Night Crow Master Chapter 601


Chapter 601: 601

In the introduction of the world outlook, the word “human” is specially stated .

If there is no connection, it will definitely not be mentioned . This is the simplest logic . As long as it is not brain damage or no attention at all, it will never be ignored .

Specifically mentioning the existence of human beings . . . .

demons and brave men . . . .

specifically mentioning the existence of human beings will be more or less meaningful . . . .

if the specially mentioned human beings have a great impact on the “succession war”, is the impact large or small?

In terms of the biggest impact .

That is, the ultimate winner may not necessarily be a demon, but a human .

This is the first possibility .

The second possibility, a big influence, may have an impact on Bennett, the little prince .

Branching is positive and negative .

Head on, may let little prince Bennett win the final victory .

On the negative side, humans will be a hindrance to Bennett, the little prince .

If it will become a hindrance, then the little prince Bennett should have a high hope of victory .

Does little prince Bennett have any cards?

The third possibility is that the impact is small, but what happens here for little prince Bennett will affect the victory factors of other successors .

Bennett, the little prince, might have been one of the three princes or a princess ghost .

The subtle influence on his side can have an impact on the outcome .

For example, the little prince can bring the hope of victory to a successor, but because of the human resistance struggle after thousands of years, the little prince can not help those who originally supported him, but the other party’s hope of winning failed .

The fourth could be a smoke bomb .

The setting of the hidden “bomb” of the little prince and human beings is completely smoke bomb, in order to disturb the audio-visual results .


It may even be a mascot . Whatever happens, it won’t affect the succession battle .

The real decisive factor is still in the other four .

Yat thinks repeatedly that these are only the simplest conjectures . If each conjecture is stacked with a chain of suspicion traps, the possibility of its existence will increase exponentially . If you only rely on guessing, there are too many possibilities and too much preparation to be made . You can only prepare for the worst and prepare countermeasures to protect your life .

The worst possibility is . . .

this succession war is a farce, and whoever inheritor you choose will lose . . .

Yat narrows his eyes slightly .

In the next step, we need to confirm some information and gradually screen out the possibility . . .

and the most obvious variable is naturally the little prince Bennett and the human raised by him .

. . .

because it is a single plane, without a second plane as a springboard, his shadow transition can only be used as a means of acceleration .

After about a day’s advance, he arrived at the power of little prince Bennett .

Compared with the territory of Nichols, the prince of the night, Bennett’s territory is barren and the number of demons is not large .

There are also few buildings in the town .

But you can see human ranches .

Before art came to a human ranch .

Just like the animals, the skinny, dirty human beings are kept in the middle of this barren land by a fence .

Not long after his stay, at the edge of his field of vision, a section of railings suddenly came alive and stretched .

A thin body with several frightening arms, legs and feet, like a bamboo insect, appeared in Yat’s vision:

“how about? Sir, are you interested in the hairless animals of my ranch

In an obscure and lengthy language full of mystery, as if it could directly pry the power of the surrounding environment, the bamboo insect like magic creature gracefully waved its limbs and introduced the “hairless beast”:


“you see, although their limbs are not as slender as I am, they still have certain aesthetic feeling, which can be used as the material of blood sacrifice magic and their brains Although the composition is low, it has a certain exploration space . Whether it is edible or the manufacturing materials that are the driving core of gargoyles, they are very good . ”

The elegant stick insect introduces the advantages of “hairless beast” to art .

And Yat, in his heart, is calm .

The most important theme of the game country is that strength is supreme, victory is supreme, and unscrupulous .

There is no market for such ridiculous remarks as the theory of human lineage in game countries .

And at this point, a voice rings .

“Barcelona horseshoe bransa . . . ” chanted out the words with more than 50 syllables, and a figure came out .

It was a human like creature in the upper half of the body, but it was only a human like creature . The five arms, which were completely asymmetric, were distributed on the left and right sides of the triangle . It was probably a ball shaped head, full of tentacles . The open and closed mouth full of fangs was the source of the sound . Looking at each other’s lower body, which is like a snake’s body, Yat doesn’t make a sound and waits for the conversation between them .

After not knowing for what purpose he read out the full name of the insect, the serpentine continued:

“what can you do with your dying hairless beasts? And it’s raised as a wild animal . It doesn’t even have any intelligence . It’s dry and has no nutrition . ”

After belittling the humans raised by each other, he turned his head and looked at Yat:

“the hairless animals in my ranch have not only carried out intelligence training, but also taught them how to use magic, which can be used to refine magic medicine and assist in the implementation of magic rituals . Moreover, their bodies are also very strong . They have good taste and brain quality both for venting and eating

For the sale of snake tail demon, sub characteristic nodded .

Then, under the gaze of the bamboo insect demon, he followed the snake tail demon to another pasture .

And the bamboo insect demon’s ranch is not far away . After a long journey, he arrived at the fiend’s ranch .

It’s not the same as before .

People in this ranch are all dressed in clothes that are close to medieval style .

There are different costumes, including knights, magicians and kings .

Half of these human beings are staring at him and the demons nearby with hatred, while the other half are staring at the group in front with shrinking irony .

Looking at the eyes of these humans, the serpentine warlords are quite proud:

“these hairless beasts were bred by the breeding animals I purchased . These hairless beasts have a certain space for intelligent development . I instilled the history and knowledge of the previously purchased hairless beasts into them by magic . As a result, they really regarded themselves as the last batch of human beings fighting against our demon race thousands of years ago . ”

“The other group, when I instilled memory, was instilled from the perspective of a third party, and they produced different reactions . ”

“According to the knowledge gained, the hairless animals will have different ideas, but when the real facts are conveyed orally instead of being instilled, they will have strong hostility and resistance . ”

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