Night Crow Master Chapter 575


Chapter 575: 575

The vigorous Shadow Power erupted in babe’s body .

The vigorous power of soul state, the shadow that broke out in babe’s body, instantly tore and blackened babe’s body .

The explosion of shadow power instantly eroded some substances in babe’s body, resulting in shadowing .

However, although imploded by the vigorous shadow power, the effect is not very good .

Although it is advantageous to deal with the material state with the higher form power and the shadow power of the soul state, this advantage is not enough to smooth the gap between the three levels of pluralism and the four levels of pluralism .

There is a gap of magnitude between the three levels of pluralism and the fourth level of pluralism .

Yat played the strength of this body to the limit, and only could cause heavy damage to babe, not to kill babe .

However, at the moment when babeber was badly hurt, Yat did not hesitate to choose to retreat .

The body turns into a dark shadow again, and Yat’s body disappears in the same place .

When he realized that he had been attacked and suffered heavy damage, babe endured the pain magnified infinitely and maintained the consciousness of gradually collapsing . Instead of clearing the debuff or treatment at the first time, he launched a wide area attack again, forcing the opponent back —

“the wave of void!”

An invisible force rolled around .

It doesn’t mean the void on the chaotic side opposite to order .

It is not that the vacuum is not empty in the sense of physics, but there are various force fields and electron sea with negative energy state .

It is the meaning of matter state, the so-called “vacuum”, the literal meaning – nothing .

Whether it is the air in the material state, the soul state power floating in the air – the elements of various attributes or anything else – are crushed and pushed aside by this power in an instant .

As if the space itself has been destroyed in general, with Babbage as the center, everything around is crushed and pushed away .


Shadow is also the same, invisible and majestic power, instantly will be around the lingering shadow power crushed wipe out .

However, this area is not very large, only a four-dimensional radius close to one kilometer .

Compared with the diversification of material state, it is easy for the four level strong to spread their power and wipe out an area the size of a country .

The path of material state, which takes stacking matter as the promotion path, has already started to stack four dimensions to five dimensions at the time of multiple four levels .

Having completed the promotion from three dimensions to four dimensions, it is easy for him to destroy a world of four-dimensional matter .

As for the scope . . . See how much he wants to release and whether he wants to spread .

If Babbitt wants to unleash all his strength to engulf the surface of a three-dimensional planet, there is no problem .

Just like a glass of water spread out, can smooth the whole table, high dimensional power, for the low dimension, is terrible .

However, if it is converted into four dimensions, Babbitt’s whole power cannot destroy a landmark of the whole four-dimensional planet .

People who take the path of the material world have a second simple basis for their own strength .

The multiple levels represent the vertical dimension that can be reached, while the horizontal level is the scope of power explosion .

The multi-dimensional and three-level city represents that he can destroy the whole city from the perspective of three-dimensional material .

The multi-level and four level city destroys the city in a four-dimensional sense .

Although Babbitt can cause a terrible disaster with all his efforts, Babbage does not extend the scope of the void wave too far .

First of all, he was seriously injured, and wanton use of strength would aggravate the injury .

Second, when he is seriously injured, his internal strength is unstable . To launch an attack at this time is tantamount to giving up his defense again . He still needs to retain his strength to protect and repair himself .


Third, he needs to retain his strength and prepare to escape .

Even if he beat the black thorn and killed the other side, things would not end like this .

Because he’s not the only player to come here .

If he and black thorn fight each other to death, but be picked up leakage, it is not worth it .

Now, there is one more reason for him –

he doesn’t think he can beat the other .

Yes, in the face of the black thorn, a multi-level three-level shadow assassin who is one level lower than him, his threat level in his mind has been greatly improved .

The more important problem is . . .

he can’t find the other party’s position now!

After his power dug a big hole in the earth’s surface, babeber found that the black thorn had already escaped from this area .

A little nervous, but also relieved, babe immediately adjusted his strength, so that his body, like a giant beast, once again escaped to the ground and immediately escaped from the area .

He doesn’t have the ability of shadow system . He doesn’t know where the black thorn will go . Babe couldn’t find a shadow Assassin’s whereabouts when he was seriously injured .

While agitating for strength to repair his body, Babel’s face is also rather ugly .

How could he have thought that the well-designed ambush would fail, and how could he know that he would be severely damaged by the counter attack?

There’s nothing worse than that .

What’s worse, he originally had no injustice and hatred with black thorn, but this time he had a grudge with the other side .

It’s a very dangerous thing to have enmity with Assassin players . It’s even more dangerous to have enmity with Assassin players in the campaign .

Even if he knew that blackthorn was a treasure hunt player, but after this loss, babe didn’t think that the other side was a poor assassin .

If he is even with the other side, babe feels that he will die completely in this fight .

Play off .

That’s how barber is now .

Now, the way to deal with it is to form enmity . There are only three ways to deal with it .

First, after the injury is good, fight with the other side again, and kill each other desperately .

Second, don’t procrastinate . Find other people to cooperate and kill the black thorn, but you have to pay something . What the black thorn got should also be distributed .

In any case, it is all kinds of opportunities to kill the other side as soon as possible when the strength of the other side is lower than yourself .

Third, we should end the campaign as soon as possible, leave as soon as possible, and end the matter of staying in the same world with the other party . After that, it has never been seen .

You can’t afford to hide .

However, anyone who climbs up has his own dignity .

Babbitt didn’t want to admit defeat, and he didn’t want to keep talking .

He turned his head and took a deep look at the huge void . Babeeb’s eyes twinkled with the killing intention of flesh ache:

“the price to pay may not be low . . .

. . .

but after he had gone away, Yat, who controlled Damon’s body, appeared again .

Of course, he didn’t appear in the same place, just in the distance where the original battlefield could be observed .

This is a very dangerous battle .

But still .

The attack ability of this body is too weak, and there are few attack skills .

And it’s too crispy .

However, the goal was achieved .

There’s evidence on babe’s player badge .

This guy, though, should be looking for revenge .

After that, we need to pay attention to it .

However, since the goal has been achieved, Yat will not take the initiative to fight against the other side again .

Just dodge the other party’s tracking .

Now the main purpose is to end the mission as soon as possible and “return” to the game country .

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