The Villainess Turns The Hourglass Chapter 95


Chapter 95. The Future Different From The Past, Part I

Translator: Khan

Editor Group: Liber Reverie

It was a week after a bouquet of flowers and a letter arrived from Lane. As usual, he also sent a bouquet to Mielle. By the time the evening was almost over, the conversation naturally led to it.

"He said he was busy, but I am relieved that he sent you bouquets of flowers regularly."

"It won't be easy for him to let go of the bond with father."

"Haha. What are you talking about? It was you, Mielle, who he's showed interest from beginning to end."

Aria never thought of correcting the illusion of the count and Mielle. She put the well-roasted meat in her mouth as a side dish for the foolish father and daughter. The juicy meat ran over her throat, and her discomfort was also swept away.

'He told me the next meeting would be a month away.'

The place and time were the same as before. She went on eating in anticipation of what kind of debate they'd have next.

"But isn't that what he wanted Aria to see? There was a suggestion from father."

Aria was trying her best not to correct them, but as expected, thanks to Mielle, who tried to find fault with Aria, Aria's hands were slow to chop.

The count assisted Mielle. "Oh, that may be. He seemed to like Aria quite a bit."

"I think he'll get along well with Aria because he's friendly. Isn't that right, mother?"

Suddenly, Mielle asked for her opinion, and the countess opened her eyes wide.

'How can you say it to my mom, whose daughter would fit for a lower-class noble? Until just last year, you asked me about being a duchess.'

"... I still have to look into him, but I don't think his impression is bad."

However, Aria could not express her opposition at the time when the count actively agreed. Mielle seemed to want to spoil Aria's quiet enjoyment of the meal, just like her in the past that had driven her into a mess.

'I've let go of my exaltedness when I lost Oscar to you, and there's no end to it, Mielle.'

Aria, however, had no intention of leaving Mielle alone. "Oh, come to think of it, what's going on with the warehouse I told you about last time?" So Aria turned to a topic that Mielle had no knowledge of.


The count had a good complexion because of how happy he was. It seemed that it was going very well.

"It was for the best to do it that way when I took a closer look at it! I figured it wouldn't be bad if they were built not only in the capital but in all the big cities. So now we're on our way to finding the right land."

"Oh, my God... it was just a little delusion of mine, and it's like a dream."

"Not a delusion! You have been good at fur business, too. You're such a great kid that I want you to be the successor of my business group!"

Such an opportunity would not come to the prostitute's daughter, but she could see Mielle's face turning pale even if it were empty talk.

'So why did you provoke me? There was nothing to gain even if you provoked me.'

"Please give me a favor to let me know when you come up with a new idea."

"Yes, I will, father."

'If Mielle is being presumptuous again...'

Because the tactless count was talking about the warehouse business for some time, Mielle only repeated, 'Yes, yes,' like a parrot, and Aria was able to have a good meal after a long time.


11. The Future Different From The Past

"Annie, I have to go out and get ready."

"Going out?"

Annie's face glowed at the news of her going out in a long time. Aria was planning to leave for the casino, so she decorated her clothes and hairstyle with splendor. She went downtown in a carriage with an identification card with a fake age and nationality. She also had a fancy mask that could be used in a ballroom.

Her destination was Flower Mountain. It was also the place where she had met Asher while enjoying her leisure time on the terrace. Annie confirmed it several times as if she was not convinced that she was just going to the cafe with all her colorful outfit.

"Are you going to the cafe after you decorate it like this?"

"You have already asked the same question five times, Annie."

"But it's such a waste! It's been a long time since you decorated it like this... Of course, Flower Mountain is a great place, but I'm sorry I don't have a chance to show such a pretty girl to others."


Aria smiled and soothed her. "If you wait quietly, something interesting will happen, so stay calm."

Only then did Annie close her mouth when Aria gave a hint that the Flower Mountain was the end and that there was something behind it. Maybe Annie was imagining something interesting with her small head.

Aria, who changed into a new carriage at the cafe, headed for her final destination, the casino. When Annie heard Aria asked to go to the casino, she opened her eyes wide and asked,

"... Are you going to the casino?"


"Oh, why? You're too young to even enter...?"

"You will find out when we arrive, so be careful not to make the mistake of calling my name in the casino."

"May I call you, miss?"

"Yes, you can."

Annie didn't know the details, but she had her eyes glazed at the thought that going to the casino with a hidden identity must be fun. Whenever she was around Mielle, she was a bit envious of her. There were always interesting things that were happening beside Aria, who was of humble origin and was not like an aristocratic lady. Annie felt great satisfaction beside Aria.

The carriage stopped in front of the casino. It was noisy outside when it arrived. Aria handed Annie one of the masks she had prepared. Annie, who was quick to understand, did not ask any other questions and wore the mask.

After wearing the mask and getting off the wagon, an employee of the casino, who was waiting at the entrance, took Aria's hand and escorted her. It was not as much as the family of Count Roscent's carriage, but it was due to the loan of a luxury carriage equivalent to it.

Behind her, Annie was seen receiving an escort from another employee. The glistening eyes behind the mask seemed to be quite satisfactory to the situation now. The casino staff asked.

"Where do you want me to take you?"

"Take me to the main hall. And I need the chips for a hundred gold."

"Do you want me to prepare a drink, too?"

"Two glasses of Pinonua red wine."

"All right."

Aria's manner of answering the staff was quite natural. Of course, it was because she had visited the casino several times in the past. The staff didn't check her ID card because of her height, the way she spoke, and attitude, which he couldn't believe was from a girl, and led her to the main hall. It was noisy at the entrance since it was the main hall, not a private room, where hundreds or thousands of people gathered.

'It's still in the middle of the day.'

Day and night didn't matter to those who were addicted to gambling. Laughter mingled with occasional shouts and again covered them with laughter. There was also a clang, something breaking.

Aria sipped the wine and watched on the terrace on the second floor, which overlooked the first floor. Aria wondered which game would be the best. Then Annie asked Aria with her fully excited face.

"Miss! Well… can I have another glass of this wine?"

Aria raised her hand lightly beside her ear. Then the waiting employee came straight up and fell on one knee.

"Do you need anything?"

"A bottle of wine."

The wine, which arrived a short while later, was brought by a young male employee, and he stuck to Annie's side all the time to pour the wine and change the cup. It was a follow-up service if someone ordered the whole bottle, but Annie was distracted by the first service she had never received. Aria clicked her tongue and warned Annie to not inhale the wine without restraint.

"If you're drunk, I'll leave you behind so keep that in mind."

Annie nodded with a hot face as if she had already been a little drunk. Aria turned her eyes back to the main hall.

'Simple card games have so many variables that it's possible to lose even if I use the hourglass. The horse race is perfect, but it's not the right time yet.'

Since the Crown Prince's horse that was imported were winning streaks, they were all betting on the horse and the dividend was not big. The game of selecting the numbers on the round roulette and turning the beads was not good according to her experience. It was possible to manipulate the roulette by the staff, who run the game.

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