Night Crow Master Chapter 639


Chapter 639: 639

In his preconceived consciousness, Yat thought that the trend of the fate of the world could not be borrowed . Therefore, he did not specially observe the fate of these hunters before .

But now . . .

Art pondered for a moment and immediately recalled a situation he had encountered before .

Or, to be exact, that river, that strange river .

Deep sleep .

The mixed power of the mind and the road of night .

Son of eternal night .

In the prophecy, in the poem of destruction, the pillar of the world, the tree of dawn, will be “destroyed” by the arrival of the son of eternal night, and the gods and the world will usher in eternal sleep .

As for the night, all the possible existence of the son of eternal night, once discovered, should be watched by the power of the gods .

This is art’s conjecture .

But, more importantly, the luck of these hunters is locked in .

Under the control of fate rule props such as fate slate, these locked and constrained fate doom should only be unlocked or not unlocked at a certain time, and choose to quantitatively transmit bad luck or luck to other targets .

In this case, as long as we observe which individual’s luck and misfortune are inconsistent with the records, we can trace back to the source and find out which link has problems in orientation .

In just a few thoughts, a series of ways to monitor and use the bad luck of Qi appeared in art’s mind .

But at the same time, he couldn’t help thinking .

Can I seek some benefits in this process?

The noumenon hidden in the player’s badge has completely purified the road and only takes the road of doom .

To enhance the strength of his noumenon, the best way is to absorb more bad luck .

Of course, this is not certain .

He himself had planned things about other roads .

Taking the road of doom as the main trunk, and then taking the blood, faith Road, spiritual road and night road as branches .

But it still can’t get around a problem .

In his plan, among the knowledge of the regular way he has learned, it is the best to change one’s posture and promote the regular state with pure strength when he is promoted to seven levels .


In the knowledge he learned from the core of the system, the key point to step into a higher level of the rule state is purity .

That is, after he gradually controls the core of the system, the hidden knowledge in the system core tells him that to be cautious of the concept state, the rule state must be a pure rule .

When upgrading to level 7, you can choose the method of transmutation . Although the rule state of multiple road architecture will consume a lot, and it is difficult to make the structure stable, it can make the promoters gain more powerful power after being promoted to level 7 .

The pure rule has less consumption, and because of the single rule, there are few means that can be used . The combat effectiveness is weaker than that of the transmutation of multiple rules, and the single rule is not stable enough .

However, this is necessary to promote the concept state .

The transmutation with multi rule promotion is powerful at multiple levels 7 and 8, but will be determined to be in the regular state and cannot continue to change upward .

The transmutation with single rule promotion is weak at multiple levels 7 and 8, but can continue to transform and become “concept state” . Although the transmutation of concept state is a single rule, it has extremely terrifying suppression power against enemies of the same road, and even can directly make the other party unable to use the force of the road Quantity .

These things are the knowledge he gets from the core of the system after he controls the core of the system .

What’s more, the most important thing is that in the description of the system, he, art, is the conceptual transmutation of the path of doom .

But . . . Is not perfect .

His transformation did not seem complete .

He could feel it vaguely .

He can control the rule-based doomsday power of the ownerless state, but he has the ability to control the master’s bad luck power, but it is not as strong as the description of the conceptual state transmutation in the core of the system .


This is also the reason why Yat chose to divide the forces so decisively that all the forces beyond the path of doom were separated .

Therefore, in this case, even if he chooses other roads as his own power assistance, he must also exclude them from the road structure, that is to say, . . .

make use of them in the way of foreign objects and not be under his own control .

The reason for this is that in the transformation from multi level six to multi level seven, there is no need to try to separate the power of other roads .

If he takes other road forces into his own, then he must eliminate the power of this road when he changes .

But if the road power is not included in itself, then his control of power is not as good as other strong men at the same level . Multiple five levels of higher level, do not put the power into their own control, can play the effect is the multiple five levels of medium or even lower levels .

To further growth or to the strength of the present, to Yat’s character, there is no doubt that he will choose farther .

Because, he has been worrying about one thing .

Their own source .

The core of the system is closely related to the game state . Its predecessor, the original personality of the concept of doom, has a great relationship with the game state .

However, his predecessors have become the transmutation of the concept of doom, but he still dies and his personality is destroyed . What kind of danger does he encounter .

If he chooses the power in front of him and chooses a multi rule structure for promotion, then he must change his way and can not continue to change .

However, they can not continue to change . Compared with those who are strong in the concept state, they will inevitably fall behind by one level and be at a disadvantage in the battle of the same type of forces .

In this case, can he preserve himself in the future in the crisis of his predecessor’s original personality?

I’m afraid not .

This is the most optimistic conjecture that art’s character can make .

He is a transmutation of the concept of incomplete doom, but how did this “incompleteness” come from?

Originally complete, and then there was damage?

Or did you not complete the transformation when you were promoted?

The latter is normal . Relatively speaking, the future crisis is also small, and the crisis represented by the former is far better than the latter .

With art’s character, he is preparing for the latter without doubt as the target .

Therefore, he is the transmutation of the concept of doom, but not completely . This is what he needs to solve most .

So, he has to solve this problem .

He must take the concept of doom as a single core and promote to seven levels to complete the transformation of rule state .

He can take the crow race blood path, crow belief Road, night road and spiritual road as branches, but it can only be used as an external auxiliary force, not as a part of his own .

As a “body”, he needs time to build a single body .

This body is his camouflage, and also helps him to complete the concept of doom and become a complete transmutation .

That strange river is the derivation of the soul and the road of night . If you can get it, it is good for casting and perfecting the body of “phantom” .

And . . .

if he is right, this group of hunters will encounter strange rivers, or they will encounter strange rivers because of these hunters .

The “strange river” is very likely to be the son of eternal night who has great misfortune or fortune .

Yat does not think that the so-called “son of eternal night” only refers to the players coming from the game kingdom .

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