The Side Character Turned Villainess Chapter 71


Me and Dante sat on the rafters looking down. The cats wrapped in the shawl mewed loudly. The water rose but luckily stopped before reaching our feet.

I kicked my feet into the air trying to keep myself entertained. My leather shoes were heavily weighed down by water. I just wanted to rip them off and go barefoot.

The storm stopped raging after filing the shed up with water, almost as if it only came to do that one thing. I heard shouting outside, but couldn't make out the words.

I heard someone groan from straining themselves then *BAM* something slammed against, the hard ground making the flooded water splash violently.

The door was jerked open. Water poured out the open door leaving behind a drenched burly man standing in the doorway.

Bertram stood huffing, "Are you - okay?"

I smiled, "Hey Bertram! What's up?"

He frowned, "Young Miss. Don't you realize the situation you're in?"

I paused for a moment and looked around puzzled. I looked back to him and shrugged, "I'm just hanging out with Dante. Hehe. Hanging. Get it? Because we're on the rafters."

Bertram frowned. He was not amused in the slightest. Dante glared at me. I chucked dryly, "What? You don't get it?"

"We get it." Dante said monotonously.

I forced out a chuckle then cleared my throat, "Anyway... Bertram where were you? I thought you'd be here sooner."

He scratched his short black hair in embarrassment, "Well... I don't particularly like storms... So it took Millie a while to find me."

I frowned, "Bertram. Were you hiding?"

His eyes widened, "What? No..."

I could hear the insincerity in his voice. I smiled, "I didn't think the great Bertram could have such a weakness. Good thing there's not many storms here."

He sighed in embarrassment, "Please forgive me."

I smiled, "Come catch me and I will."

I waited until he was under me with his arms stretched out. I jumped down. Although, there really was no need for me to jump down into his arms. He was so humongous he could just pluck me off if he wanted.

I want to be tall, but not Bertram tall. He was always hitting door frames with his forehead. Buildings just aren't made for people with above average heights.

After he caught me, he heard the meows coming from the shawl in my arms. He frowned, "That is?"

I smiled, "Our new pets. Well, our new pets until we can find Mama Kitty and give them back."

"Don't bother." Dante hopped down and made a splash.

I looked at him, "Why?"

He replied dully, "The mother was killed a few days ago by a hawk."

I looked at the motherless kittens and frowned. That wasn't mentioned in the original novel.

My depression for the kitties didn't last long and I smiled brightly, "Then I guess I'm their Mama now!"

Bertram and Dante both shared a frown. I ignored their judgmental looks and cooed at the kittens.

I looked at Bertram, "Do you think we could go home?"

"There's no carriages that could possibly come right now. The water receded slightly, but the mud is deep."

I sighed, "I want to change though. I'm soaked."

He nodded, "I will carry you back then."

I raised an eyebrow in doubt, "Are you sure? It's far on foot."

He responded humbly, "If I run, we can be back rather quickly."

I nodded, "Alright then." I glanced at Dante, "Do you want to come too? You're also soaked."


Dante frowned, "Won't your Father be angry if I come unannounced?"

I smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry. I will tell him you saved my life. And if he still has a problem, I will just tell him I hate him."

"Does that really work?"

I forced a smile, "You have no idea."

Dante hesitated. I understood why. My father was the last person he wanted to see. He wasn't threatening him anymore since my explosion, but he still stares daggers into him. Dante was always uncomfortable and on edge around him.

On the other hand, Dante was thrilled by the idea of coming over. He didn't have many opportunities to be with Seri alone. It was always with William and or Millie. He didn't want Seri to know this, so he made sure to keep his face calm.

He looked at me and responded emotionlessly, "I'll come."

I smiled, "Great. Alright Bertram. Giddy up!"

Bertram didn't enjoy being referred to as a horse, but also knew better than to say something. If you say you didn't like something, I was the type of person who would say it more just to annoy you.

