Night Crow Master Chapter 636


Chapter 636: 636

“Did the tree eaters escape or are they eaten?”

On the way, a hunter asked .

The old hunter who checked the situation touched his chin beard and said in a deep voice:

“it should have escaped . Although the tree eating insects are timid, they move quickly . Moreover, there are a lot of tree eating insects . How can they be eaten all of them?”

The old hunter’s reply made the hunter relax a little .

However, at this time, a low voice came from the front:

“be careful! We are about to enter the strange river . Be careful

From the front of the line came the roar of a man who had been lecturing at the camp .

Strange river, Yat has heard of, is a river that can move, and it doesn’t have much initiative to harm itself – as long as you don’t drink the water .

However, there is a demon and strange river interdependent, or live near the strange river .

A monster that can change its appearance . It often changes into a horse that appears on a river or a bridge . Once you get on the horse or step on the bridge, it will be stuck by this monster and then dragged into the water .

This kind of monster does not only appear near the strange river, but also appears in other places, but mainly in the river .

And once this kind of monster and strange river appear at the same time, it is a disaster .

Being dragged down the river and drinking the strange river, the body will lose its strength .

The goal of the group of hunters is to cross the strange river, or to look around the strange river for demons that have lost their resistance due to drinking the water by mistake .

For hunters, sometimes, this strange river is a good helper for them .


But Yat didn’t want them to .

Art also confirmed that there was something magical in the forest .

He finally decided that he should “hunt” the bogeyman, who looked like slim .

According to his investigation, bogeys have two abilities: the first is to make the body soft and efficient digestion and corrosion; the second is the ability of the mind to interfere with the mind’s perception . Without other senses, they can only find living things through spiritual perception, release their spiritual influence, and attract all kinds of spiritual creatures to come close to them and kill their targets .

The first ability Yat doesn’t care and doesn’t want it, but this ability of soft deformation can be used as a cover up for the ability of “phantom” deformation .

The second ability, PHANTASM also has, and is stronger, just for cover up .

He needs these people to see him kill the bogey .

Art patted his leather armor gently and gave instructions to the twin shadows that he had released .

The key to this skill is “twin” .

There is a subtle feeling between the shadows of the mind that are hidden by the twin shadows, so that they can approach each other without any external influence .

Now, one of the twin shadows has infiltrated the bogeyman’s mind, and the other twin shadow parasitic beast has been sent by att to lead the creature out of the den .

As long as he orders the little beast to move nearby, the bog will also move .

However, in order to avoid being suspected, he can’t and can’t move out, so he can only let the bogey have a “reasonable” reason to approach him .

The best reason for the bogeys to go out is a small beast with the smell of bogeys and being hunted but not dead .

At’s action, did not let this group of hunters who carefully rushed to the strange river have any reaction .


Or, they don’t care about this new rookie .

As long as you don’t get them into trouble, everything is fine .

Art is also waiting for the arrival of the slow moving ooze .

And as the team continues to move forward, the surrounding environment has changed significantly .

The vegetation withered, the ground dried up, and the whole forest gave out a breath of silence .

Strange river .

The water of that strange river can not only make animals sleep and lose power, but also plants .

The plants infected by the strange river and the plants that absorb the water from the strange river will sleep to death .

The old hunter at the front picked it up and took a dead branch in his hand .

And Yat also picked up a piece of dead branches in a “curious” manner .

Deep sleep .

It is the derivative road of mind and night .

The power to silence the mind .

However, this road also has the danger, easy to let oneself also fall into the eternal sleep .

The strange river . . .

when Yat’s sight was fixed, there was no strange river in this forest . Only a monster like water element was hidden in the river . . .

did he find out? Or just when he was investigating, the so-called strange river left?

His mind was brooding .

If this is the case, you may encounter some players and forces in the world who are fighting against the “son of eternal night . ” . At this time, the old hunter muttered:

“he is completely dead . . . ”

The palm full of cocoons was slightly forced, and the withered branches held by him did not break easily . Knowledge slightly made a crisp sound, and some sawdust fell from the cracks in the palm .

Art looked at all this, and his face changed as much as the others .

At this time, a hunter standing not far from him said in surprise:

“does it mean that the strange river wakes up?”

Strange river will move, but it will not move frequently . If you just look at it, it will look like an ordinary river .

Obviously, although this place is withered and dried up, there is no river in sight .

In other words, the strange river left .

“Shall we go on?” The hunter’s heart is heavy . The river is moving, which is not good news for them .

“Look again and leave if you can’t find it . ” The old hunter made a decision .

“Where do we need to go?”

“Forward! Keep going, go all the way along the withered area, and you’ll find it . ” The old hunter, with a dignified face, clenched his weapon in his hand and began to stride forward .

Thick withered leaves and branches piled on the ground, but there was no sound .

At this point, the hunters on the left edge suddenly took a defensive stance .


All of a sudden, the leaves fly up, and a dark shadow passing through the leaves suddenly stops .

It was like a pig, covered with fur and with countless sharp fangs in its mouth .

Although it stopped in time, it still fell into the eyes of the hunters .

“It’s a fur hunter!”

As soon as the hunter’s eyes brightened, although this small beast was fierce, its combat effectiveness was not high, and it was a good source of fur .


A hunter at the front of the line threw out his javelin without any hesitation . The javelin pierced the pile of leaves, and there was a rustle .

However, not being stabbed, the little beast immediately turned to escape .

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