Nano Machine (Retranslated Version) Chapter 20


Chapter 20

“Let’s begin! Keep your distance! If there are any more accidents, I’ll expel you from the academy!”


The training began . Impeng, however, was only focused on one person . The other students had two weeks of training together, but Chun Yeowun did not have any . It was apparent he would make mistakes . And the problem regarding today’s practice was that they were using real swords . There was an accident in the last sword practice, so Impeng was nervous .

‘Dammit! Why am I stuck with him?!’

No one wanted to take Chun Yeowun since he was taken to the medical room, and Impeng offered to take the lottery . Unfortunately, he ended up taking the boy into his group .

‘Please don’t make any mistakes . You don’t have much to do anyway . ’

At least Yeowun’s spot required the least amount of work . Impeng then flashed the red flag that called for the first formation change .

Students quickly took the proper steps to move into place . The ones who needed to move the most were in the front row while the group leader in the middle needed to lead the others nicely .

“Good!” Impeng shouted . Everyone did it perfectly without any mistakes . Mukeum was arrogant and violent, but he managed his group well and made them follow his orders . And as for Chun Yeowun…


He was doing quite well . Unlike the other students who had a hard time following the formation in the beginning, Chun Yeowun was following along quite nicely .

‘Is he following what the others are doing?’

Impeng was curious, but he just figured Yeowun was copying the others well . The problem with this formation was that the students had to maintain the formation without moving .

“Keep the formation!”

Students had to hold up their swords and shields and stand still for quite some time . This required muscle strength . Everyone was holding on, but the weaker students’ arms began to shake .


If the shield shook and clashed with another shield, there would a sound . It wasn’t that loud when it was between wooden shields, but the clang between the iron shields was very clear .

“Get it together! Don’t even think about beating other groups with such endurance!”

Impeng shouted and the students gritted their teeth . Impeng was angry that there were still students who still couldn’t keep up even after two weeks . Chun Yeowun, who was known to have zero internal energy, probably wouldn’t be able to hold up . Impeng turned to him .

‘…What? Why is he still okay?’

Chun Yeowun was looking ahead without any sign of exhaustion . His sword and shield did not move an inch .

‘Did he really just return from the medical room?’

Impeng had seen that himself, so that was obvious . It was astonishing to see Yeowun keeping up with the group so well . Impeng’s view of Yeowun began to change . And when half of the students began to quiver, Impeng flashed the yellow flag .

The students then moved around to change formations . The second formation was a semi-circle around the target so that the enemy to have nowhere to flee .

“Yes! Slowly!”

The students took a step forward to pressure the enemy . No one made any mistakes and they closed in without failure .

“Good! Very Good!” Impeng shouted and Mukeum became surprised . This wasn’t what he expected .

‘How come he isn’t making any mistakes at all?’

Yeowun should have made some mistakes already, yet Impeng didn’t seem to raise any questions . Instead, he was applauding the group for the good formation, which meant that no one had made any mistakes . Yeowun was in the back so Mukeum couldn’t see him in the first formation, but now he could see him .


Yeowun looked fine . This formation was harder to maintain since they had to keep swinging the sword from top to bottom, but Yeowun didn’t even look tired .


‘Did he really not learn any martial arts?’

Jahyun stood close to Yeowun but even his right arm was shaking . It was hard to believe, especially when Jahyun was from one of the high-ranking clans .

‘Damn peasant . I won’t let you take all the glory . ’

He then thought he should make Yeowun take the shame . Mukeum sent a telepathic message to Jahyun .

[If you hear me, nod . ]

Jahyun became surprised, but he kept his cool and nodded slightly . Sending messages required at least thirty years of internal energy or more .

[At the third formation, move on my command . ]

Mukeum sent the words to Jahyun who smiled and nodded in response . After a while, Impeng flashed the blue flag for the third formation .

This was the hardest one as the shields had to be stacked together and the swords were thrust in between them to create a sturdy defensive line .

‘This is easy . ’

Yeowun had learned all kinds of formations through Nano’s simulations, so following it was easy . The other students were careful about pushing the sword through to not stab the person in front .

“Be careful, but also be quick! Do it!”

The formation change became slower and Impeng shouted angrily . But soon, the formation was complete . Chun Yeowun was in the middle of the shields, but the student who had to put the sword through from behind was Jahyun . All that was left for them to do now was to hold their positions .

‘I see your butt . ’

Jahyun smiled and raised his leg . He then focused internal energy to kick Yeowun to make him fall .

‘Peasants are suited for crawling on the ground!’

He couldn’t make a sound, so he placed his foot on Yeowun’s butt . Yeowun then looked back at the feeling of the shoes on his butt and he moved his eyes up to see Jahyun .

‘What? How dare you!’

Jahyun didn’t like Yeowun glaring at him coldly, so it made him angrily send more powerful internal energy to kick him . Suddenly—


Yeowun’s butt was covered with a barrier, throwing Jahyun toward the back . Jahyun rolled on the ground and slumped down . He couldn’t understand what just happened .

‘It was internal energy from his butt…!’

It was much stronger than his energy . As he was on the ground, someone came up to him and frowned angrily .

“You again?”

It was Impeng . He knew him since Jahyun was the one who stabbed the 23rd cadet . He was shocked and tried to get up .

However, pain shot up from his foot and he couldn’t stand . It was the aftermath of being thrown off from the internal energy reaction . Jahyun could barely stand and he saw Chun Yeowun smirking behind Impeng .

He bit his lips in rage, but Impeng got even angrier and reached for his black club on his waist .

“Biting your lip? Oh, so are you angry at your instructor now? Huh?!”

“N-no! It’s not that, I was just… his butt…”

“Butt? You must be going mad!”


Impeng quickly took out his club and plunged it into Jahyun’s stomach . Jahyun grabbed his stomach and fell to the ground . Impeng whispered to him, “You will lose free time for three days . Until you sleep, you will have special training with myself, personally . ”

“N-no… Instructor . . ”

Jahyun tried to explain and Impeng gestured on swinging his club again . Jahyun quickly answered, “Mado!”

Students of the 8th group grinned . Jahyun was Mukeum’s crony and they were glad that he was being punished . After all, he had done some bad things to the group .

Then they heard someone grinding his teeth . Chun Mukeum was furious about his failed plan .

‘Chun… Yeo… wun… . !’

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