We walked outside and I saw the tree that had fallen against the door. My jaw dropped.

The f*cking thing was so big I couldn't even wrap my arms around it!!!

"B-Bertram. Did you pick up that tree and move it?"


"Impressive." I couldn't help but feel wowed by his otherworldly strength. I turned my attention to him, "How do you feel?"

"Hmm? Fine?"

I frowned, "You didn't strain your back?"

He looked confused, "No? It wasn't that heavy."

My jaw dropped again. Now I get why everyone refers to him as the Monster of the Kane residence.

William stuck his head out the window, "Where are you going?!"

I shouted back, "To my house! Want to come?"

Dante frowned at this.

William looked at the muddy and flooded ground, "Yes... But..."

I smiled, "It's okay! Dante can carry you."

Dante reached out his arms with a face full of displeasure. William blushed slightly, "That's okay. I will walk."

He jumped out the window. I looked at Millie who had also stuck her head out, "And you Millie?"

She pouted, "I couldn't. There's no way I could keep up... Or march through mud."

William sighed and reached his hands out, "I can carry you. I'm faster than them anyway so it won't be bad."

She blushed, "I couldn't possibly."

I smiled pleasurably at the scene in front of me. Aw, Millie's so cute. I nodded quickly, "Of course you can Millie! You have to. If you don't come, I will cry!"

She glanced at me and smiled softly, "Oh.. Well since you want me to come that badly."

William helped her out the window and held her princess style. I frowned. How come they do that for Millie and not me?! Oh well.

I pointed, "Onward Bertram!"

He took off and the others followed. I was in awe at how fast everyone was. Millie was also surprised and clung to William out of fear. Or perhaps she was just trying to take advantage of the situation.

When we arrived I whispered, "Alright. Be quiet. I don't want anyone to know we are here."

We snuck in skillfully. William frowned, "Why are we sneaking?"

I looked at him, "Do YOU want to greet my father?"

His face twitched in fear and he shook his head quickly. When we got into the room I laid the kittens out. They stared at us with adorable eyes full of curiosity.


Lona's voice came from behind us, "What's this?"

I jumped, "God d*mn Lona! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

She frowned. Her voice was full of sarcasm, "I'm sorry, but due to the bad storm I thought you would be staying at the school where you belong. I didn't think I'd find you in your room with friends." Her eyes moved downward, "Are those... Kittens?"

I jumped up and pointed, "Bertram! Catch her!"

Bertram walked over to Lona and grabbed her sleeve gently. She stared at him with an eyebrow raised. He kept his eyes on the ground and mumbled, "Caught you."

I ran to my door and shut it. I pushed her in, "Lona. You can't tell anyone we are here."

She sighed and kneeled down by everyone else, "Alright. But why did you bring home kittens?" She glanced at them and her serious face softened at the sight of the kittens tumbling over each other playfully. "Aw. How cute. Did you name them?"

I smiled, "Yes!"

The others looked to me, "You did?"

I picked up the orange cat, "Yes. This one is Kitty William."

William's face twitched, "Why are you naming a cat after me?!"

I smiled, "Because it acts just like you. See? It's scratching and bitting me now... But-" I stroked it's head and it started purring. It stopped attacking and relaxed, enjoying the pets.

I continued, "Now it's a sweetie. Kitty William is a tsundere just like you."

William glared at me, "Tsundere?! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!? WHY DON'T YOU EVER TELL ME?!"

I picked up the grey cat with white paws ignoring him, "This is Kitty Millie."

Millie giggled, "Me?"

I nodded, "Yes. This one is so sweet and cute. Look how cuddly she is! And listen to that engine purr!" I kissed the kitten multiple times, "Ahh~ She's just so cute."

Millie giggled, "You're silly."

Lona pointed out a silver one that had been pawing the ground with a serious expression. "What about that one? I rather like this one."

I checked out the cat and held it, "This is Kitty Lona."

