Night Crow Master Chapter 604


Chapter 604: 604

The more you go inside, the thicker the black fog .

It’s like stepping into a magic fog full of miasma .

A sense of dryness and heat creeps into the body of black thorn with the smell of blood .

One by one abnormal figure appeared in their own field of vision .

Probably, the transformation of the human form is not related to the human form at all .

Like the creature that took him to the market, though it was like a pool of mud, it was light and dexterous, and moved around quickly with flexible movements that did not conform to the physiological structure .

The kind that Yat had seen before, such as the bamboo insect, also had the flat head and slender body separated, floating in all directions .

Although it is still not comparable to the various body types in the node market, it is also obviously quite different from human beings .

Turning on the vision of doom, art’s eyes scan through the demons to confirm their importance in the world .

However, at this time, he found several special targets .

Their bodies are not entangled with the doom or fortune of the creation in the world .

A whole body with scales, posture like human, head like a snake and like a fish demon .

A man covered in black fog .

There are also several demons like walking shadows .

Players .

For players of the dark world group, the mainstream path is naturally related to darkness and related derivative attributes .

Five .

In just a few glances, Yat found more than five players .

How many players are there to advance to mission world?

Yat can’t be sure, but the number must be quite a lot, definitely more than the players in the battle mission .

Moreover, there is a difference between the dark world group and the dark world group .


Players and players will not be aware of each other, and there is no official mechanism to restrict players from attacking each other .

In this context, how to avoid the interference of other players, how to avoid the attack from other players, camouflage and hide is more important .

It’s really in line with the survival theme of the night .

Try not to conflict with other players, try to walk alone, to explore treasures and hidden objects as the main source of income, black thorn will form this action mode not only because of personality, but also because of the difference in the theme of the dark world group .

In addition to these, along with art’s March, he also saw more players in the market .

However, at this time, Yat found several demons with beast human posture .

They all have the human like posture, the exposed limbs are animal like, and they look like ordinary demons .

But . . .

in one of them, there is a strong sense of luck and bad luck .

In an instant, it attracted Yat’s attention .

However, Yat did not let the black thorn have any gaze behavior, also did not immediately look up .

According to his character, the first thought is –

“can it be a trap?”

After that, it is the conjecture that these people are the important figures in this world and the story of the war for the succession of the devil .

Calmly, after recording the appearance of several people, Yat walked around the demons and leaned toward the stalls where the demons gathered .

. . .

several demons with human like posture walked in the market and finally entered a tall building .

Inside the high-rise building, all kinds of demons are walking in the hall .

After these demons entered, they separated directly . One of the demons with goat head went through the building, went out of the back door of the building and got into an alley .


As his pace drove the vision forward, a low, dilapidated house appeared .

The demon went straight in .

With the faint light, his figure disappeared into the house .

The next moment, when his figure appeared again, it was already in another place .

But . . .

his body is also bound .

The tight runes painted on the ground reflect light and shadow, and the chains form bind his body tightly .

He didn’t resist at all and let himself be bound .

Soon after, a demon appeared in front of him, carefully looked at him, and at the same time, waved his hand at him .

With the movement of light and shadow, his neck, heart position, lit up a trace of lines .

The demons bowed to him, then lifted the shackles on him and turned to March .

After the goat head demons broke away from the shackles, they followed the demons in front of them, and all the way came to a small room in the deepest place .

“This is the most important location of Bennett castle, and the treasure I have found before is also in this position . . . “A conversation came from the room .

Goat head demons push the door to enter, the conversation suddenly stops, but after seeing him and the demon next to him, more than a dozen demons in the room all look at him, waiting for his speech . .

Under the gaze of other demons, the goat head demon said:

“I suspect that the organization of the human rebels in the neighborhood may be the demon’s means, a trap, not a real compatriot . ”

Compatriots .

When he said the word, all the demons present had no expression, no objection or ridicule . They were not real demons .

“These rebel groups have emerged too suddenly, and I don’t think it’s right . ”

Another birdheaded demon said:

“however, the movement of the demons is also very strange . I saw with my own eyes that the members of those rebel organizations were slaughtered by the demons, and only one person ran away . ”

“This shows that this man is a demon disguise, just as we disguise as a demon . ”

“Camouflage . . . ”

one of the demons looked at his sharp claw with six fingers and held it in a trance:

“can we be human again?”

It’s a permanent change, it’s indelible, it’s not temporary camouflage .

“It doesn’t matter . It’s worth it until the day when we succeed in resisting and restoring the human world . ”

The mob with rat head responded in a misty voice:

“when the demon king dies, the forces of the demon clan will compete with each other . This is the best chance for us to recover . We can’t make any mistakes . Next, we will carry out the plan . ”

“Using the breeders in the ranch, I will implant the fighting memory into those breeders . When they are in a riot, you need to get the” holy instrument of the brave “before the demon guards arrive . Remember, don’t just take the sacred utensil of the brave, but also take other things to reduce suspicion . ”

When it comes to “using breeders”, they have no pity, as if it was a pile of props .

“Yes . ”

The demons in the room nodded and responded:

“for the glory of mankind!”

However, no one found that the leader of the mouse head demon clan, the back covered by clothes, a flesh and blood eyeball, tore with the fur, and suddenly opened .

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