The Tale Of Three Sisters Chapter 206


100 Years Later



A group of professional spelunkers tied a rope around the trunk of the tree and each one of them descended into the cave's mouth.

When everyone was already inside the cave....they began their exploration.

They found endless passageways and chambers.

The ceiling of the cave was adorned with stalactites and some chambers were both filled with amazing formations of stalactites and stalagmites that never failed to bring wonderment from the spelunkers' lips.

Everyone reached for their cameras and took videos and photos of the stalactites and stalagmites surrounding them.

"What an amazing find in a cave!"


"Instagram worthy!"

"Oh, my God! It's sparkling everywhere... this cave is filled with crystals!" one of the guys exclaimed.

"Awesome! We will get rich soon! We have an abundance of crystals to sell as long nobody finds out about this cave!" another guy interjected, his eyes glimmered with dollar signs.

"Look, there's a stream!" the guy said, pointing the stream to his companion. They went to the stream and checked the quality of the water.

The guy was about to fill his water bottle with the water, but his friend stopped him.

"Don't drink the water, it might be contaminated or poisonous! We don't know where is the origin of this water," the guy said.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking samples. I'm not going to drink it!" the guy holding the bottle replied and resumed his task.

After staying a few minutes in the chamber, they went farther inside the cave.

They come to a chamber that only contains stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the cave. The crystals attached to the stalactites illuminated the whole area.

One of the guys touched a portion of the wall of the cave.

Suddenly... that portion of the wall opened up and showed them a small passageway, which is only good enough for one person to pass.


They looked at each other in total surprise.

"Oh! We stumble on a secret door!" one of the guys said.

"What's in there?" they peered at the passageway.

"Let's find out!"

One by one, they went to the passageway that leads to a chamber.

Inside the chamber...

Their eyes widened...Holy cow! Another surprise!

They found two empty crystal coffins inside the mysterious cave. They rushed to the coffins and inspected them.

"Wow! Crystal coffins! What is this for?"

"Who owned these coffins?"

"Was it use for burial in ancient times?"

The spelunkers took the covers off.

"But there's no indication that it was used... look inside... it's clean!"


"These crystal coffins worth a fortune! We can sell them to an auction house and have it auction amounting to millions!" a guy suggested.

"If I'll die one day, I want a crystal coffin such as this for myself!" another guy interjected.

"It's a nice way to sleep for eternity!" a guy commented.

They burst into peals of laughter.

The chamber was filled with their laughter.

The leader addressed his companions. "We will take a rest here and explore the rest of the cave later. For now, let's enjoy the company of the crystal coffins and discuss what we are going to do with them..." he said.

Everyone nodded their heads. They find their spot in the chamber to rest upon.

The leader of the spelunkers stared at the two crystals coffins in deep thoughts - trying to think who made the coffins and what is the purpose of the coffins?

They stayed inside the cave for the next few hours exploring the half kilometer long cave to their heart's desire.


Meanwhile... a million miles from the cave.

The area near the lake where the castle was used to be, undergoes a huge transformation through the years, it was now a bustling city.


Buildings, apartments, condos, houses, establishments as well as highways were built rapidly around the area in decades.

The mysterious lake no longer exists, it was long gone.

On the exact place where the lake used to be, men can be seen heavy at work, excavating the area, building an underground tunnel to be built into a subway that would reduce the heavy traffic in the city.

One rainy night...

The excavation team unearthed four coffins that were heavily coated with a black dry substance.

Experts were sent to the area to investigate the coffins. The experts decided not to open the coffins in the public area, just in case the corpse were carriers of deadly disease from the bygone eras that can trigger a virus outbreak in the city.

The coffins were hauled in a 4-wheeler closed van and were brought into a secured laboratory dealing with infectious disease.

The laboratory staff wearing white lab coats, white gloves, hood cap... surrounded the four coffins.

They opened the first coffin... they saw a skeleton. Finding nothing interesting with the skeleton, they closed back the cover.

Next...they opened the second coffin...they found another skeleton.

The third coffin also contained another skeleton.

When they opened the fourth coffin...

Their eyes widened in astonishment.

They were surprised to see a man lying in the coffin, he got long hair, and long nails on his fingers. He got pale skin which is paper white...he looks dead...his chest no longer moving but his body... by all means intact.

The staff personnel looked at each other in puzzlement. The question that was running in their did this one survive? While the other corpse already reduced into a skeleton?

"Let's remove the body from the coffin and put him on the table to conduct a test," the staff leader said, excitedly.

When they were about to remove the body from the coffin...the light suddenly went off.

The room was plunged into total darkness.

What happened next...


Is up to your imagination!



Author's Note:

Aw, this is it, guys! We reached the end of the story!

Great applause, please!

I would like to thank the die-hard reader and supporter of this novel that are not so many, lol.

I think only a few readers read this story, and whoever you are, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

I think only a handful read this novel. Whoever you are, Thank you!

This novel was not promoted much, seldom gets featured, and the cover is conservative, lol. Not everyone's cup of tea, I guess.

Anyways, thank you for giving this novel a chance. I may be not the best writer around and made many mistakes along the way, but I truly enjoyed writing this novel to the very end!

Let me know if you have questions regarding the ending... or anything about the novel. Let's discuss it!

Take care of yourselves, dearest readers.

P.S. I started another fantasy novel titled~ The Vampire's Love: You're My Destiny ~(Ongoing) do check it out if you are interested. And my other fantasy novel that was already completed~ The Last Embrace~ Thank you!

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