Night Crow Master Chapter 614


Chapter 614: 614

Turn the mountain upside down .

As the distance gets closer, Yat can see that there are more and more nocturnal demons in the surrounding sky .

As one of the night species, Yat, with the racial identity of night elf, easily came to the vicinity of upside down mountain .

However, when he gradually approached the upside down mountain and the dark castle standing upside down in the sky, he encountered many demons .

Although upside down mountain is the core territory of night prince Nichols, it does not mean that the territory of night prince Nichols is only this huge floating island in the sky .

The land radiated by the huge floating island is also his territory .

Because of the appearance of Yat, in this aesthetic anomaly, and because the shape and habits of demons are quite different, the formation of various buildings is naturally quite abnormal .

It is impossible to conform to human aesthetic nature .

Unlike Bennett, this city is not seen by human beings, which are different from human aesthetics in terms of size and shape . Moreover, due to the way of action, these buildings have no regular roads .

Flying, shadow moving, jumping, wriggling, crawling . . .

all kinds of demons appeared in art’s vision .

However, there are not many humanoid demons .

This is also normal . According to the normal evolution law, the human form is the body developed by the liberation of the forelimbs of quadrupeds .

Creatures that can fly should be closer to birds, insects, bats and pterosaurs .

However, creatures with different means of walking through the shadow and different ways of action will naturally not be close to human beings . . . .

when Yat, an outsider, appeared in this strange city, which was totally inconsistent with human cognition, there were also various kinds of sight .

Most of the night demons move in groups . Lone travelers like Yat are not rare, but they are also a minority .


However, perhaps it was because art was a lone walker, or his breath was not strong, and there was no night to search him .

However, Yat did not mean to stay below .

He took a look at the shadow beneath the reversed mountains .

Art, who has no means of flight, follows the reflection of the huge floating island floating in the sky with unknown power, and enters the night Castle peacefully all the way .

This dark fortress made of unknown material is hanging upside down on the upside down mountain, with dozens of concentric ring-shaped “shells” upward .

It looks like an inverted screw .

A large number of night demons of different shapes move in this land with almost no light because of the talent of dark vision .

There are all kinds of shadow demons without entities, night winged demons with bird like and insect like shapes and pterodactyls, and groups of demons with black robes that can not see the entity are busy .

Although it seems busy, but not a demon clan appears to be in a hurry .

There are no hands and feet and do not talk about, every demon movement is in order .

Even if it is crowded in the channel, there is a considerable sense of tidiness .

As for what’s going on?

Seems to be . . . Reinforcement in progress?

Feeling the magic of the constant drum and the powerful undulating magic text superimposed on the wall of the passage, Yat controls the black thorn to move upward .

The interior of the castle is not allowed to enter, only into the interior of the upside down mountain .

Rows of outsiders, along the passage into a long line, one by one accept the inspection of demon guards, in an orderly line, through the castle channel, into the upside down hill .

Yat, standing in the line, looks at the neat line and the tight guard and thinks .


This kind of internal and external disturbances should happen easily .

If there has been more than one crisis, why should it be set up like this .

Once there is a problem, you need to guard against the inside and outside at the same time . . .

“no one will attack here”

it is absolutely unacceptable for Yat to ignore security issues for this reason .

Unless Prince Nichols of the night did something special in the interior of the upside down mountain . . . To effectively prevent the pressure from the inside in the event of unrest .

I was the first one to come to the night castle . The ground fire and echo should be here soon .

Bennett’s army followed .

He was sent by Bennett as a “scouting”, although art knew it was a job equivalent to “cannon fodder”, but it was not beyond his expectation .

He didn’t think Bennett, the “demon king,” would accept his command advice .

He will not start with the idea of “persuading Bennett”, but “unable to persuade Bennett”, and even Bennett starts to act against him . Now, he needs to figure out the mechanism of reversing the mountain and night castle .

In such a short period of time, it is impossible to fully understand .

What he needs to make clear is only to judge the direction of the key points, not even the specific location .

Responsible for guarding the castle leading to the inner passage area of the upside down mountain is a group of soul like demons whose strength is about three levels . The whole body is dark and has no entity .

It’s not a typical demon image with goat horns and black membrane wings .

However, most of the shadow’s bodies were covered with armor that looked rather hard, and they held strange weapons like wands and hammers .

Obviously, they are a group of demons who are mainly engaged in close combat, but can’t rule out those who can use all kinds of magic abilities .

After thinking about the characteristics and attack methods of various demons collected before, Yat remained silent .

In the world view of the supremacy of demonic power, order and chaos coexist .

The team rotated slowly and steadily, and soon it was Yat’s turn .

The appearance of such humanoid creatures as Yat is normal in most of the world view of human beings, but here, they are discriminated against and ridiculed because they are similar to human beings .

“Name, identity, magic pattern . . . ”

Shadow posture of the demon clan issued a “voice . ” .

. . .

at the same time, the “underground fire” and “echo” of the shape of the sheep head and the bull head demon clan fly towards the night castle .

A black, gritty, scorching storm whirled around the fire, carrying him to the night castle .

The “echo” turns the whole body into invisible ripples and rushes to the entrance of the night castle .

When they arrived at the entrance and were stopped by several demons, they looked at each other and calmly fell down . Then, they showed their strength .

Chaos and order coexist, and power is the pronoun of order .

Under the awe of the powerful force, two people in the eyes of a group of demons, toward the channel forward .

. . .

in the upside down mountain, Yat, who has successfully entered the mountain after being difficult by the guards, noticed the commotion .

It’s time .

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