Night Crow Master Chapter 624


Chapter 624: 624

The material of the spirit body is not soul state, but belief state . . . .

material state, soul state, belief state, rule state and concept state . . . .

although there is no fixed level of power at each level, there is no doubt that there are differences between them .

It’s a big difference .

At least, Yat can tell .

“Soul” and “belief in death” are not the same thing .

The material of the illusory spirit is not soul, but the belief power of death .

Faith .

The characteristics of faith in power, art has experimented with the path of race God, and naturally will not be unfamiliar .

And death is also the area he is trying to cover .

This is not so much a spiritual body, but a more appropriate name .

Prototype? Primitive gods?

Moreover, the material of this skeleton comes from . . .

after saying a word in his heart, Yat, hiding in the unfortunate shadow dagger, looks at the “demon Nichols” stepping on the arm of the illusory spirit with giant skeleton posture .

The huge bones retracted into the castle, and as the gate closed, a strange atmosphere spread .

As if through what barrier, originally just dark castle, everything has become black and white gray color .

The face of “the devil Nichols” also became more serious after the surrounding environment turned black and white .

Then, as if praying for peace, the skeleton spirit body disappeared .

And Nichols the devil, after the skeleton spirit disappeared, slowly advanced a few steps .

Without a sound, gray stones emerge, forming a ladder, rising upward in a spiral manner .

After a brief pause, art watched as Nichols the devil stepped up the steps .

After he walked nearly a hundred laps of spiral and ascended an unknown distance, a huge, empty, pale platform appeared in art’s view .

On the top of this tower like platform, a shadowy figure is floating there quietly .


At the moment when “the devil Nichols” stepped on the platform, the other party turned his head and revealed a face similar to that of a human woman, but there were three more sharp bone like sharp corners on his forehead .

“Long time no see, Ms . Cassandra . ”

The faint sound, like a dream, rings .


Yat repeated in silence .

Well, in line with his conjecture, it’s not the devil, but people related to the devil and the brave?

Or . . .

“join hands with me . ”

Occupying the body of the black thorn, the “demon Nichols” called Cassandra spoke out .

“Do you think it’s possible?”

“Princess ghost” turned her head and looked at him:

“no one thought that Cassandra, one of the brave people’s hopes, would be a subordinate of the demon king

And “the devil Nichols”, or Cassandra, just smiles:

“it’s just that your people are too stupid . ”

“Deceived by his own history, he named the” magic tool “made by the demon king as” the sacred weapon of the brave ”

In the face of the satire of the witch Cassandra, “ghost princess” replied:

“no, not only human beings, but also demons have been cheated? Even the descendants and successors of the demon king don’t know that the so-called “holy instrument of the brave” is all magic tools cast by the devil king and is the revival props prepared by the demon king

“The team of the brave is almost completely eroded by magic tools . ”

“The kingdoms that try their best to cooperate with the ranks of the brave are rebelled by the ranks of the brave, and the” Hope “of the Terrans revolts

The words of Princess ghost are full of anger and resentment:

“the kingdom that does not trust the ranks of the brave is slaughtered and destroyed by the brave . ”


“What is more surprising to all of us is that the magic tools cast by these demons have produced their own will under the long-term influence of human desires?”

“The ghost princess” cast her eyes at the witch Cassandra:

“did the demon king think that after the destruction of the Terran, the demon king whose life ended was defeated by the magic weapon at his resurrection ceremony?”

There was a trace of revenge in her words .

Hearing these words, Yat also understood the identity of “Cassandra” .

One of the “sacred weapons of the brave” erodes one of the magic tools of the blind witch .

In my own perception, that strange bad luck and Qi luck are separated and combined, which is exactly from this .

Although his various conjectures include similar ones, he is not completely correct .

And the “ghost princess” tone .

Human?A member of the brave?

The demons who make friends with the brave?

But it must have been an insider . . . An acquaintance of Cassandra .

His thinking did not go on, because Cassandra’s words explained to him:

“Lord Barker also did not expect that the doll he caught and played for several years and was tired of playing in the dark area would kill his daughter, occupy her body and plan to kill him after giving birth to a son . ”

The witch Cassandra disdained to smile: “is it not ‘unacceptable’ to kill your daughter and seize her daughter’s body consciousness with your people’s values?”

But in the face of Cassandra’s naked, ironic smile, the ghost princess’s eyes full of anger, there is no big change, just a little cold .

She cocked her lips slightly, revealing a chilling smile:


As she smiles, Cassandra, the witch who occupies the body of black thorn, is suddenly surprised and turns her head to look at her position behind her .

Hoo –

with the whirling of the mysterious storm, an illusory bone hand stretched out from the black-and-white horizon from behind the witch Cassandra, and directly grasped her body .

“My lovely little magic, you seem to have a good time talking to my doll . ”

The enchantress Cassandra looked in horror at the huge skeleton in front of her . This unreal skeleton was the spirit body that brought her here as a servant just now .

Art silently turns her eyes .

In his perception, there is a strong aura and doom around the huge skeleton .

Compared with the witch Cassandra or the “ghost princess” over there, it is more rich and powerful .

The devil, buck .

How can you look at the ghost like body in front of her

And at, there’s no mood swings .

Although it is different from his conjecture, there is no conflict between “the devil is not dead” and “the devil is dead” .

The demon king who appears in the posture of a dead spirit is no more shocking than the demon king who is still alive .

Art looked at all this with considerable indifference .

And the corpse of buck, the skeleton like unreal head, shows a smile:

“I know that you losers will definitely come to my doll . ”

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