Night Crow Master Chapter 582


Chapter 582: 582

Yat, who deliberately ignored the existence of elves, began to seek “legitimate” escape opportunities for the black thorn by the simplest means .

The simplest way is to prove your innocence .

If you explain it to others, it is likely to become a situation where there is no silver 300 Liang .

However, when there is no one, sometimes the act of talking to oneself is very suspicious, which not only fails to achieve the effect of self justification, but also conveys a message:

“I know you are there . ”

Then, the act of self justification is to cover up and make people suspect, from possible danger to inevitable danger .

Where the chain of suspicion will go depends on which step the suspect thinks of, and what step the suspect can think of is what another suspect needs to suspect .

This is another chain of suspicion .

The cycle of the chain of suspicion does not always have a fixed point .

For this, the simplest and only comprehensive way is to prepare from the first chain of suspicion, so as to achieve the last one that you can think of .

Now what Yat needs to do is deal with the first chain of suspicion .

The first chain of suspicion is the simplest one, which prevents the other party from being suspicious .

However, for people who are suspicious by nature, it is impossible for them not to have suspicion .

Like art .

Even if the system core never has any adverse actions and trends, he still keeps full vigilance to the system core, and even has prepared to deal with the system core and himself as the enemy .

Make a backup of your personality and memory and save it in other ways .

If the purpose of the person who makes and gives the core of the system to him is him, or to accomplish something by his hand, the sub body, which is not involved in the matter at all and is located in the other side, should not be involved in the normal logic .


But who can guarantee it?

In the spiral chain of suspicion of atana, even the avatar in the abyss of chaos is involved .

Now, art’s goal is to “reasonably” express the high-value items that they don’t have to covet by the elves, so that they can stop their interest in themselves .

This is the simplest method . . .

but this simplest method also needs to choose the most appropriate way of expression .

“What on earth is the ground shark attacking me for? Is there anything important to him in the land of the dark moon

This kind of thought, thought in the brain is no problem, but the words of self talk and voice, it is a little too deliberate .

Under normal circumstances, this method will definitely have the opposite effect .

On the contrary, in normal logic, speaking to oneself and thinking in the heart are normal behaviors .

Dream road is the road of belief state and the branch of spiritual road .

However, in the game kingdom, the ability to capture other people’s thinking memory or mental perception is common .

So in general, skills like “brain block” and “false thinking” will be used, and most players will have one or two of these skills .

However, in the course of a campaign, skills that are not up to the level of expertise cannot be used .

If you want to close your mind, you can only do it by hand .

However, such a simple closure, for the players who are not good at mental operation, can resist, but for the elves who take the dream Road, it is not the same .

The reason why elves are feared by other players is that in the game country, elves can forcibly seize information from other players through this non damaging means, but most of them are still in the combat task, and they can’t use this situation if they don’t have the skills above specialized level .


In this case, it’s normal to be found .

In addition, it can also be used as a third-party evidence of the ground shark fighting him .

Under the operation of Yat, Damon was possessed with the idea that:

the harvest in the country of the black moon passed through his mind one by one .

. . .

“are these the only things?”

The “elves” floating not far from him were observing Damon’s “thoughts” as if they were watching the scenery .

“Oh, oh, it’s good to scare the ground shark away . ”

“It’s very powerful and powerful . Use the Lord of the withered country to stop and kill his own ground shark . ”

“But there is really nothing valuable . . . ”

“there is no information about the country of dreams . It’s really useless . ”

While the elves are watching Damon, art is also watching the elves .

However, it’s a pity that although he had a multiple five level spiritual path before, it was only before .

Now he has no more than five levels of strength except for the power of doom, and the power of shadow from Damon is only level three . Even if he knew how to control, how to operate the mind power and the kind of power he had before, he didn’t have it now .

He had no way of knowing what the Elves were thinking .

However, one thing is certain that the other party has read his fabricated and deleted “thinking” .

But Rao is so, the other side has not left the meaning .

That is to say, the means of Self Justification did not take effect, and the other party did not pursue it because he “may have high-value goods” .

Or is it for this reason, but when observing what he just thought, he is interested in other things? Or just want to stay for a while .

Or is it the second link in the chain of suspicion, which has already seen through this point and confirmed that “Damon” knows its existence?

It’s no way to let this guy follow .

Because, in some places, he needs to operate in a dark box .

It’s not fun to be recorded by the player’s badge on the elf .

So, take another approach .

Again, it’s not a complicated operation, it’s simply a threat .

“The traces found around here before are from plasma? No, it’s a secret mage? ”

The elf who was spying on Damon’s consciousness suddenly widened his eyes, and something not so wonderful appeared in the other party’s thought .

“There’s no contact information of the secret mage, plasma, and windbird . I don’t know if we can use these things to exchange with the secret mage for some items that can be used to deal with ground sharks . Or should we look for”

“to stay here to find those guys

Looking at Damon’s “idea”, the elf can’t help shrinking .

It is not afraid of these people, even if they fight, it is basically victory, but these guys are not easy to deal with, and there is no benefit .

It would be a little bad if they were around here .

But . . . . . .

the elves did not have the idea of “ignore this no special level 3 player and leave directly to avoid trouble” .

It launched an attack .

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