Master Of None Chapter 711


Walker felt the familiar nudge of Midnight's nose on his shoulder. He knew that she was most likely trying to get him up because he had overslept and jumped in to a standing position looking around. He found that everyone was still asleep and that Midnight had woken him up before everyone. "What's going on? Are you alright?" He patted her on the head before she started to head out of the resting area prompting Walker to hurriedly get dressed and follow behind.

Midnight walked all the way back to Grey's work shop where Grey was asleep at his blue print table. Midnight proceeded past him and in to where Walker knew the golem was. Midnight had wanted him to come here for some reason.

The sight that appeared before him was much more than what he had seen before. The dragon style golem had taken on a shine. The flecks of red that appeared within the shiny bronze scales on the entire body were more than enough to draw the eye. The teeth were a much darker black color having been matched to the ember bones used as the base from them. The spikes on the tail and spike were out showing the same black coloration and radiating some fire elemental mana.

Examining this more, Walker found that the fire crystals were covered by a thin layer of super hard glass but still able to pull in more fire elemental mana. The followed the underside of the neck leading to a larger mana gem to the base of the neck. This was how the fire would be generated like a real dragons' fire breathing.

Before Walker could say anything he noticed that Midnight was sitting in front of it waiting. He almost asked why until the golem started to move abut by itself. The fire spirit was dwelling within the core and controlling the dragon golem. "I need to appraise this…" Walker couldn't hold back his curiosity about what his appraisal might tell him.


'Spirit golem ( dragon style)

Controlled by the fire spirit dwelling within the core, this golem can act autonomously from the bonded hero. This golem has a multitude of functions; fire breathe, retractable battle spikes and claws, flame wrapped teeth, hidden shield wings, dragon golem' roar. These skills can be activated using the fire elemental mana pulled in by the many runes inscribed within the golems' body.

Fire breath

Uses mana from the fire crystals along the neck to cause a line of fire to burn opponents.

Retractable battle spikes

Ember bone based spikes that can easily shred armor. These run along the spine and tail leading to a large point on the tail.

Flame wrapped teeth

Using the ember bones as base the fire elemental mana can be channeled to enhance the bite of the golem and melt through defenses.

Hidden shield wings

The golem is unable to fly due to its weight. The wings are hidden within the body and made of tough steel worm skin and other alloys. They can expand to cover the dragon golem in an instant and block many attacks. Very strong against long range attacks.

Dragon Golems' roar

A golem is fundamentally different from a dragon. However, the roar holds metal and fire causing a small stunning effect and sometimes a burst of fire elemental mana.'

Walker was sure that there was more to the golem. He knew that his all around appraisal skill was not perfect but it had already shown him some amazing things. The golem most certainly had the ability to move larger weights and possibly clear paths. Walker could see the golem swiping its' tail through the brush or even smaller monsters already.

The dragon golem stepped cautiously as if it was still learning to walk, "Oh, you are learning to walk. How is it? Can you still speak while in there?" Walker was a little concerned that the fire spirit would have some trouble maintaining its mana while operating the golem from the dwelling core.


Instead of some normal spirit speech, Walker felt that the spirit was pulling more fire elemental mana from the room. The runes glowed on the dragon's scales and neck showing that the spirit could constantly take in more mana. "That's good. I don't know what we would do if you run out of mana." The fact that the golem had the ability to pull in large amounts of fire elemental mana to fuel itself was perfect.

Walker was going to start to ask other questions when he watched as the spikes on the tail and spine retracted along with the claws. What was left were spots where ropes and other wires could be hooked. "You can transport an entire wagon if you wanted! That might be great for escort quests in the future. The client would feel safer and you can easily detach it to defend the cart even if something gets past the rest of us."

The golem moves its head up and down slowly. The delayed reaction was just something that the fire spirit would learn over time. Until it had a better understanding of what it could do this would be how it acted.

Midnight moved to place her head on the golems and then stood next to it so Walker could compare the two. "Wow, they really copied your scales well. The shapes and how they interlock are almost identical. I think it will make your dwelling very tough and well protected." Midnight was proud to hear that the dwarves had done well using her as a model. She knew just how tough she was and could share that pride with her new fire elemental spirit friend.

"I hope you are ready to walk all the way back to our home with us. It will be good for you to learn how to use your dwelling core to the fullest. Just let us know if you need a break. I can store the golem away in my inventory while you rest with Midnight." Walker was using his kindest voice to remove any worries the spirit might have.



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