Night Crow Master Chapter 632


Chapter 632: 632

[mirage mask lv46]

1 . [TWIN SHADOW lv46 (control): it can separate two mental shadows and sneak into other target minds . 】

2 . [psychic spiral lv46 (control): lock the target into the infinite spiral of mind and shadow . When attacking the psychic spiral, the ability efficiency of mind and shadow attributes increases . 】

3 . [shadow mirror lv46 (control): imitate the shape and ability of the target, increase or decrease according to skill level and target strength . 】

4 .

4 . [shadow singularity lv46 (control): range attack, place a shadow singularity, inhale the surrounding target into the singularity, and instill the irreparable spiritual influence, absorb the negative emotion of the target, strengthen the singularity effect, continuously crush the target and bind the target, and the damage when the shadow singularity collapses is determined by the intensity . 】

5 . [phantom puppet lv46 (control): capture and strip the mind of the target to make a shadow puppet . 】

6 . [mind collapse lv46 (mastery): gather shadow casting, destroy the target’s mind, destroy the thinking and memory, and affect the target’s action . 】

7 . . .

the skills of ten levels of control and the skills of more than 20 specialized levels are all the use of shadow and spiritual power, and there is no skill beyond the path of right and wrong mind and shadow .

This is not the same as the black thorn, you can clearly understand the difference between the phantom and the black thorn .

The purification of the road is very planned . It is an all-round hand to expand the two roads of mind and shadow, instead of expanding multiple roads .

Att takes a look at the properties of the phantom:

[race: phantom race (soul belief dual form life)]

[rank: lv46]

[Occupation: phantom lv46]

[Title: phantom]


invisible eye lv44 (body dress · headdress)


Escher triangle lv45 (body dress · necklace)

dislocation dress lv46 Body dress · clothing)

spiral secret code lv46 (body dress · weapon)

the hole of lament lv45 (body dress · boots)

shadow gate lv45 (body dress · ring)]

[attribute: material: lv0, soul: lv46, faith: lv46]


it is quite excellent in all aspects .

Even if the phantom is directly occupied as noumenon, Yago doesn’t think there is anything wrong with it .

But . . .

after sneaking into the phantom player badge, he found another situation .

“Design drawing”

physical structure, mind, cognitive concept, memory, road, occupation, skills and other items are recorded in detail, just like the record file of design drawing .

Every detail of the phantom was recorded .

The so-called “blueprint”, which Yat has been exposed to in Rongguang world, is the design drawing of various races .

Originally, when the phantom was still A-level, the player’s badge was simply a matter of recording the phantom .

However, when the phantom is promoted to s level, all the internal recording functions of the player’s badge are fully opened, and the previous records are uploaded and new function modules are downloaded through the game node .

All the details of the phantom were carefully monitored .

When it comes to “blueprints,” art has an idea .

That’s . . . Mass production .

The game country selects all kinds of excellent players by raising poisonous insects, and then records and monitors all the details of these excellent players to form a “design map” .

Then . . .

mass production .

Art thinks of things like this .

If excellent talents can be mass produced, what will be the result?

When art first came into contact with design drawings, he thought about similar problems .

However, at that time, because there was no means to monitor the mind from being discovered, the association of design drawings was limited to powerful races .


His idea at the time was to mass produce a strong race .

Now, through the records in the player’s badge . . .

in mass production, what will happen to the strong with the same belief, same concept, same logic and the same thinking?

This is a problem he has to think about .

Most importantly, this surveillance function uses mental power .

What’s more, it’s rule level psychic power .

There are more rules in the player’s badge than when the phantom was A-level .

When he lurks in the player’s badge, he should be careful not to touch them .

He had an idea .

Self, can be disguised as a line of rules to monitor forces such as bad luck and luck . However, the dark world group does not know why, and does not directly connect the node core with the bad luck rules for monitoring .

In other words, no matter whether he has weapons or road forces of bad luck or fortune or destiny, he will not be directly monitored by node states . This is a good thing, but the disadvantage is that he can not directly penetrate the node core in this world system .

This extraordinary precaution made him quite confused and had a lot of speculation .

After their own actions, we need to be more cautious .

Now, he needs to be careful about using the phantom’s identity .

There can be no mistakes .

Controlling the phantom, Yat squinted slightly . Now, it’s time to go to night star and start the next task . The phantom will be promoted to multiple level 5 and completely transformed into belief state . Then there will be spiritual pluralism level 6, contact with rule level power and transform into belief rule dual form life .

The next step is level 7 . . .

. . .

personal space of night star .

“Next task, we’ll do this . ”

With a wave of his hand, the dark stars in the night sky combined into symbols:

“this mission world is suitable for our promotion, and can strengthen our faith . ”

This sentence of night Star refers directly to what is needed by the current phantom .

The road taken by night star is material State Road, which takes shadow as auxiliary road and merges regular state .

The way of night star is to highly compress the material state power to the end point of level 6 with the assistance of shadow Road, and then change the promotion of regular state . At the same time of promotion, it directly takes the material state as the basis, constructs the regular state power, and then abandons the belief state .

Art can understand this in general .

The phantom, however, needs a high degree of compression of belief state power and abandonment of soul state power to complete the transformation of promotion to level 6 . The infrastructure of belief state power is to contact with the rule state, and slowly access to it . After the completion of the rule state structure, the belief state is abandoned .

The road of night star is simply the world road, and the material world contains the rules .

The path of illusion is simply the path of the so-called God controlling the rules .

Which is stronger or weaker is obviously the night star .

The mirage was intended to be attached to the night star in the beginning .

But Yat has no idea about the night star and doesn’t want to attach to it, but . . .

can be used as a cover .

After that, the star in the center of the night star’s body turned like an eye, fixing his eyes on him:

“are you ready

“Already . ”

Art responded .

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