Night Crow Master Chapter 568


Chapter 568: 568

The land of silver .

A major city near the edge of the silver kingdom .

Huge silver buildings are stacked in rows in this metallic city .

Their bodies, like the people of silver cast by metal, are coming up the street .

In a private room similar to a tavern, a man of silver looks at the metallic liquid in his glass and is silent .

“Who would have thought that the indigenous people of this whole country could digest metals?”

He is a mage player . He is different from other players . He prefers to explore and explore treasures, find hidden treasures and clues and other tasks .

So it’s called the kingdom in the game .

In this campaign, he followed the ferocious people to the world . He thought that he could rank fourth in terms of strength . However, he had seen the stronger one . Compared with the more powerful one, he knew that he was only a mole ant among ants in the diversified world .

He is not proud of being a larger mole ant among a group of ants .

After investigation, he chose this country as his target .

The power of witchcraft appeared in this country .

He turned his head and looked out of the window with a strange look .

Another special thing is the hierarchy in this country .

Race .

Silver people are creatures, but they are not creatures .

These things are man-made magic figures .

It’s a man-made living thing .

But these things, TM, have offspring .

There’s no doubt that it’s the wizard’s technique for making the statues, and then the wizard created the imitation souls, put them on these statues, and created artificial life .

It’s unbelievable, but the ancestors of the silver people were artificial life made out of something that was probably mercury .

After that, these artificial life continued to absorb metal, self-improvement, self reproduction, and then formed the silver people .


Unlike other races in the world, this race seems to have been localized by foreign invaders .

This is what he learned after analyzing the memory of a member of the silver people’s royal family with multiple three levels of strength .

In this silver country, there is an absolute hierarchy .

According to the type and purity of the metal in the body, several grades are given .

Lower class silver people: the strength is the highest, and the body structure is the lowest and complex silver metal . It has extremely high material resistance, which can reach about level 2, but relatively, there is no resistance beyond the physical state .

People of intermediate silver: they generally have the status of Baron Viscount, with the highest strength of about two levels . Their body structure is inferior secret silver, they have certain deformation ability, and they have high-efficiency physical resistance . They can reach about level three, and their resistance outside the material state is slightly lower, but they also have the strength of multiple level one or so .

Superior silver people: they generally have the status of earl, with the highest strength of about three levels . Their body structure is high-purity secret silver, and they have strong deformation ability . Their physical resistance is relatively general, slightly stronger than the general multi-level three, and the resistance beyond the material state is very high, even close to multi-level four .

Then there is the fourth level . The strong silver people with Marquis, duke or prince status no longer surpass their own physical strength, but they are still much stronger than other races . On the contrary, this kind of silver people have extremely strong resistance to the soul state power . What elements, soul and spiritual forces are hard to survive in the near fifth level Effect .

In addition, they also have a variety of special props against wizard magic .


The secret mage didn’t quite understand . His conjecture was the source of the silver people . The mercury master was either a wizard or a demon who rebelled against the wizard .

Overall, the latter is more likely .

It’s no wonder that a power system similar to sorcerer magic has been developed .

But now the question is, the head of this country, like other countries, has embarked on the road of quasi belief?

Although he deconstructs and creates a magic image of a silver like people by magic, so that he has already been fully advanced to the soul state, and that he will be completely transformed into the belief state to attach himself to the magic image and disguise himself as a third level silver people, but he does not want to appear directly in front of the mercury teacher .

He didn’t feel that he could get any advantage in front of a five level strong man who was obviously aiming at the mage road .

Under this consideration, he also decided to start from the conventional means to collect and analyze the silver people’s nobles, who mastered the “prayer” which was similar to wizard magic but also like divinity . He began to collect both magic and materials .

Apart from other things, the price of mityin is not low .

If you have a chance, you can kill the silver people . There is no so-called kindness among the members of such a pluralistic organization . Even if it is a genocide, for them, it is just a change of target .

Even the race to which he belongs has no pity, not to mention the breed of this kind of demon .

In this not peaceful world, where there is no morality to speak of, it is good to survive .

Murmured in his heart, the secret mage’s eyes turned to the side .


At the moment of his sight turning, the door was opened and a silver man came in .

“Monsieur basolot, your honor, I hope you will be able to attend this evening’s banquet . ”

The voice of the silver people was faintly excited .

Hearing his words, the secret mage nodded .

The silver people who were recast by his structure were called basolot, which is the name of his present body .

He wiped the soul of basolot from his self cognition, made it into a cognitive skin and put it on himself, and then he boarded on this body .

Now, there is no doubt that he is basolot, a quasi count with multi-level three-level strength but no corresponding status .

A quasi aristocrat like him is nothing unusual in the country of silver .

However, this identity has an advantage, that is, such quasi aristocrats will find a variety of ways to obtain the status matching their own strength .

The way to get the status is to become the subordinate of other nobles and enter the command of other nobles in the form of being close to vassal .

After his investigation in the land of silver during these years, the people of silver with multiple three levels can choose to be under the command of marquis Duke of multiple four levels, but some will choose to join the Earl’s subordinates with their own strength .

And in the face of their own strength of subordinates, most nobles will welcome .

This is his chance to infiltrate .

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