The Tale Of Three Sisters Chapter 11


The wagoner scratched his head. "We've got a problem," he said.

"What is it?" she asked in alarmed.

"I'm very sorry, Miss. My son is ill and my pregnant wife is getting nervous, she doesn't want me to continue the journey and told me to return the money to you. She doesn't want to be left alone in our house while our son is sick, she needs me around her," he said apologetically feeling sorry for his passenger.

Kate was taken aback by the sudden turn of events, she wanted to cry, she's upset!

"I can give you two options, Miss. You can return to your village or I can ask some of the wagon owner around here who is willing to take you to the castle on the hill. Which one do you prefer?" he asked.

Kate took a deep breath.

No! She can't return to her village empty-handed.

She must proceed to her journey no matter what the cost. She must know her sister Ivy's current situation. She must continue her journey!

"I will continue the journey without you," she told him her final decision.

"Okay. Wait here, I will find a wagon willing to take you to your destination," he said regretfully.

The wagoner began offering the opportunity to the other wagon driver that he saw nearby.

But all of them refused the job he offered because the journey is tiring and long, besides they told him that its difficult and dangerous to cross the five rivers and dense forest at night.

The wagoner sighed heavily. "Where to find a wagoner who would be willing to bring the young Miss to her destination?" he asked himself aloud.

Then out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a wagon parked nearby the eatery. It looks empty!


He will try this wagoner for the last time.

He sauntered towards the driver wearing a cowboy hat inspecting the shoes of his horses. "Bro, you need money? I mean someone is willing to pay you big to take her to the castle on the hill," he offered.

The guy wearing the cowboy hat raised his head. "Where is the passenger?" he asked.

The wagoner pointed at Kate. She was looking at them a few meters away.

"That's her! That young lady over there!" he said.

The guy wearing the cowboy hat looked at the girl and grinned. "Sure! I would love to bring the young Miss to the castle on the hill."

The wagoner looked hard at the guy in front of him. "C-Can you be trusted?"

A glint shimmered on the stranger's eyes. "Oh...I get what you mean... can you entrust the young Miss in my care? Or you want to ask if I have bad intention to the young Miss while we are journeying together on the road for many days?"

"Yes, that's what I'm trying to ask you," the wagoner said in a serious tone.

"Look, I know you're worried about your passenger but if you don't trust me, then you can find another wagon willing to take her to the castle on the hill," the guy retorted.

Robert scratches his head feeling torn, wanting to make sure his young passenger is safe and secure in the hands of another driver.

"Ah, never mind, forget it!" he said and turned around going back to the girl waiting nearby.

"Did you find a new wagon for me?" she asked excitedly.

"That wagon over there is the only one willing to take you to the castle on the hill but... I don't trust that guy," he said honestly.


"Huh? Are you kidding me? I will be the one to decide. Come, bring me to him, quick! before he changes his mind!" Kate said urgently.

The wagoner scratched his head again. "Okay, fine!"

They approached the guy wearing the cowboy hat.

"Mister, can you take me to the castle on the hill?" she directly asked the driver.

The guy in cowboy hat smiled charmingly at the pretty girl. "Of course! I will take you anywhere you want to go," he said, smirking.

"That's good. I will board your wagon now!" Kate said energetically. She hopped inside the wagon without waiting for any assistance from the driver.

The cowboy guy shrugged. "Well, she likes my wagon. I have to keep moving!" he said.

Robert, the wagoner took some money from his pocket and gave it to the guy. "The young lady's aunt paid me in full for the one week journey. Here is the money. All I wanted from you is to bring her back safely to her aunt's house in Browcliffe. Can you do that for me?"

The cowboy guy was not able to answer right away and avoided the wagoner's scrutinizing gaze.

"Keep that money with you. You needed it the most especially that your son is ill!" the guy said and made a clicking sound.

The horses picked up the sound as a cue to moved forward.

The wagoner was left beside the road scratching his head, his gaze didn't waver following the wagon moving away from the street going to the direction of the path leading to the exit of the village.

"Wait-h-how did that guy know that my son is ill?" he asked aloud.

Well, since they're already gone, he must go back to his wife and son. He was just hoping, that guy wasn't planning to do something bad to the girl or else his conscience won't allow him peace.

Just right now, he had that nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that he made a mistake in trusting that guy with the young miss. But...he didn't trust him in the first place...the girl naively trusted that stranger.

The more he thinks about the cowboy guy. The more he didn't trust him.

There's something not good about that guy!

But he did give the young Miss a choice. He was supposed to bring her with him to his house for the night then find another wagon to bring her back to the Browncliffe village but the girl is stubborn and eager to get to the castle on the hill, there is nothing he can do to stop her.

Sighing, he went back to his wagon, going home to his wife and son.

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