Night Crow Master Chapter 641


Chapter 641: 641

The fallen hunting party was quickly brought back to the gathering place .

The small city of droria, ruled by gray eyed Georges, has a large population, but certainly not much .

This hunting group was also well-known in this small town . Although it was not the most powerful hunting group, it was also of medium level .

What happened to the hunting regiment soon spread to all the big and small forces, and to the gray eyed George .

A group of people have been given special power, and after careful investigation, it sounds like they have some similar abilities with the city Lord and the gray eyed George .

All the forces sent a little interest in hunting, and even sent a little bit of interest to this group .

. . .

“Conwell! Cheer up! We have a chance to join the battle group of chief George, even the warriors

The tall man with blue and white hair braids patted Yat on the shoulder with the same attitude as before:

“although you are just a rookie, you can’t give up directly!”

In this world which is very close to the primitive society, there is the difference between the warrior group and the hunting group .

The main duty of the warrior regiment is fighting, and the hunting regiment is food gathering .

The hunters of the hunting regiment, like other people, and the people of the whole tribal Town, are the children of the leader and are ruled . In general, they are not soldiers, but are responsible for the food source of the town .

Among the hunting groups, there are “battle groups” .

There is a difference between a war group and a hunting group, that is, the war group is specially responsible for the food collection of the leader forces, and occasionally cooperates with the warrior group, similar to the part-time jobs of soldiers and hunters .


The battle group, which is a soldier organization directly following the orders of the leader, the grey eyed Georg, is a target for many people in the hunting regiment .

Although the world is quite “primitive”, or at least the “northern kingdom” ekte is relatively primitive, the currency is still relatively primitive, with the bones or ores of powerful demons as the currency, and specious, or two kinds of both forms of currency exchange constitute the preliminary trading system .

In a world where material desire is not too much, power – the way to become stronger, weapons and armor, more food, wine and status are basically their limited pursuit .

Art is naturally not interested in these things, but as “Conwell”, he needs to climb up and get access to higher-level opportunities .

“Yes, yes! Mano! We can join the regiment! My spear will bring back the icefish from the river

Art responded, acting as a young man who had just gained strength and had not lost his excitement .

Mano, the tall hunter with blue and white braids, puffed his palm hard, but also paid attention to his strength . He did not touch Conwell’s skin .

He was one of the beneficiaries of the mudslike’s death . He gained the ability to corrode the flesh and blood of the ooze and the ability to partially deform . He also gained the ability of psychic perception, but it was weaker than the former two .

He can quickly digest the flesh and minerals he eats, and can strengthen himself with these flesh and blood minerals .

This is the ability that the ooze doesn’t have, and the ability to partially deform, mano can soften parts of his body without pain .

And the ability of mind perception is like a kind of passivity in him, which becomes that he can be very sensitive to the attack trend of the other party .


Although it is still a preliminary grasp, it can be seen that it is very suitable for close combat, and it can almost be said that this hunting regiment has benefited the most .

One of the others, like mano, is called “Gertrude . ” .

He can quickly digest the flesh and blood he ate, but he is weak in digestion of minerals and metals . However, he can also make his whole body soft –

similar to but different from the bogeyman, his softness will make his whole body become a blood gel like posture .

There is also a “Kanu” that can make his body soft and corrode things . The corroded target will be interfered by the mind and disintegrate the mentality of confrontation and resistance, which makes it difficult or even impossible for the other party to produce resistance spirit when resisting, which is similar to “poison” .

The abilities acquired by these people have acquired different degrees of abilities under the adaptation of their “human” blood . These abilities have been “assimilated” in different degrees, which makes their abilities look different .

But in Yate’s eyes, these abilities are not too different, it is just the difference between taking their own blood as the core or the ability of puppet mud monster as the core .

In fact, there is only a difference between “assimilation” and “change”, and it is only preliminary .

And art, under his control, acquired the ability to “be able to make the body soft and imitate the image of others” and “be able to perceive and interfere in other people’s minds” .

Although the “imitation” is not very similar, you can see that many flaws can be avoided or resisted, such as the need for perception must be direct skin contact, but this is what Yate needs . Too perfect, too strong, will make people envious, fear .

If there are obvious shortcomings, then the other party will “have a clear method of prevention” and weaken the fear of psychological .

Moreover, Yat specially set aside the “weakness” of “insufficient combat effectiveness” .

He looks like a bad version of Kanu .

Although he has the ability of flesh and blood deformation, it can not be used in combat . For this group of hunters who fight supreme, it is “pitiful” .

For the “pity” eyes of those who have acquired various abilities, Yat also shows some “unwilling” and “strong” .

As for his attitude, a group of people, including mano, just gave him a comforting look, and then a group of people began to look forward to the envoys of the Coming War Regiment and even the warriors .

And soon, in the waiting for Yat to join in, finally, gray eyed Georg, the emissary of the retired Knight City Lord of the winter King order, arrived .

However, to some surprise, more than one came .

And Yat, hiding in the hunter, is instantly aware of a situation .

Maybe, there’s an unfortunate player who has been found out .

. . .

priest .

In front of a group of hunters, in addition to a tall man with a lot of scars, there was also a middle-aged woman dressed differently .

Priests .

A power closely related to winter king but not completely controlled by him .

Among them, the high priest was even second only to the king of winter .

Snow realm priest .

Looking at each other’s fur coat, which is covered with complicated ornaments and wrapped tightly, art compresses the power of the phantom itself .

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