Lona's face fell, "I don't dare ask why."

I smiled arrogantly, "I will tell you anyway. This is Kitty Lona because look at those black spots on her forehead. They look like eyebrows, giving her such a serious looking face."

Lona frowned, "That's why I didn't want to ask."

"And finally~"

I looked at the black cat standing alertly by William, watching everything. It had yellow eyes with such a ferocious and unwelcoming stare. It was the only cat not playing and not trying to be friendly.

I picked it up and nuzzled the kitten who accepted it with a scowl, "This is Kitty Dante."

Dante frowned, "Why me?"

I turned the cat towards him, "Look at those eyes! Aren't they familiar looking?!" Dante looked at the eyes and raised an eyebrow. I smiled widely, "Those eyes are saying that they will murder you in your sleep."

Dante glared at me, "So why is that like me?"

I chuckled lightly. Do you really not realize how you're glaring at me right now?

Bertram looked at the kittens with uncertainty, "Do you think your parents will be alright with this?"

"I'll just tell Daddy I hate him unless he lets me keep them."

Bertram sighed, "What about your mother?"

I shrugged, "She doesn't come in here anymore. So I just won't tell her. She doesn't need to know."

"Who doesn't need to know?"

We were all startled to hear a voice behind us. We were all too focused on the kittens before us to notice that someone had opened the door and came in.

I turned to see my mother scowling with heightened ferocity. She looked like a lioness about to pounce.

I forced a smile, "M-Mother. Why are you in here?"

She growled, "Why?! There's several muddy foot prints leading from the front door to your room!! Did you really not think I would find out?"

My face twitched. I forgot most of us had been soaked by the dirty muddy water outside.

She looked at the kittens full of hatred, "They need to be thrown out immediately."

I jumped up, "Wait!" I handed the kitten to Dante who took it unwillingly. The two stared at each other glaring intensely.

I rushed over to my mother, "We can't throw them out! I won't let you!"

She sneered, "You won't let me? What are you going to do? Destroy the house again?"

Lona tensed up at this. The rest of the group looked at each other in confusion over the meaning.

I bit my lip and thought quickly, "What if... What if I do something for you?! Anything you want!!!"

She frowned and crossed her arms, "I don't want a thing from you."

I thought quickly and blurted, "I can get you in good graces with those Nobel Ladies who kicked you out!"

She paused. She shook her head, "How can you do that? I've been trying for over a year. Nothing I've done has worked, so I doubt anything you would do could change that."

A malevolent smile crossed my face. Clearly you don't know what I'm capable of.

I flipped my hair, "Such a thing is easy for me."

She however didn't believe me. "Hmm. I don't think so."

I shouted quickly noticing her doubt, "The Royal Ball!" Noticing her pause I continued, "I can do it at the ball. Queen Luna and her posse will be attending."

The same posse that she was with until she pissed me off at the tea party and subsequently got her kicked out of.

She nodded, "Go on."

"The Royal Ball is next weekend, right? I can gain their favor for you by the end of the ball. You won't be ousted from their social circle any longer. And if I don't, I will get rid of the kittens."

She thought about this for a moment. Although she doubted my ability, she couldn't handle another second of being an outcast in high society. She was willing to try anything at this point.

Finally she nodded, "Fine. If you can manage to get me back in their good graces then I will let you keep them." I smiled in relief. She continued, "But only two."

My smile fell, "Only two?!"

She nodded, "Four is too many. You will have to find another home for two of them."

I looked at the cats and scratched my arm. I really wanted to keep all of them... It's terrible to break up a family... But.. Even if I went to my father and cried, my mother would be the type to chuck them out the window while I'm at school.

I sighed, "Fine."

She smiled, "Alright. I will wait until the ball to see the result."

William noticed my dejected face and felt his insides churning. He stood up abruptly, "I'll- I'll take two!"

I looked at him in total astonishment. I blinked, "W-what?"

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