." Angelica's father interrupted their laughter, and they greeted him.

He returned their greeting and then pulled Angelica aside.

"What's the matter, father?" Angelica asked.

"Come with me," he said, taking her hand and leading her away.

Angelica knew what was coming. He was going to introduce her to another suitor.

"Father please," she protested.

"Don't embarrass me, Angelica," he warned as he led her toward the throne.

"Father. What are you doing?" she questioned in panic.

"Shh." He squeezed her hand to quiet her.


Oh no. She had suspected that the person he would introduce her to would be special, but she never thought it would be the King.

Her heart skipped. Her father had set a trap for her. How could she deny the King?

"Your Majesty." Her father bowed when they came near the throne.

Angelica stood frozen until her father pulled her arm, signaling for her to pay her respect as well.

In her shocked state, Angelica curtsied.

"Your Majesty, with your permission, I shall introduce my daughter, Angelica," her father spoke.

The King's blue gaze shifted to her, and Angelica froze. He was even more beautiful up close, but it wasn't only his unearthly beauty that was unusual about him. There was something else that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Her body and brain warned her of danger despite no signs of any.

The King narrowed his eyes. "Angelica. Beautiful name. Suitable for an angelic face." His voice was smooth.

Her father chuckled, happy that the King seemed to like her. "She is lucky to not inherit my looks."

The King smiled.

"She is a stubborn girl, still unmarried. I have introduced her to many men, but none seems to be good enough for her," her father continued.

Angelica wished her father would bite his tongue and choke on it. Just for a while.

"I raised her all alone. It is not easy with the girls."

The King nodded, patiently listening to her father.

"I am only trying to do my duty as a father."

Angelica wished the Earth would open up and swallow her. Her father needed to know when to stop talking. He was trying too much, but the King wasn't listening anymore. His gaze was fixated on her, and he stared with an intense curiosity that unsettled her.

It wasn't the kind of attention she was used to. This man wasn't staring because he was in awe of her beauty. He was curious about something else, but what?

"Angelica, would you have dinner with me in private?" he asked.

The question and the way he asked were both a surprise. He didn't address her formally. He used her name alone and the 'in private' part made so many things go through her mind.

He was King. He could do as he pleased.

Angelica didn't want to be with him in private, no matter how good looking he was.

"How could I deny your offer, Your Majesty?" she replied.

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