Night Crow Master Chapter 578


Chapter 578: 578

However, there is one thing to note .

With blackthorn’s own perception, it should not be possible to find the burials .

So what he needs to do, or perform, is –

“ground shark, I hope you can come out alive . ”

Said Yat to himself .

“Watching” the player’s emblem records his self talk, and art’s body turns into a shadow and runs away from the withered abyss .

With the ability of black thorn, it is impossible to deal with the burials, so art will take to lure the Lord of the Kingdom – withered angels to deal with the burials .

However, because of this reason, he wanted to enter the withered abyss to “recuperate” and “develop” his “plan” and “failed” .

Well, he also needs to change his plan .

What’s the place nearby suitable for black thorn to heal and develop?

The land of dawn is good for healing, but that was before .

Now two players are doing business in the country of dawn . It seems that they have succeeded . A large number of dawn chanters have come out from the island of dawn .

Now it is dangerous to go to the land of dawn .

And now that he’s acting as blackthorn, there’s nothing in the land of dawn that suits his path .

The kingdom of dusk . . .

the queen of Babylon, who took the world road, seems to have started to fight the wolf king, and it is not safe there .

Similarly, there is no good thing for blackthorn in twilight .

Storm country and hot sand country need not be considered .

The land of the sun wheel, let alone the flame, is not suitable for the black thorn .

The kingdom of tides doesn’t have to think about it . The queen of tides has successfully noticed the traps he set and noticed the players and began to verify their identities .

The country of thorns, life aging, decay, that is not suitable for the black thorn road .


In terms of the mirage of the sky implicated in the kingdom of thorns, the underworld of the sky, and the road of death . . .

as a shadow assassin, the black thorn has reason to try to extend it .

It goes without saying that blood and life, like the aging and decaying of the country of thorns, are branches of the material road and are not suitable for black thorns .

There is no need to think about the country of suffering . It takes “anti beating” as its development line .

In the land of silver, it is the kind of MAGE department, wizard and mage road . The country controlled by his former tutor, the master of the Kingdom transformed by fast, blackthorn has the profession of shadow mage, so it is not impossible to go to the land of silver, but it is better to go to the sky and the underworld or the land of dreams –

the land of dreams can think about whether it is used to escape or steal Attack, is suitable for the black thorn’s behavior logic .

But the land of dreams is something special, because in the land of dreams, he deliberately left behind some chaotic forces .

As the “evidence” that the world is developed by the empty shell insect .

Moreover, these chaotic forces have been completely out of the control of Yat, that is to say, in the dream country, the impact of these chaotic forces is unknown to even Yat himself .

Enter this place, Yate’s home advantage will also disappear .

Yat is not worried about the danger, but worried about inadvertently let the “black thorn” damage, so that the black thorn body player logo damage .

That’s hard to do .

Therefore, although it is a good choice to go with the logic of black thorn, it can not be chosen .

Therefore, the best choice now is to go to the country of the black moon again .


However, the state of black moon can not “recuperate” and is only suitable for “development” .

This is a difficult problem .

There is, however, another option .

That is, use players to develop .

For example, “black curtain . ” .

Then, the next goal is to choose the country of blood banquet . That group of people should not have left the scope of blood banquet country .

But be careful of that “elf . ” .

If Yat is right, it should be a dream Road, which is the same type of dream snake that I met in the night crow world before .

Thinking, Yat turned into a shadow and flew towards the country of blood feast .

. . .

the border area of blood banquet .

Two people, running away in a hurry .

“Damn you, old dog, what have you done to attract so many blood people! This is the edge of the country of blood feast

One of them scolded angrily . When he scolded, because of the mood fluctuation, his bloody eyes turned into lizard like vertical pupils in an instant .

The blood like smell of scarlet on the body also became unreal in an instant .

“Brother! Brother! It really has nothing to do with me! Really

As a captain, the vile man who was scolded as he fled, tried to explain innocently .

“Who else can do so many things besides youEven though the “old dog” was the temporary leader of their team in this expedition, he still swore at him .

“I really didn’t do anything!”

“Chameleon, why don’t you go back and spell?”

“Spell nm! Fight your eggs! Damn it! You and multivariate four level fight

Each sentence with dirty words “chameleon” while running for his life, while scolding .

“But you can’t escape without fighting! Our breath of life is locked in! ”

As he spoke, the fury of the old dog did not subside, but became more and more fierce .

Behind them was a group of more than a dozen blood people .

Their body posture is similar to that of human beings, but they don’t have “skin”, or their skin is “transparent” . Blood can directly contact with the outside world and escape into the air directly .

It’s like a skinned human being .

The leader, however, exudes a strong breath .

Multi level Four, a multi-level four strong blood people .

The political and religious forms of the country of blood feast are also the political figures .

And this one is the archbishop and Duke of the blood feast .

Direct subordinates of the queen of blood feast .

It is such a strong man who pursues and kills “old dog” and “chameleon” .

Even in terms of speed, the multi-level four strong man has no advantage, but the distance between him and the two is gradually getting closer .

And, his “flesh and blood” eyes, have locked two people .

Just like the old dog said, these two people have been locked . If there is no way to get out of the lock directly, then continue to run is chronic death .

“Where’s the dog day guy in the dark?”

Chameleon missed the temporary teammate he didn’t like very much .

The other side is good at many intelligence skills, such as removing tracking, exposing camouflage and other skills .

However, this time, the two of them are out looking for a target to earn “extra money” . They are too far away from each other . Even if they are close, it is not sure whether the other party is willing to set fire to the fire .

However, just as the fury of the old dog became more and more burst, the chameleon gradually gave up the idea of running away and was ready to fight with the old dog . In front of them, on the ground, a dark crack suddenly opened .

Then, a voice rings:

“move fast . ”

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