Nano Machine (Retranslated Version) Chapter 280


Chapter 280: 280

The Godly Doctor was known to the people of Yulin as a dignified-looking old man who looked like an aristocrat . But her true self was entirely different from her rumors . An old man with a small body, but with heavy and thick muscle . That was the Godly Doctor, Gam Rosu .

“Hmph . Why did you want to see me? I’m busy . ”

Gam Rosu spoke to Hing Wunja, who called her to his room at the mansion . She seemed uncomfortable that she was called, and Hing Wunja smiled softly .

“To God almighty… This humble monk had a message to tell you . Granny Gam . ”

The man only spoke like this when he had some uncomfortable request . Gam Rosu became concerned and asked back, “A message? What is it?”

“I think we have to pack up and leave this place by early morning . ”

“Leave? From this Sword Creek?”

“Yes . That is correct . ”

Gam Rosu turned furious at request to pack up to leave . This place was home to her and her ancestors . She had been living here for all her life, so it didn’t sound all that well to hear that she had to leave .

“This is different from what you promised . I was promised to stay in exchange for fulfilling your request . And you promised that if I complete the project that you will…”

“Leave from your home, yes . But the situation has changed . ”

“Changed to what? Are you talking about those ones outside? There were always those lurking around . It’s not anything new . ”

There were many who came to Sword Creek in search of the Godly Doctor . But the only times when Godly Doctor and her ancestors left the mansion was through the orange tag bearers who acquired the tag from long time acquaintances .


“I am sure you are aware that this is different from the past . ”

Hing Wunja’s voice began to drop low . It seemed he had given up on persuading .

“They are different . They are more dangerous than any of the other enemies you have seen . If you get kidnapped before you finish your project, our operation will fail . ”

Hing Wunja walked up in front of the doctor and spoke .

“You promised that you will help us for the peace of Yulin after you lost the one you hold dear . Please let us protect you from evil . ”


Hing Wunja insisted heavily and Gam Rosu’s eyes shook with anger . She was sad that her current state and regretted how it came down to this . She started on work with good cause but the direction didn’t seem to be going as she first thought . Gam Rosu’s silence was taken as agreement and Hing Wunja smiled again .

“You should finish packing up by 3 AM . ”

He then let the doctor return to her office so she could pack up . When Gam Rosu returned, a man with dark clothing came in .

“Report . ”

“It is as you said, Elder . There are suspicious movements detected around the forest outside the creek . Numbers are increasing, so they’ll be coming in by the morning . ”

It was what the scout had found outside the creek .

“We must make haste . ”

“Are you using them as bait?”

The man was talking about Chun Yeowun’s group . Their plan was to have them stay behind the mansion and act as a barrier while they got out of the creek and returned safely . Hing Wunja smiled .

“Yes . They will work well for their purpose . We will leave as soon as the doctor is finished packing up . ”

“Yes, Elder . ”


While Hing Wunja was talking with the scout, Gam Rosu returned to her office . Her office was used as her lab, so it had many medicinal tools and books that helped her with the study . There was a lot of weird stuff inside, where one wall had a skeleton that was preserved through medication set upon the wall . It was a creepy sight if one entered without any knowledge . But the skeleton had its waist area cut off as if it was cut into half when it was killed .


She threw one of the dishes she used to hold herbs to ease her rage . It was devastating that she had to abandon the home that her family had lived in for generations . But she had no choice as the enemy would surely come to attack her if she didn’t leave .

‘My path is surrounded by enemies . ’

But was there a difference with enemies outside to those of Hing Wunja’s group . Gam Rosu shook her head and glanced at two warriors watching over her by the door . If she refused, they were likely to force her to follow them anyway .

‘I have no choice . ’

She had no option, so she had to take as much as she could . She then walked over the bookshelves on the left side of the room and took out a book that read ‘herb list . ’

When she opened, there was a small book inside the book . But this book seemed to be created with different material . When she opened the small book, there was the writing of simplified characters that was hard to read . It was hard to explain, but there were also drawings of humans inside out with details . This was like a treasure to any doctor .

‘I will need this to complete the project . ’

This book was a treasure she had got from her ancestors . After putting the book into her inner pocket, she packed tools and other stuff she needed . That’s when some noise came from outside .

“I told you, the doctor is busy right now . ”

“Hey, we have a patient here! And we have a doctor here right? Isn’t it the doctor’s job is to tend to patients? Come on!”

“Ugh . ”

Someone was trying to enter the office while warriors at the door were blocking them . The commotion kept on going so Gam Rosu became curious and opened the door to check what was going on .

‘Huh? These people . . ’

It was Hu Bong and Hou Sangwha . Hu Bong was helping Hou Sangwha stand, who was bigger than him . She insisted her breast was aching .

“What is it?”

“It’s nothing, Granny Gam . You should finish what you were doing . ”

Hu Bong frowned at the warrior’s words and shouted angrily .

“Wow! It’s ‘NOTHING?’ Are you suggesting to the doctor that she ignore her patient?”

“Be quiet!”

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