Bound To Him Chapter 2


Ava saw her mother in the living room arranging the white roses. Her mother never lifted a finger when she was at home.

There were maids for everything and even if she wanted to do any work, her father would not let her do it. He wanted to pamper his wife and that's how it will be.


Her mother was very interested in gardening, but nobody will let her do anything.

All she can do is to tell them what plants she wants and where they can plant it.

At least when the kids were little she had them to take care of even if she was not allowed to do anything.

Now that both her daughters were grown, they were busy with their lives, she did not know what to do with her time.

She had always been a great beauty and she looks like she hasn't aged a bit.

She looked just the same as she did when she was in her thirties. She took care of herself really well.

Their parents met at a matchmaking session arranged by her grandparents.

His father had just taken over the business and thought that marriage would be a hindrance to achieve his goals.

Her mother on the other hand was just starting her career and she wanted to become an international model.

Even though both parties were reluctant to go, they agreed because of the pressure from their parents.

Her father was smitten as soon as he saw her, but her mother was busy in her career and she rejected her father.

He never gave up, he persuaded her mother for a long time. Seeing his sincerity she fell in love.

After getting married, her father wanted her to become a full-time wife, but she did not want to quit her career.


She only left modeling when she got pregnant with Sara. Even to this day, her Father pampered her mother a lot.

Her mother listened to her father most of the time, but she was headstrong about some things and no one can change her decision.

"Ava," her mother happily called, she was very happy to see her. Her mother hugged Ava and started complaining.

Of the 2 daughters, Ava was the most pampered, she was very shy and naive. Sara on the other hand was very naughty and she always got into fights.

Nobody could bully Sara, she never backed down and cried, she gave them back what they deserved.

But Ava on the other hand used her tears to deal with everything, thus her father became overprotective and just gave her everything she wanted.

"I have two daughters, but I never see them and it makes me lonely," her mother said.

They got worried when Ava decided to move out of the house and decided to stay in the college dorms.

They were afraid that she would never be able to handle the real world.

"Why isn't Sara home?" Ava asked. Ava thought Sara would surely come back to attend the wedding.

"You know your sister, she's always busy traveling to different countries. Today when I called her, she told me she was in Spain for a Perfume photo shoot, she will come back after two days," her mother said.

"Sara hasn't been home for the last two months. I do not want her to work so hard, but whenever I call her, she tells me that she is busy with her shoots. I just hope she is taking enough vacations and is relaxing in between shoots. What am I to do?" her mother said in a dejected tone.


"Don't worry mom, I will talk to her ", Ava consoled her mother.

Sara is five years older than Ava, and being the older sister she was headstrong.

Her father wanted her to join the family business, but she wanted to become a model and follow in her mother's footsteps.

Sara has a gorgeous face and a very sexy body that international advertisers are always looking for.

She had always been the life of the party, but she was also stubborn and domineering.

She never wanted to be a model, but in college, she won a beauty pageant and that started her career.

There were headhunters in the beauty pageant that saw her that day and asked her to advertise with them.

She was in a dilemma, but later she agreed. Her father totally opposed it, saying she could be more than a model.

Her mother supported her and helped her convince her father. She became famous in the entertainment industry easily because of her looks and her mother being a former model.

Her first assignment was for a lipstick endorsement and it was a sensation. She became an overnight success and there was no turning back, she was now one of the highest-paid models.

She is always the first choice as the ambassador for the most reputed companies.

Nowadays, most of the time she was always in different countries. Sara has been just like her mother when she was still modeling.

"Go freshen up, there is a dress in your room, it was designed for today's occasion," her mother said.

"There's no need for a new dress, mother. We have new dresses delivered in my size every time they release the newest collection for the season," Ava said.

Her mother always loved fashion and had to have the best of everything and her daughters were subjected to the same treatment.

"Today is the wedding of the Andersons' oldest daughter. The guest list included high ranking officials from around the world. It is an aristocratic family wedding so this wedding will be the talk of the town. The new seasons' dresses may have been replicated so I got it customized for you so you would stand out," her mother said.

Most people in the higher classes did not want to wear a replica of other dresses, they wanted their clothes to be one of a kind so they got it customized by the famous designers.

The Wesley's were rich, but not as rich as the four aristocratic families who own the majority of businesses in the city.

These families were generations upon generations who took care of the family business, dating back a hundred years. They had business in almost every field.

"Okay mom," Ava said, going to her room.

As soon as she entered her room, she saw her most favorite thing lying in the middle of her bed. Candy, she was the softest doll she's ever owned.

She cherished it because It was given to her by someone close to her heart.

She sat on the bed and hugged Candy, which made her remember him. She longed to see him, but she knows she shouldn't.

She opened the package on her dressing table and saw this gorgeous yellow off-shoulder gown with green and white stones embroidered on it. Ava liked the dress.

To accentuate the dress she put on simple emerald drop earrings, light makeup and just left her blow-dried hair hanging behind her back.

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