Night Crow Master Chapter 611


Chapter 611: 611

“Or are you more ambitious?”

A voice completely different from Bennett’s expression came out .

Art expresses tacit affirmation with silence .

In the world outlook of power supremacy, “stability”, “no ambition” and “loyalty” are the most easily suspected and the most difficult to be trusted .

In this world view, it is the “normal” logic to dominate subordinates with power, conspiracy and conspiracy, and rule by terror .

It is a ridiculous idea to trust someone to be loyal in this world view .

What’s more, it’s not one person, but the vast majority of creatures in the whole world .

At that time, a hint appeared on the Yat’s player badge .

[camp: the devil]

it didn’t surprise him, but . . . Yat didn’t let down his vigilance and thought that he had won .

He’s now at best certain of one thing .

There is only the option of “demon king” .

However, it is not certain who is the strongest .

Is the demon king the strongest camp?

Is it true that the successor war is the devil’s one-man play?

Monologue . . .

suddenly, Yat thought of something that was not a big deal for him, but important for others .

Separation and noumenon .

Orthodox and unorthodox .

For art himself, he doesn’t care about the relationship between the body and the body .

Because, for him, he regards his own avatar and noumenon as the same, and regards the avatar as the backup file of ontology .

Whether he is himself, his noumenon and Fen Shen, the concept of Fen Shen and noumenon is the same .

For him, there will be no “separation” and “noumenon” competing for the identity of “who is the real Yat” .

For Yate, who regards “memory and personality cognition equal to self”, even if his own noumenon is dead, it is worth living as long as one of them can survive .


No internal friction .

If the death of his own noumenon is more beneficial to his own plan, then this experience of Yat chooses to die without hesitation .

Because, in his own concept, for him, every part of him, every part of him, is a part of noumenon .

This “noumenon” is dead, and another one with his will and personality will continue his plan .

In other words, he will not create a “Avatar” with the risk of betrayal .

Even if his “separation” betrays under the influence of external forces, it is useless .

Because each of his sub bodies is independent of each other .

He didn’t know the existence of noumenon at all .

Just like now, his “noumenon” doesn’t know that he has made “Fen Shen” .

These memories have been deleted by himself when he was assigned to go out .

The idea of fighting with oneself has always been classified as “stupidity” by Yate himself .

He’s always been a part of himself and it’s good to be able to survive .

But what about the others?

Orthodox and unorthodox ignorance of internal friction, the devil’s sub body, will not fight with each other?

Art looks at Bennett ahead .

Judging from the performance of this “demon king”, he seems to have something to fear .

But I don’t feel afraid of identity exposure . . .

not afraid of identity exposure?

He seems to understand the key problem .

Maybe this “succession war” is right .

But the heirs are not princes and princesses .

It’s the devil’s noumenon and the avatars .

Or, the demon king itself is indeed dead, fighting for his sub body .

Or, the succession war does exist, but the option is to add all the demons .

If this is the case . . .

human beings . . .

on the human side, there should also be a devil’s incarnation .

The situation is getting more complicated .


But if this is the case . . .

[camp: Demon] may be an incomplete option .

It may also be necessary to refer to the exact identities of different “demon lords” . . .

and as art ponders, Bennett’s voice rings:

“well, show your due value . ”

“The devil” Bennett turned to the castle:

“in addition to the group of mice, there are two other, want to be used by me, or want to use me, need strength . ”

Although Bennett’s face was very ugly, the voice was very casual . Other rats . . . Other forces? Or players?

After thinking about it for a moment, Yat sends out the shadow again in the direction of the castle .

Watching the shadows move, Bennett glances at the swirling dark whirlpool and draws a smile on his face:

“Oh, what’s the use of this mouse?”

However, for his evaluation, the “devil” sneered:

“what’s the use if you don’t even have a surviving successor . ”

Bennett’s face turned black .

“Don’t think about it . Don’t I know what you did secretly? Trading with Nichols? ”

“Do you think Nichols is in a better position than you are?”

Bennett was shocked at the words .

“We don’t have to think of other guys to separate us . We’re completely integrated . ”

“Even if you want to be separated, it will be separated, not me, but you . ”

“Don’t think my enemy will save you,” said Bennett, who is full of humor and laughter . Because killing you will hurt me more . ”

When he heard this, Bennett’s expression was close to despair .

But there was nothing to do .

Turning his head in the direction of the castle, Bennett did not beg for mercy .

And moving in the direction of the castle .

After he left, art controlled the black thorn’s body to appear from under the ground .

Although he didn’t hear what they were saying, the change of Bennett’s expression just now can tell a lot .

“Bennett is not completely under control . ”

“No, it could be a trap that has been controlled and deliberately set up . ”

“But there’s no reason . . . Why should we guard against this strange alien? It doesn’t make sense logically . ”

“Take me as an undercover spy sent by other forces to guard against it?”

“Showing weakness on purpose?”

“Although the reason is not sufficient, it is still possible . ”

“You need to be on guard . ”

“But we can be sure that whatever it is, it can show that the” devil “is not the strongest force and is still in a cautious and defensive mode of action . ”

All kinds of thoughts in the brain turn to the shadow part through the body of the black thorn .

. . .

in the castle, the dark magic collides with the burning magic .

At the same time, the two figures appear quietly on the edge .

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