Night Crow Master Chapter 581


Chapter 581: 581

Not long after that .

The border area of the kingdom of blood feast .

A group of seven people gathered in the place .

The first is a humanoid creature in a black robe .

Black curtain .

Beside him, a man with holes all over his body was tearing the bright red flesh and blood, or the skin of the blood people, from his body .

A cobbler .

“There’s no news about the water ghost and the rudder . They should be dead . If you want to go by water to other countries, you can’t do it . ”

After tearing off the skin of the people of blood, the cobbler spoke out .

“There’s no way . Let them prepare ships or things that can be navigated . Don’t act rashly . If you follow my route, you won’t encounter anything, nor will tidal people . ”

The neutral mechanical stereo started and the black curtain covered by the black robe said:

“the people of blood should be led away by the old dog and chameleon who are greedy for small and cheap things . These two idiots must have done something superfluous . ”

“By the way, if the old dog and chameleon are not dead, they will be able to return in about two hours . . . ”

however, just as he said this, two small black fur werewolves appeared in public view .

Seeing these two werewolves, the voice of the black curtain was slightly stagnant:

“it seems that the calculation is wrong, and now they are back . Is it said that they did not meet the fourth level blood people? It shouldn’t be . . . “

” although you don’t know what’s going on, if you are so calm, that is to say, you should know about our being chased by the blood people, right? ”

Two black fur werewolves stop in front of the black curtain and the cobbler, and the one on the left says in a voice .


“For sure, this bastard doesn’t have to think about it . Maybe TM will have the hybrid’s participation . ”

The black haired werewolf on the right has a more irascible tone, and when he says this, his sharp fangs have already been exposed, emitting hostility .

“Old dog, don’t talk about things without evidence . Besides, we have signed a covenant . I don’t think I will harm you . I know it doesn’t mean that I am involved . ”

In the face of the hostility of the black fur werewolf, the black curtain did not even move . He stood in the same place and talked with the other party calmly .

The irascible black haired werewolf is an old dog .

The other one . . .

when the cobbler and other people’s eyes fall on another black fur werewolf, the other’s body begins to deform at the speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turns into a human like creature covered with some scales .

Chameleon .

“I hope so . ” The chameleon did not respond much to the explanation of the black curtain . He just turned his head and said to the black haired Werewolf:

“old dog, it’s time to stop . ”

When the chameleon’s voice dropped, the fury and hostility on the black fur werewolf’s face seemed to have never appeared, and disappeared in an instant .

Along with the anger and hostility, there is also the black hair on the body .

Visible to the naked eye, the body of the black haired werewolf is slightly reduced to a man with an ordinary face .

Old dog .

With his left hand on his right shoulder, the old dog gave a smile to the darkness:

“I’ve got good news . What price are you going to pay

It’s as if the situation that might have been calculated before didn’t exist at all .

Hearing his words, the black curtain shrouded in black robes made his body tremble slightly:


“what news?”

. . .

when the old dog and chameleon were trading intelligence with the black curtain, Yat, who broke the shadow crack and made the shadow transition, came out from another part of the kingdom of blood feast .

But there is a problem .

A very serious problem .

There’s a guy coming along .

Elves .

This is a little difficult to deal with . In terms of Damon’s ability, this elf is more difficult to deal with than burial . In fact, there are many weaknesses in the dream Road, but the problem is that the elves’ weaknesses are not accessible to Damon .

The most important thing is that . . .

for Yat himself, this type of role is also the type of bitter hand .

Because there is no logic .

Action has no logic at all . It’s totally random . If it’s not confirmed that it’s a creature on the side of order, Yat will even think it’s a guy running out of the abyss of chaos .

As far as Damon’s memory is concerned, it will do whatever is good for him, bad for him, or has nothing to do with himself .

If that’s true, it’s the trickiest type for art .

Disordered logic means that a lot of pre-treatment measures may be ineffective or even counterproductive, and can only rely on the on-the-spot response . This insecure way of action is the most annoying thing for art .

But there is also a concern for Yat that Damon’s impression is not right .

Is the impression that “elf does not act logically” is correct or not, is it true .

And to what extent and to what extent does the logic of action follow?

Others don’t say, when you encounter a crisis, will you choose to resist or escape?

If it is the chaos in the endless abyss, when facing crisis, they can do without resistance, neglect, initiative to die, even commit suicide when they see the enemy or act desperately with their peers .

As an order creature, the action of self preservation is the most basic part of the logic of action . Even if there is no logic of action, it will have the consciousness of self preservation .

But Damon’s ability, however, could not fight against this faith-state creature who took the dream path .

Either find a way to escape, but you need to have the player badge record the “black thorn finds the elf” first .

I said this in my hand, but the elf had to do it .

How to “reasonably” find the elves and leave?

Yat did not consider talking to elves “friendly . ” .

The elf will come after him for only one reason, and he has an interest .

But what interest did it really generate?

If it is to the normal logic of the game country player, that is, the guidance he has made before to induce the old dog and chameleon, the elf also plays a trick, and stares on the high-level items that may exist in his hand .

But the problem is that elves can’t be judged by normal logic .

Anyway, try it out by normal means .

The sight looked around, even if the sight passed the floating elf not far away, there was no pause, as if there was nothing there .

. . .

hip-hop . ”

Not far away from Yat, a man and woman, with a transparent wing like butterfly shape, can not be distinguished from men and women . The creature with the size of palm is laughing happily .

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