Night Crow Master Chapter 574


Chapter 574: 574

Although squatting for several days, still did not find the black thorn appeared, but babe did not give up the idea, on the contrary, he looked forward to more .

According to his understanding of the black thorn, the other side is not strong in fighting, but he is quite good at leaving a way to escape .

The treasures that he can get are of high value, but they will get more or less . The longer he stays, the more he will get .

In babe’s mind, black thorn is such a treasure hunting machine .

As for blackthorn death?

Accidental death is inevitable, and no one feels assured that he will not die .

If the black thorn really died, babe would feel a pity, and would not be surprised . After all, according to the ferocious saying, there are nearly 20 multi-element and five level Aboriginal strong men in the world .

There are also many multi-level four .

But he still felt that the chance of the black thorn’s successful return was greater .

After all, according to his investigation, the country of the black moon should be a shadow like world . For the black spurs, it should be close to home combat . In this case, we don’t say that we can win the battle . But as long as we don’t meet a multi-level five level strong player, running should be no problem .

With such an idea, babe, who incarnates as the land, continues to hide his breath . Even if there is a mountain beast nearby, he doesn’t try to devour the big creature that makes his mouth water . He keeps waiting for the black thorn to return .

He confirmed that there were three marks of black thorns in this area . The guy left three marks .

It may be for the sake of safety that they are worried about the spare marks left by being garrisoned, or because they are worried that the marks will be inadvertently damaged and lose the return coordinates .

But whatever it is, babe, who has the ability to merge into the earth in the incarnation of behemoth, can do it immediately .

He set traps near the three markers, not to say for sure, but to delay .


In this way, no matter where the black thorn appears between the three marks, he will be able to swallow each other in an instant .

This time, Babel can have enough time –

just as he is thinking, a light sound like rock fragmentation is accompanied by a sound in his heart .


This is his skill .

As long as the target enters this area, it will be immediately petrified, and at the same time, a group of poisonous snakes that can slow down and bind the target will entwine the target .

At the moment when he found that his trap was touched, babe began to move without any hesitation –

like a giant shark, the ground in the area of several hundred meters suddenly turned up and dashed away in another direction .

And the earth, just like the sea surface, is set off by the giant animals sneaking in the earth .

[ground shark], which is the title babe got, is also what other players call him .

Between the earth surging, Babel seems to shuttle through space, and instantly appears next to another mark a few kilometers away .

Shrinking into an inch, this Oriental magic skill fits him very well .

Although he does not have a kind of power called “mana” between the material state and the soul state, he cannot fully exert the power of this skill .

But he has another power to replace .

In his long-term proficiency, has reached the specialized level of shrinking into an inch, so that he can easily across the space .

Sure enough, when babber appeared in front of his trap, he saw a figure bound by countless poisonous snakes condensed from rock and sand, half of his body petrified .

Yes, figures .

It was a human shadow .

Use shadowing to avoid fossilization? Or out of trouble?

At the same time, Babel did not hesitate to release his title skill –

there was a burst of blood red light on his body . With his body, the terrifying force jumped out of the ground wave and rolled towards the bound shadow, and with his mouth opened, he injected the human form In the shadow of the body .


[sneak attack in the ground: launch a sudden attack towards the target, causing ground damage and fear effect on the target . 】

however, when the power of fear was injected into the other person’s body, he found that it was wrong .

Visible to the naked eye, the force of shark posture spreads to the whole body of the opponent in an instant .


Under normal circumstances, if you don’t have to resist, you don’t have to resist .

However, the fear effect of the sneak attack in the ground will spread to the whole body in an instant, that is, there is no resistance .

Split up? Puppet?

There is no doubt that there will be such things as separation, puppet, mirror image and so on .

Even . . . Traps!?

Any player who has been engaged in long-term combat missions will not be too stupid . On the issue of whether it is a trap, we will have enough vigilance .

Even in babe’s view, the Spurs are not good at fighting and don’t like fighting, but babe is not stupid enough to trust the enemy .

After confirming that the bound figure is not the noumenon, babber did not consider whether the Avatar was the black thorn’s, and released the test of the sub body for safety, and directly regarded it as a trap .

Earth shaking!

With itself as the center, the ripples like seismic waves were released around his body, launching a wide area attack .

At this time, if the other party hides around and tries to appear from the shadow and launch an attack, it will be attacked .

Sure enough, at the moment of his power spreading out, a person jumped out of the shadow of the ground stones and rushed towards him .

Sure enough!

A grim smile appeared on babe’s beast face:

“although you are very careful, black thorn, I’m still a better one!”

With a grim smile, the earth’s shaking ripples bombard on the shadow of the human figure that pours towards itself .

At the same time, Babel forced himself to twist his body and jump at the opponent, releasing another control skill –

dream touch!

In the buzzing tremor, an imaginary branch like the tentacle of an octopus emerges from the void and winds towards the shadow of the human figure .

However, when the shock ripple hit the target, babber was shocked to find that the shadow of the human figure suddenly broke . His skill to deal with the soul state enemy came from the power of the dream octopus, which entangled and absorbed the fragments of the shadow .

Shadow puppet, separate body!?

There is no doubt that this is another fake .

At the same time, the terrible palpitation reappeared .

Behind you!

In perception, a shadow of human shape emerges from the shadow of the gravel behind .

He quickly stops his attack and falls toward the ground . The heavy power lingers on his body, just like countless lives flying around his body –

the armour of blood, which transforms the blood power as a consumable into a shield to resist damage .

However, at this time, a shadow ripple appeared in front of him and on the ground he fell to –

a shadow came out of it and gradually solidified .

Damn it, feint again!

At the same time, he opened his mouth, and countless sharp teeth haunted his blood .

The tooth of fenrier .

The bloody kiss instantly closed, and the dagger in the shadow’s hand stabbed the blood armor, biting the other side’s body .

Then . . .

easily, the shadow turns to pieces .

It’s not real .

Babbitt realized the moment he bit the target .

At this time, the shadow of the human figure, which he thought was a feint, was gradually solidified . The dagger in his hand, which seemed to haunt the ominous power, pierced his body and penetrated the thin armor of blood .

All skills that have been ready for a long time are released .

Shadow raid!

Pain mark!

Shadow twist!

Four consecutive skills poured out, directly hit babe’s body .

The dark shadow suddenly tore his body and poured into the huge body .

Last skill –

shadow killer!

The shadow mark left by the pain mark is instantly detonated .

The vigorous Shadow Power erupted in babe’s body .

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