Nano Machine (Retranslated Version) Chapter 3


Chapter 3

The boy’s name was Chun Yeowun .

He was the member of the Chun family, the highest-ranked family in the Demonic Cult . The Chun family was related to the great Lord himself, and everyone considered them to be extremely powerful . However, contrary to people’s speculations, they were just a part of the six main families that maintained the Demonic Cult .

Chun Yeon was the son of a female slave who worked at the Lord’s chamber and was not from the six families . Although he was the child of a slave, he was still part of the Chun family and he had the right to the throne . Nonetheless, he was not even close to having a chance at taking the throne .

Then what made him fall encounter danger? The reason was with his mother, Lady Hwa . The Lord who did not like any of the six women from the six families fell in love with a mere slave . This made the other wives angry and spiteful . Moreover, their fury didn’t just end there .

Chun Yeowun encountered multiple life threats throughout the fifteen years of his life . He had no chance of succeeding the throne, but he was still wanted for his life due to the anger of the other wives . Since seven days ago, the assassination attempts increased greatly . It was because it was now time for him to join the Demonic Academy and that would test his right to succeed and earn the title to be the Lord’s heir .

If he joined the academy, he would learn martial arts and grow in power to have his own force . And the academy prohibited most outside entries, which would ensure his safety .

That’s why the assassination attempts happened so often .

“D-did you save my life, God?”

Chun Yeowun asked the voice in his head while he laid flat on the ground . The Nano Machine answered .


[If it is about the enemy who tried to kill you, no . But if you are talking about Master’s wound after going into self-healing mode, yes . ]

“W-what is a self-healing?”

Yeowun couldn’t understand most of the words that the Nano Machine used . Nano Machine realized that they couldn’t communicate like this .

[Sending basic information to Master’s brain…]


Nano Machine understood that it needed to find the right words for its master to understand .

[Searching for the right words for the era and culture . ]

Nano Machine began searching through words and terms so that Chun Yeowun could understand . After a while, Nano Machine finished selecting the words to communicate .

[Master, I am not the Evil God that you speak of . ]

Chun Yeowun became surprised at the sudden change of tone, although it still sounded mechanical .

“What? Then who are you?”

[I am trying to send you the basic information and manual about me to your brain . Will you accept?]

Nano Machine thought it would be easy to send the information instead of talking about it and Chun Yeowun nodded without knowing what it was actually . Then, a video flashed in his brain at once .

His eyes shook rapidly as he looked through multiple video images and soon he felt dizzy . He bent over and kneeled down to the ground to vomit .


[It is a natural reaction after receiving information through your brain . You will not feel dizzy the second time around . ]

Chun Yeowun recovered from the dizziness and got up .

“What is going on?”

It was hard to believe . He had not seen or been taught anything, but he now knew about the machine created with highly-advanced technology installed in his brain .

“Nano Machine?”

[Yes, Master . ]

“Is it true that thousands of machines are now embedded in my body?”


[That is correct . 6 billion, 482 million, and 40 thousand nanomachines have now been placed into your body . ]

Chun Yeowun didn’t feel good about having something weird in his body, but he now realized what he was dealing with was not a human nor a god, but a machine .

He felt relaxed by the fact and asked, “If I want, can you get out of my body?”

[As you saw through the information that was sent, I am programmed to only be extracted outside the body in case you die . ]

Therefore, the machine was bound stay until Yeowun died . He couldn’t understand why this had happened .

“Who put you into my…”

That’s when someone knocked on the door to his room .

“Prince . Doctor Baek is here . ”

It was Jang’s voice . Yeowun wasn’t sure about how he should explain the fact that he was talking with a machine, so he stuttered, “S-stay quiet for a while . ”

[I can read your thoughts to communicate, Master . ]

“I get it . Just be quiet . ”

[Going into silent mode . ]

Yeowun got back on the bed and laid down with the blanket over his body . The door opened and a middle-aged man, Jang, and an old man with long white hair came in .

“The Prince seems to be asleep so we will… huh? Prince!”

Jang found Yeowun looking at him from the bed and quickly ran up to him .

“Are you okay Pr- ugh!”

He then placed his hand over his nose because of the terrible stench coming from the Prince .

“What’s going on?”

Yeowun forgot what happened to his body because he had been talking to the Nano Machine . The black ooze that came out of his body was too terrible to smell .


Doctor Baek then walked up with an interested look on his face . He was the designated doctor for the Lord of the Demonic Cult, and was nicknamed Demon Doctor in the cult .

“Prince Chun, we know each other, don’t we?”

“Of course, Doctor . ”

There wasn’t anyone in the cult that didn’t know about the doctor . Also, Yeowun had met him when his mother was sick .

“Give me your hand . Let me feel your pulse . ”


His hand was sticky from the ooze so it was embarrassing to show it to him . The doctor said it was okay he reached out so that Yeowun could give him his hand . The doctor checked his pulse for a while and opened his eyes in astonishment .

“This is very interesting . ”

“What is it? Doctor Baek, did something happen to the Prince?”

Jang asked with a frown, but the doctor shook his head and smiled, “No . This is very good actually . ”

“What are you talking about?”

“The entire body has been cleansed of any dirty substances and his energy flow has been activated . Did he consume a special kind of medicine or something?”

Yeowun was confused .

“You now have the perfect body to train in martial arts . ”


Yeowun then understood what the doctor said and became shocked . The black ooze that came out from his body was actually the dirty substances stuck inside his body . What was better was that his energy was now flowing, so he could now learn how to use his internal energy .

‘Hey, Nano Machine . Did you do this?’


[Deactivating silence mode?]

‘…Yeah . ’

[Deactivated . Yes, Master . The nanomachines have extracted the unnecessary substances from your body and have reshaped the blood, muscles, and joints to best fit your body shape . ]

‘…Wow . ’

Yeowun assumed that it was probably because of the Nano Machine, but it was even more shocking to hear it from the Nano Machine itself .

‘Are you really not a Ma Sin (Evil God)?’

[I am a machine, not Ma Sin, Master . ]

The Nano Machine answered with its mechanical voice .

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