Night Crow Master Chapter 642


Chapter 642: 642

Snow realm priest .

Looking at each other’s fur coat, which is covered with complicated ornaments and wrapped tightly, art compresses the power of the phantom itself .

Soon, Yat got the answer .

When the head of the hunting regiment went out to meet the envoy of the winter king, he was constantly looked at by the snow realm priest and took out something to test –

although others didn’t see it, Yat could feel it .

The winter King priest is using forces that are not her own to sense a group of hunter gatherers .

The source of that kind of power is . . .

with a sense of regular state, but not a regular state, but a belief state .

In terms of strength, it is about six levels of diversity . . .

the power used by the priest of snow realm is not her own .

Yat can clearly feel that the strength of the snow realm priest is four levels . Judging from the specific amount of the game country, it is about 43 or 44, which is much weaker than the phantom strength .

However, the priest in the snow realm is not on the road of transformation . The power of material state, soul state and belief state coexist .

It’s rough and ordinary .

However, it is important that the belief power she possesses is implanted from outside .

Art was able to see clearly the connections between the various forces in her body .

And the power she uses is not her own, but is endowed, implanted or guided by others, with the nature of other people’s power .

And this is also a feature of faith power .

The material state, the soul state, the belief state, the rule state and the “concept state” which art is also pursuing concern have different characteristics .

The power of material state should be described in specific terms, which are “bearing”, “tolerance” and “stability” .


The characteristics of the power of the soul state should be called “change” or “instability” .

The soul state power is amorphous, the body is extremely easy to change, and it is extremely easy to change the power .

Or “easily changed . ” .

A soul state creature without attributes can easily be changed to elemental paths such as flame .

Like a piece of drawing paper, you can daub all kinds of colors at will, and it’s like plasticine, which can be deformed at will .

The belief state should be said to be “difficult to eliminate” .

The power of belief state is similar to but different from that of soul state . Belief state also has similar “easy to change” situation, but only at the beginning, once the power of belief state chooses a specific path, it will basically go to the black .

“Extreme”? “Stubborn”? “Tendentiousness”?

Once a certain path has been chosen, it is extremely difficult for the belief living beings to change .

Moreover, there is also a nature of “infectivity” .

Faith power will erode other forces, assimilate other forces and dye them into their own colors .

If the soul state is painting paper, then the belief state is pigment and paint .

The regular state is the most similar to the material state .

But it’s just the same .

To be exact, regular state has some characteristics of material state, soul state and belief state .

Stability, change, pollution or assimilation .

The regular state is extremely stable and difficult to change .

The characteristics similar to soul state are not so much “change” as “plasticity” . They are not easily infected by external forces, but can coexist with other forces and maintain their own nature while adapting to other regular forces .

Firm and malleable .

Its nature is difficult to change, but it can be shaped under certain conditions .

It is easy for Yat to see that the faith power of this woman, the “snow land priest”, is born from the belief power of others or simply derived from the belief power of others .


As for who? It’s also very obvious – the snowy Protoss that Eckert of the Northern Kingdom follows, the wintering Protoss .

And what is she looking for?

“The son of eternal night . ” .

But the question is, which night is?

There are three theories about the son of eternal night .

One is to enter the world when the introduction of the discourse guided, “players are the children of eternal night . ” .

One is that there is a “son of eternal night” in this world .

The last one is both .

This is a crucial thing .

The snow priest came here to search his hunting regiment and said that he did not come for the son of eternal night . Yat would not believe it .

But . . . Why?

If it is the first guess, then there are snow priests searching here, which means that the “Protoss” are intelligence sources for the arrival of players . Well, what Yat appeared here is also a “exposed” situation . The difference is only “detailed or not” . How much personal information of his “phantom” is exposed, and whether those “Protoss” know enough details .

Is there a player caught by the Protoss and got intelligence?

For the second guess, Yat also has some expectations .

“Strange river”, the strange river that makes everything sleep soundly, the power of soul and dark road may come from some “son of eternal night” .

The protoss intelligence is about the eternal Son of the world itself . He’s just “by chance . ” .

But “coincidence” is something that Yat does not place his hopes on .

There is also a possibility, which is neither good nor bad for att –

a player may control part of the Protoss .

It’s not impossible .

He controls the phantom, controls “Conwell” and puts out a curious and reverent gaze . He shows a little bit of self-confidence but doesn’t want to shrink back . He silently watches that power sweep away from him .

With a cold feeling, a sense of stillness . . .

is ice and death?

When he made a judgment on this belief state power in silence, Yat did not act rashly and observed every move of the priest in snow realm .

The other side in the hunting regiment were all tested, and the winter King’s emissary said a few words .

Then, at heard the winter King’s emissary talking to the head of the hunting regiment again –

“a good group of soldiers, more meat and bones, plus fighting, can make you stronger . ”

“Tell me more about what happened to you this time . Who did the best?”

The winter King’s emissary, who seemed to be careless and bold, began to beat around the bush .

In addition to Yat’s knowledge, the people in the hunting regiment did not know each other’s purpose . The leader of the hunting regiment also began to describe the experience and the performance of each hunter to the winter King emissary with a smile after scanning the crowd .

The emissary of the winter king also asked questions about some details several times, and then praised the hunter who was boasted in the description of the leader of the hunting regiment, but that did not stop asking for details, so that Yat understood that the other party had not achieved his goal .

Until we talked about the strange river .

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