Night Crow Master Chapter 633


Chapter 633: 633

[enter the replica world -]

[world name: Song of destruction . . . ]

[introduction: long process, high difficulty, intruder world . ]


gods are powerful but not omnipotent, and the world is vast but not eternal . Eternal night will come .

In this world, there is a “poem of disillusionment”

the son of eternal night will bring destruction, so that the tree of dawn will never see light again, and the world and the gods will fall into eternal sleep .

The gods fear and hate the son of eternal night and are hostile to the son of eternal night who brings destruction .

They will kill all the children of eternal night who are found and erase their existence .


[World type: interference (the world will of interference attitude will interfere with player’s actions)]

[world rank: seven levels]

[number of planes: multiple planes]

[special power level supported by world rules: multiple level seven and below]

[special power types supported by world rules: spirit, soul, life, magic, elements . . . ]

[main line responsibility] Task: none

requirement: survive to “eternal night time”

task reward: any item in the world can be taken out of the copy . ]

[mission time: none (the night is coming)]

[ability increase and decrease: 15% increase of relevant professional skills in line with world outlook]

[pain weakening: none]

[information shielding: Multiple Intelligence can be disclosed to the world’s creatures in any form, but the consequences are at your own risk]

[in the disguise of the creator’s identity –]

[blood “psychic phantom” is detected, which does not conform to the world outlook Race . ]

[with the title of “phantom” . ]

[do not assign creation identity, please hide your identity as soon as possible]

[current number of players in this copy: unknown]

[player relationship: hostility and damage]

[after ten seconds, the mask disappears . ]

one hint after another appears in front of the “phantom” attached to att’s body .


But almost all of the requirements have become extremely loose, with almost no restrictions .

For example, “mission reward: you can take any item in the world away from the copy . ” .

The world below the s level is basically limited to be able to bring out the quantity .

But there is no limit to the world of tasks .

However . . .

from the explanation between the lines, the possibility of “you can take any item in the world out of the copy” is probably –

with your own strength, you can bring as much as you can .

What’s more, the meaning of “long process and high difficulty to invade the world” is already obvious .

It’s simulating the invasion of other worlds .

High risk and high difficulty .

What’s more, mirage has not yet reached level 5, or the peak of level 4 .

But the world’s upper limit of combat power is multiple seven levels .

Moreover, he needs to hide by himself, and there is no node state system to arrange the pre hidden means and deployment .

The most important thing is that . . . .

“you can inform the world’s creations of multi world intelligence, but the consequences are at your own risk”

the worst result is not whether the player will inform the creations in the world of the multi world intelligence .

Instead, creations in the world can get information from other players through their mouths .

That is to say, once one of the creations in the world discovers the player and discovers the player’s identity as the “son of eternal night” by reading his mind and plundering his memory, the situation of other players will become more difficult .

With every message in his brain spinning at a high speed, the worst situation that could be brought about by it, Yat’s mind gradually stabilized .

Taart’s situation is more dangerous than the phantom’s .

Taart, in fact, is an invasion of the game kingdom .


He should not only control the phantom to avoid being discovered by the world, but also avoid being discovered by the game country .

Of course, the worst may be that he has been discovered, and he has been prepared for the worst .

Looking back on his plan as a “phantom” and “Night Star”, he sank down, turned his eyes around, and fixed himself on the bodies of passers-by men and women . He was ready to use the ability of the phantom to sneak into each other’s body after the mask had dissipated .

Ten seconds later, as the mask disappears, the phantom’s body turns into a shadow and quickly escapes into a man’s body passing by the side of the mask .

. . .

“Conwell, would you like to join the Knights of the king

“You are too thin and weak, Conwell, the Knights of the king’s regiment, all of them are so fierce heroes . Their courage and strength are the most suitable warriors for the king . ”

“The hundreds of people like you are all fools . How can the king’s knights be so good? I heard that some of them were invited to the snow by the cold winter Protoss, and they were Legendary Warriors favored by the Protoss . “”Think about it . It’s better to go hunting than to join the cavalry . ”

One memory after another is discovered by the “phantom” as art controls the phantom to sneak into the man’s body .

The experience of the man who walked through the town with a fish and a metal fork was also confirmed by Yat .

This man, named Conwell, is an ordinary fisherman . Sometimes he goes to the stream to fish and sometimes to the forest to hunt animals for fruit .

However, his experience gave art some information .

This area, called Eckert, means the country to the north .

The ruler of this area, the so-called “King”, was based on the authority established by the northern “wintering Protoss”, and was one of the agents of the human agent of the “winter God clan” . As one of the agents of the cold winter Protoss, he fought with other Protoss agents .

The so-called “Protoss”, in this man’s perception, should be located in the far north .

But, according to Yat, it’s probably living on other planes .

However, in any case, what he needs to do is to obtain more resources that can help the phantom to be promoted as a phantom, and not be discovered and eliminated by the “Protoss” and other creative forces who may represent the will of the world and know the “song of destruction” .

Carefully obtain as many resources and information as possible .

Turning the metal fork in his hand and taking a look at the fish in his hand, Yat quietly left this simple town to find a sparsely populated place .

The ability of mirage, which conceals the mind by means of shadow, is quite dexterous in both information and concealment .

Yat needs more information to plan its operations .

Although . . .

in his field of vision, he can clearly see where the bad luck is, where the fate is big, where the fate is small .

However, although these can be used as the reason for his action, they can not be used as the reason for the action of the phantom .

Start by getting to know the forest near the town and his house .

Thinking about it, art finally took a look at the direction of the town’s strongest air transport, and quietly disappeared on the edge of the town .

Fortunately, his actions did not attract anyone’s attention .

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