Night Crow Master Chapter 621


Chapter 621: 621

The black giant and owl are watching the two “successors” fight .

The ground fire and echo just escaped from the night castle .

The players who were influenced by the Warlord’s Secret instrument, but escaped in time and did not die, also saw this scene .

“Black thorn!? What is he doing? ”

“I don’t think he has enough strength to pick up a bargain? Want to get high marks by killing heirs? Take the material? ”

“How can it be that the weird ceremony seems to have connected the two people, and Prince Bennett is now absorbing Nichols’ power . Does he want to interrupt Bennett’s absorption? He wants to rebel? ”

“No, at this time? Want to die? How many fools have died in the situation just now? ”

“The power of the weird ceremony just now is close to level 5?”

“Yes, no matter how good the blackthorn is at escaping, can he still take away the materials and run away?”

Players who know “black thorn” and those who don’t know “black thorn” all talk at this moment, and the night owl and the black giant, the ground fire and the echo also have waves in their hearts .

And Yat himself —

grasped the weapon of hiding the body [unfortunate shadow dagger], art controlled the black thorn, and thrust the dagger at the demon king Nichols, who was unable to resist .

“Do you think –”

Nichols, who was defeated by the demon lord Bennett because of the failure of the plan, has a look of despair on his face and a little more fright .

And . . . Surprise .

With only the last trace of strength, Nichols did not hesitate to give up the resistance, turned the strength used for resistance into an attack and turned to the dark elf in front of him .


You can get away with this dark elf!!!

Solidifying around his body, it seems like an invisible and shaped secret instrument of war, which penetrates Nichols’ body in an instant . However, in the same way, from Nichols’ body, a dark shadow emerges, and darts into the body of black thorn .

All of a sudden, black thorn’s body was wrapped in black shadows, like an abyss .

It’s a success!

“The devil Nichols” entered the black thorn’s body . The organ coagulated by the strong darkness, a heart, appeared inside the black thorn’s body .

Then, the “demon king Nichols” can feel that there is a will to resist in his body .

However, in the face of such a situation, the “demon king Nichols” gave out a grim smile . With the agitation of the just coagulated and heart like illusory organs, the dark will to the extreme spread throughout the whole body, eroding and erasing the will to resist .

The newly emerged will to resist has done little to resist .

At this moment, the body surface of the “black thorn”, representing the player’s emblem, abruptly disintegrated .

The “magic king” rule has not yet been deleted from the player’s memory of the “magic line” .

And the record log in the fragmented player’s badge is carried away by the line of rules to complete the replacement, and disappears into the void .

In the “unfortunate shadow dagger”, Yat observes that the line of rules emerging from the black bayonet player’s badge disappears and silently shifts his attention to “the devil Nichols” .

What was just replaced by the line of rules, in order to avoid the memory of the fact that the creation in the world is found to be “captive”, is the version replaced by art .

It’s a different host .

In this way, Yat “watched” Nichols, the demon king, immediately took control of the black thorn’s body, grasped the unfortunate shadow dagger, and instead increased his strength . He chopped down the real Nichols who had lost the ability to control his body for a long time . After gouging out a lump embedded with a round ball, which looked like rotten flesh and blood, from the other side’s “abdomen”, he used black “raw” The ability to stab, into the shadow .


. . .

“successful?” Some of the players who didn’t see the situation clearly expressed some consternation .

But the “Owl” and the black giant, seeing this scene, shook their heads .

Although it is not clear, they saw the dark shadow gushing out of the body of Prince Nichols and into the body of black thorn .

Black thorn, it’s over .

It is an absolute iron rule that multiple information should not be disclosed to the creation of the world .

By any means .

Including passive disclosure .

If you can’t kill the other person before the news is widely spread, you’re going to kill him directly .

If a creation in a certain world has the means to pry into the mind, it is almost equivalent to declaring the time of death to be peeped into multiple information .

Either kill the snooper before the deadline or die .

“Launching an attack at such a small probability is indeed beyond everyone’s expectation . It can avoid competition and indirectly reduce some risks . ”

“But the mistake is that the risks are not equal . “”No, owl, the most important thing is that there is no success . ”

The pitch black giant urn voice:

“the gambler who gambles all his eggs, if he succeeds, he is a maniac; if he fails, he is a fool . That’s all . ”

Although the result theory has many problems, in this situation, the result theory is undoubtedly the most powerful evidence .

This is a failed, stupid gambler .

“But he gave me a chance, didn’t he?”

The dark giant, above his neck, appears a huge one eyed man:

“if Bennett wins, then we will have less chance to find the” holy instrument of the brave . ”

Hearing the words of the dark giant, the owl nodded slightly, and all kinds of negative emotions were around him . The condensed power became more intense:

“it’s time to run there . ”

He quickly caught the moving track of the fluctuation of emotions and negative emotions .

The “black thorn”, which had just been occupied, cut out a piece of flesh and blood from Nichols’ body, with a strange bead on it .

As soon as they entered the world, they immediately began to study the background . Among the information obtained, the world, the war between Terrans and demons, is ancient .

There are several important props in the war when the Terrans were destroyed and became slaves and beasts .

The stone tablet of the sage of the chain records all the magic and technology .

The sword in the tree held by the brave, also known as the holy sword of dragon tooth sword, can easily cut off hard objects .

The paladin’s staff can heal all wounds and discover every evil person .

In addition, the crystal ball possessed by the blind witch can see the scene of every corner of the world .

And the strange bead just now . . .

the owl and the black giant looked at each other, and the next moment, their figures disappeared from their original place .

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