Night Crow Master Chapter 617


Chapter 617: 617

When the magic light beam hits the shadow like light shield emerging from the outer layer of night castle, it will disappear in an instant, as if it was swallowed up by the light shield .

However, each time a magic beam hits the invisible shadow shield, the shield becomes a little thinner .

However, in the face of such a situation, a number of demons have raised questions .

Why is the shield of night Castle shrinking so fast?

Even the shield of Bennett castle can last a long time with this amount of attack .

And now, too fast .

As for this, some of the demons who had doubts had a bad guess and immediately planned to ask “Prince Bennett” for advice .

But . . .

“keep attacking . ”

Prince Bennett responded .

“Yes, sir!”

In this jungle world where power is truth, there is no chance of rejection .

However, although these puzzled demons directly agreed to come down, but in fact, they also quietly prepared for the attack, and also lowered the intensity of attack .

Be ready to run .

Realizing that it’s not right, they don’t rush up their necks .

Watching that one by one by the spirit of power infection, fanatically rushed to the night castle of the demon clan, their movement became more cautious .

The reason why they worked so hard was because of the pressure of Prince Bennett .

In this world of power supremacy, the Demon Lord has absolute control over the fiends of his territory .

If it is the devil, no demon can resist him .

After all, under the power of the contract, the absolute power of the demon .

It is through this means that the demon king conquered all the demons .

Rumor has it that the death of the demon king is also related to the event of the contract .


The more objects of the contract, the greater the burden on itself .

Some demons suppressed by contracts conspired with some successor of the demon king by some means, and killed the demon through the contract .

The fall of the demon king seems to be related to this .

Prince Bennett is also one of the suspected targets .

But now all this has no meaning, the devil has fallen, they have to do, is to put Prince Bennett on the throne .

However, it doesn’t matter if you can’t sit on the throne . Anyway, you don’t want to die .

As a force under Bennett, they do not think highly of Bennett .

However, their idea of staying out of the way seems impossible now .

They also served as Prince Bennett’s Army soldiers, as vanguards of stormy night fort .

In this kind of war, their greatest desire is to survive and profit in this war .

But if you want to make a profit, you should survive first .

Feeling the other demons whose attitude seems more and more fanatical under the power of the soul, feeling the action that deviates from their own will gradually, they obey in despair and horror .

. . .

“Oh, useless things, dare not even die, which is much worse than those stupid people . ”

Under the influence of his power, the demon king Bennett scoffed at the demons who constantly rushed to the night castle .

Hearing this, Bennett did not respond .

The war between demons and Terrans is too far away from him .

I don’t know if it’s because of his silence . The demon lord Bennett goes on:

“compared with the demon clan, the almost nonexistent mental defense of the Terran can be affected by the inferior species of emotion only by language, even if there is no magic power . It is quite easy to use as cannon fodder . ”


It seems to think of something, the demon lord Bennett showed a smile:

“just a few tricks that can’t work in the demons can break the Terran apart . ”

“It’s going to take a little bit of effort, but in the end it’s not difficult at all . ”

“Inferior species are inferior species, but after some transformation, they are better used as cannon fodder . ”

The corner of Bennett’s mouth was full of sarcastic smile .

“But it’s all the same . ”

finding out this, Bennett became more and more desperate, with a gloomy look on his face behind his head .

Originally, the father is only parasitic in his chest, with his life .

Later, the other side was able to influence his actions .

Before that, after killing the humanoid demon who broke into the castle, his body had been dominated by most of them . . .

despair .

The despair of losing control and becoming a bystander filled his heart .

At this time, he felt that the magic power in his body was surging wildly, gathering in the air, and vaguely converging with the magic power in the outside world and the air, forming what kind of connection . Next moment –


At this moment, all the seemingly invisible murderous intentions, malice and anger are intertwined with each other .

The demons who are constantly releasing magic beams to attack the shield of night castle are immediately taken in .

The beam of magic changed its direction in an instant and shot at his companions and other Benedict’s demons .

Unprepared or even defiant .

The magic beam that shoots out from the demon clan of one eye demon posture passes through their bodies .

. . .


Inside the upside down mountain, Yat, who is controlling the black thorns, sends out the shadow part with the purpose of “stealing the treasure”, suddenly perceives the change .

Good luck and bad luck are speeding up the flow .

There seems to be a ceremony . It’s open .

But it doesn’t matter .

Here, too .


Almost at the moment of induction, several shadows sent by Yat stepped forward and entered the touch points of the triggered magic array .

With the magic surging, inverting all parts of the mountain, one by one hidden nodes burst out and began to connect .

“Next, if you guess right, it’s a good show . ”

Art takes a look around and heads for the night castle .

. . .

on the passage from night castle to upside down mountain, the ground fire and echo suddenly froze .

That powerful, completely without any cover up fluctuation, let two people realize in an instant not good .

Just now, the night fortress was attacked, thus stopping all the movements towards the night castle and the interior of the upside down mountain .

They stay in the same place as the demons who choose not to resist under the threat of the powerful demons from the night castle .

But now . . .

“what happened?”

“Ground fire” turned his head and took a look at the “echo” of the appearance of the Tauren demon clan around him .

“He thought he had found something valuable and wanted to try to open it . ”

Echo response:

“I have exchanged information with others, including his, blackthorn, a treasure hunting player, and treasure hunting players who have participated in several expeditions . They are very good at various means of escape . ”

“I don’t know if there will be any trouble . ” The fire frowned .

However, at this time, he suddenly felt a huge breath gushing from the night castle, brushing past them and flying out of the night castle .

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