Night Crow Master Chapter 628


Chapter 628: 628

“Night star!”

In the battlefield, escaping from the “phantom” of the living sky, calling out the code name of the other party, the mind waves to the night star .

The night star, however, has also noticed the “phantom” condition .

“The devil!!! I didn’t expect that the other party had not fallen yet . . . ”

The whole body is as dark as the night curtain, only the star shining in the center of the body . If there is a face, the face at this time will certainly not be very good-looking .

Soon, however, she realized that it was wrong .

“The intensity is not right . ”

Rapid screening of various characters in the brain, and strength matching, night star in the simplest way to come to a conclusion .

And the demon king’s appearance, for any player, is quite important news .

After all, the devil is the biggest boss in this mission world .

At least on the surface .

In the background description, it also vaguely reveals the meaning of “the devil may be multi-level five levels” .

Although there is no exact explanation, it is so obvious that it can not be any more obvious “hint”, and the night star will not ignore it .

In the outside world, she is just relying on the size of her forces to intervene in the situation .

This, though true, is not accurate .

There are many advantages for the independent, but the group also has its advantages .

Moreover, the scale advantage is incomparable to any single traveler .

No one or any force will ignore the advantages of a large group .

Although there will be various complex problems in the group, it can not hide the advantages of the collective .

Only the scales and feathers she knows about the pluralistic world, and the struggles of various forces are all large-scale wars with groups as the unit, rather than relying on independent travelers .

Moreover, the cultivation of talents who can become the backbone and become the main body of forces is of course relatively convenient . For a lone walker who struggles to survive and grow up everywhere, power training can save a lot of resources and have a higher success rate .


It’s impossible to survive and grow up with enough insight and a simple mind to the degree of stupidity .

The rule of the game state is power first, but it is not so simple as individual power first .

After one mission after another, night star can also see the trend, that is, the confrontation between big powers .

Power, the power of the collective and big forces .

At the same time of dominating and controlling the collective power by various means, we should also have strong strength .

There is no contradiction between their own strong power and the power to control the collective . The combination of the two is the cultivation theme of the game country .

Players who always follow the route of solo or only depend on the collective are needed by the game country, but they can only be inferior .

Although she has a force under her command, she does not rely entirely on it .

We should give priority to our own strength and control our forces for our own use .

The development of power is second only to her own .

She also collected a lot of data and information when she asked her “stars” to “assist” the prince of fire .

“It seems that the devil did not really die . . . ”

Receiving the spiritual message of the “phantom”, the night star’s perspective also turned to the dark forest, to the forest where the bones were piled up and the dead were surging .

And . . .

in her field of vision, the prince of fire, the huge demon clan stepping on the melting fire, seems to have noticed something .

Originally, he looked at the fire princes who died one by one among the flame demons under his command, but at this time it seemed a little restless .

No, he launched the attack directly .


The ground suddenly vibrated, just like a roar . The red flame, the red rock flow and the invisible hot wind were surging and converging, emitting a terrible atmosphere .


An endless stream of melting fire, together, forms a huge red ball of terror, and then –

the huge, surging and shaking melting fire shoots away towards the forest which is constantly pouring out white fog, and then burst out suddenly .

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion of terror, instantly shrouded most of the battlefield, shrouded the demons and players who were fighting with the dead .

The leader of a flame demon clan was on the side of the melting fire . He was directly blasted by the burst fire, and his body fell on the ground under his feet together with the melting fire .

As soon as the exploding fire fell on the ground, one after another of the burning red cracks appeared on the ground, and the terrifying hot magma gushed out from under the ground .

On a large area of battlefield eroded by melting fire, a scorching storm stirred up . In an instant, the dead spirits without flame resistance and the demons and players disappeared together . The demons who did not have resistance were directly burned into hot carbon fire plasma, and there was no remains of corpses .

Only some players who deliberately stay away from the center of the battlefield or choose to retreat immediately after discovering the abnormal behavior of “phantom” can survive . After the scorching storm, “phantom” also came to the night star .

At the same time, on the land burned by the fire, a huge skeleton, ignoring the burning of the fire, came to them step by step .

To be precise, it’s towards the prince of fire, mesfield .

Every step of his step will send out a strong wave movement .

The demons who were not killed clearly felt the wave .

With the use of fluctuations, a demon can feel that they seem to have lost control of the general mood .

The devil .

It’s the power of the devil .

Several leaders of the flame demon clan who had experienced the reign of the demon king, met the demon king, and felt the power of the demon king, all looked at the huge skeleton in disbelief .

Though much weakened, the terrifying power and fluctuation were undoubtedly consistent with the demon king in their impression and memory .

The moment he saw the huge skeleton, especially the strange ball in the skeleton’s chest, which seemed to be a mixture of shadows, changed masfield’s face .

Around him, the high-temperature flame surged, and under his feet, the fire that poured into the earth burned out heat and roared .

The powerful power continuously pours down, sends out the prestige lets nearby demon clan and the player also cannot help but retreat .

The devil is not dead yet?

Seeing such a situation, players also have such ideas in their hearts .

After all, what can make the prince of fire have such a big reaction, and those who make the commander of the flame demon clan cry out the name of “King” should not be the “ghost princess” .

And the prince of fire, mesfield, called out to the night Star:

“what are you waiting for? Do it quickly — “

while shouting, the burning fire gushed out of his body, stirring a burst of hot wind, and hit the huge skeleton with the black shadow of the abyss in his chest .

However, in such a case, the night star is . . .

it is dark . The black stars like the night curtain form in front of her body, and then –

attacks on Mayfield .

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