Night Crow Master Chapter 589


Chapter 589: 589

The country of blood feast .

One player after another, they all gathered together .

They, who had received the grim news, rushed over .

How could it be so fast?

It’s almost two months since I came to this world?

Didn’t you agree on one to three years?

Through various means to arrive at the blood banquet of the country’s players, after gathering, talk up .

One to three years is too short . For players of this level, ten years and twenty years can only be said to be struggling .

After all, to get to this level, the use of time is geometric exponential growth .

For two months, except for characters like the queen of Babylon, the rest of the players had little to gain .

But a lot of big things have happened .

The ground shark attacked the black thorn, and the black thorn ran away . Some people even said that the ground shark was almost killed by the black thorn, but no one believed it .

In order to avoid the ground shark, the black thorn tried to attract the Lord of the withered country to deal with the ground shark, but the trick was to bury and bury him . He was badly hurt by the head of the withered country and almost died . However, he survived by relying on his followers .

According to players in the queen of Babylon’s team, the queen has controlled most of the twilight kingdom . Only one wolf king is not controlled by the queen, but it is fast .

The secret mage subverted the power of the whole country in the country of silver . He sacrificed more than a dozen cities and half of the countries with secret blood, and got some powerful props .

Plasma has also caused chaos in the storm country, which seems to have destroyed most of the cloud island in the storm country .

However, the most surprising is that the elf and the wind bird, Lao Guang two people fight .


And the results, too, are surprising .

But the windbird has the means to limit the elves, so that the transformation of the real and the virtual of the elves does not seem to take effect, while the guy Lao Guang seems to have a very powerful attack skill, which severely damages the elves .

“But speaking of it, the queen, the plasma and the secret mage are moving very fast . I feel that they are in a bit of a hurry . . . Did you know that they might have to gather in advance?”

The old dog and the black curtain began to talk .

“I don’t deny this possibility . Although the plasma plasma’s style is very violent, and he likes to fight to solve everything, there are many top five in the world . Even if the heads of countries are indigenous people, they are also level 5 . There is a huge gap between level 4 and level 5 . If you are not careful, you may die . For example, if you are buried, you will almost die . ”

The black curtain continues in a mechanical neutral voice:

“in this case, even the person will not use this method to make the follow-up more difficult or even give up the follow-up action . . .

” . . . It’s like being in a hurry . ”

“In other words, did you know the news in advance? Bang – “

the old dog gave a thump, and did not intend to scold the swearing words .

In the face of the multi-level four strong and the multi-element five level strong who organized the expedition, even if they speak ill of such action behind their backs, it is also very dangerous .

Like the elf .

Although I heard that the elf was severely damaged by the profiteer and the windbird, even if he saw it with his own eyes, even if the elf was killed in front of his eyes, the old dog would doubt whether it was true or not .


The horror of the elves is fresh in his memory .

However, in this expedition, he was also impressed by the presence of another person .

Black thorn .

He escaped the ambush of the ground shark and tried to lead the ground shark to the withered country . Unfortunately, it was the burying man who was caught .

Because they were in the country of blood banquet, they first arrived at the gathering place and waited for the arrival of the remaining players in the gag and dagger chat .

Land after land, a breath appeared near the assembly site .

They didn’t show themselves directly .

Most of the people who appear here are avatars, puppets, demons, pets and so on .

Part of the reason is that there is no proper or insufficient camouflage to deceive the blood people, or there are other things that have not been dealt with yet . . .

or, it is dangerous .

If any fool is found when he comes, and brings in enemies of the same rank as the Lord of the Kingdom, then there is still great danger .

After a while, the players gathered together .

In addition to the elves and a few multi level three dead, other players have arrived .

And the last one, the organizer of the expedition, was ferocious .

Under the gaze of the public, the breath of a bloody people who was alerted by the public quickly rose from three levels of pluralism to five levels of pluralism in a short time .

It has a strong pressure, people can not help but produce a variety of negative emotions of blood, there is no doubt that the evil spirit . “As I said before, it will take years to prepare, but things have changed . ”

He said nonsense in a vicious and indifferent tone .

The scarlet eyes swept through the flesh and blood of the queen of Babylon and the secret mage’s puppet:

“because of your active, my arrangement is very smooth . Next, I will deal with the queen of blood feast by myself . ”

With no cover up, he said that he was using the people’s activity to arrange the means to deal with the queen of blood banquet . Then, he asked the people:

“next, I need you to deal with the fourth level blood people under the command of the queen of blood banquet, and the third level people should deal with the third level . ”

As if to motivate them, the blood red figure continued:

“as I said before, if I can get the power of the queen of blood banquet, I will only need the power and items related to scarlet order for 30% of your income . ”

“In this operation, I will only take the first trophy of the same rank as you to offset 30% of the proceeds . For the rest, I can purchase the profits related to scarlet order at the market price . ”

Hearing this, except for the queen of Babylon, plasmon and the secret mage, other people, including the generation of Lao Guang and windbird, were surprised, but they immediately understood the situation .

Not only they, but the ground shark, the burying man, and the remaining two quartiles immediately understood the situation .

The windbird, who had already achieved his goal, did not respond very much . Lao Guang was stunned for a moment . After the windbird said something to him, he returned to normal .

Yat, who is watching all these things, takes all the people’s reactions into his eyes . Through puppets and avatars, he can show all kinds of emotions . In the face of this apparently intentional response, he can calculate their psychology and the possible situation behind them .

And finally, after the explanation, the evil spirit told the people the signal of the beginning of the action .

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