Night Crow Master Chapter 569


Chapter 569: 569

At a time when this group of people are wantonly exploring the world as warriors, Yat observes in silence .

No mistake, this world is the night crow world .

The night crow world reconstructed by him .

This world is a trap .

It’s just that the bait is bigger .

He’s going to trap players in the game country .

This system, which has a deep connection with him, is undoubtedly closely related to the game country .

After thinking about it, he decided to start with the game country .

He wants to sneak into the country again .

However, this time is not the same, he is not like the last time, just a simple trial .

He wants to infiltrate the game country thoroughly .

Penetration of the game kingdom requires some long-term planning and .

For this, he needs pieces .

In the shell world, there are also players in the game country who have been swallowed up, and he also keeps the player’s badge of modu .

After several twists and turns, the news of the rebuilt night crow world is passed on to the players, and they are lured to enter the world through the battle mission .

However, the use of this means that the world will completely fall into the control of the game state .

If the game country wants to send these people to the night crow world, it needs coordinates .

And the coordinates exposed, even if there is no high-level game country to come, also represents that the night crow world is no longer safe .

At present, the strength of Yate is hovering in the multiple level six to the multiple level seven .

The power that constitutes his real body is a semi chaotic side force which is formed by the combination of doom and void power .

Art wants to sneak into the game country, want to rely on the real thing is impossible .

He can guarantee that the moment he appears in the game kingdom, he will be discovered because of the conflict with the power of the rules .


However, if he does not rely on his real body, he can not use the power of the core of doom to penetrate the rule system of the game state .

Then, there is only one way –

to build his corpse into the cornerstone of the night crow world, and let the night crow world disguise as the original shell of the world toward order side transformation, and the transformation has just completed .

Yes, the body .

He wants to deconstruct the real body and the body, separate the part from the chaotic side, and make use of the order side’s unwillingness to touch this point, leaving only a part of bad luck to wrap up and store it in another place as a backup of consciousness and self .

And he uses the part that belongs to the order side after being stripped off to form a new body, and sneaks into the game country as a player in the game country .

As for how to sneak in .

Of course, in the way of eroding and parasitizing gamers, they divide themselves into parts and implant them into players’ bodies, so that they can bring themselves into the game country .

This is the first means .

The second is the night crow world itself .

He has transformed the world of night crows into an empty shell beetle that has just completed its metamorphosis .

Players in the game country will basically report this kind of world to the game country after the end of the mission .

Then, after that, the game country will send at least a rule level existence . After the night crow world is identified, it will bring the night crow world to the game country .

And art’s second means is to integrate part of himself into the night crow world .

This kind of operation is quite dangerous –

because of the existence of rules, it is possible to find art hidden in the night crow world .


However, Yat also made preparations for this –

he completely separated his consciousness .

If his memory, cognition and self are a book, then what he has to do is to open up every word in this book and put them in different doom groups .

Each doomsday group will only place a text message, hidden in the doom group of every creature in the night crow world . There will be no doubt .

Words that are not integrated in order are messy information . Even if all of them are found and stacked, they cannot combine Yat’s personality and memory .

What’s more, Yat also made multiple encryption and fake messages .

And this, too, is dangerous .

This camouflage has a core –

the doomsday group responsible for keeping the order of information, that is, the encryption key .

This potential group can not be saved in the night crow world . It needs to be brought in by players .

In order to avoid being suspected, this player can not have any involvement with the night crow world .

How can the player, who is not involved in the night crow world, connect with the night crow after entering the game country, so that the doomsday group can be combined to revive Yat?

That’s another backhand, who is responsible for connecting the player with the encryption key with the night crow world, and the backhand who doesn’t carry any information . At this point, Yat is also ready .

Players, props . . . . . .

as for the third method, it is similar to the first method, but it is fundamentally different . Yat will release a player with his own cognition to the game country .

These players will not have any knowledge, will not know his plot for the game country, they carry only one information –

to climb up .

Climb to the top of the game kingdom .

When their strength gradually becomes stronger, the cognitive seeds destroyed or disturbed by the power of the evil crow will be revived in the process of gradually absorbing nutrients, and these players will be transformed into the avatars of Yat .

The fourth is used as security . As part of Yat and part of the chaos side, the 88 abyss evil crow will protect the backup information wrapped by the force of doom and go to the abyss .

There is a disordered place where there is no order .

In view of the possibility of death, Yat also set up a plan –

when the body dies, he will constantly copy and throw out the backup personality, so that other chaotic side creatures can carry their own personality .

Even if the octopus dies, there will be other chaotic creatures carrying their own personality information and their own backup memory .

It doesn’t matter if it’s swallowed up .

Because each plan is relatively independent .

The first step of backup memory and personality will not know the existence of the second part, the third part and the fourth part .

No matter which plan fails, it will not affect the others .

Even if the first part of the system core is preserved, parasitized and equivalent to the ontology, but the existence of the avatar is actually captured and destroyed by the game state, it will not affect the continued implementation of the plan .

The system core is the key to penetration, but similarly, if the system core is destroyed, it is also an opportunity for him to leave the system core .

Although he knew that the core of the system was definitely a friend to him, he, at the bottom of the story, did not trust it .

Next, on the end of the game country’s defense and their own meticulous and cautious, in the end who is a higher move .

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