Night Crow Master Chapter 567


Chapter 567: 567

Under such circumstances, the young man with torn waist and abdomen didn’t care about his life . No matter the blood gushed from his waist and abdomen, he grabbed the weapon, and his legs burst out a powerful force, and rushed towards the bipedal flying dragon .


Seeing this situation, the bipedal flying dragon entangled with the Tomahawk youth, opened its mouth at its tail, bit the weapon in the hand of the Tomahawk youth, and then threw it at him .

“No! Damn it

The youth who was thrown out in the air quickly adjusted his body and tried to avoid it .

When he felt the situation, the young man of Jujian was also surprised, and then —


With all his strength, the young man threw his huge sword at the position of the female dragon .

The sword tore the air, and the blood on it made a scarlet track .

His body, however, was knocked out by the young man with an axe .

The young man threw out the huge sword and the warning action of the male flying dragon . The female flying dragon and the two little flying dragons were all aware of it .

The female dragon hissed and avoided the attack .

However, their response was slightly slower than that of their mothers .

The body of one of the small bipedal flying dragons was hit by the giant sword and flew out directly .

Because of this situation, the two women who were chased and killed had time to breathe .

A hand raised, a frost blue light ball shot out, in the middle of another small bipedal dragon’s eyes .

In an instant, the ice filled, with the eyeball as the center, the head of the small bipedal flying dragon was frozen directly .

Then —

the silver lady clenched the frost blue dagger in her hand and struck hard at the huge blue metal pillar like a totem pole on her back .


The inscriptions on the frost blue dagger flashed slightly . Then, on the head of the little bipedal flying dragon, which was frozen in the head, the crystal clear frost also seemed to be knocked . In an instant, dozens of cracks appeared .

Then –

Click –

with the sound of the frost breaking, the head of the double legged flying dragon cracked with the broken ice and fell to the ground .

Compared with the small bipedal flying dragon, which was hit by a giant sword and had only a scratch on its side abdomen, this two legged flying dragon is quite fragile .

Looking at this scene, stealth observation of the player also roughly determined the situation .

These people of silver have excellent and even abnormal physical defense compared with their grades, but in other defense, they are almost nothing .

Living in the country of silver, these demons also have the same characteristics . They have high resistance and almost no magic resistance .

After summing up this situation, the invisible player will no longer stay in place, but turned into a fuzzy shadow and rushed towards the center of the battlefield .


When she saw her child die, the female flying dragon screamed furiously, and there was a flame in the front of the head, the head at the end, and the sharp teeth .

Another woman of silver wielded her weapon – a heavy hammer with a long handle wrapped in dark streamers .

Although it is smaller than the huge sword and Tomahawk in the hands of two young men, it can still be called a heavy cold weapon .

Holding on to the handle of the hammer, the female silver people wielded the heavy hammer .

Along with a black track, the heavy hammer hit the female flying dragon .

In the face of the attack, the two legged flying dragon did not slow down the impact speed at all . On the contrary, its speed increased a little bit .


The female dragon, who was recorded because of the killing of the young dragon, bit the hammer in the hands of the silver people with its sharp teeth wrapped in the flame .

At the same time, the same furious male dragon bit two youths who fell on the ground .

He tried his best to rescue the young man whose waist was torn twice . At this time, he was unable to move . Seeing the sharp teeth biting, the silver man gave a bitter smile and issued a warning .

However, even though he was in shape, the Tomahawk youth immediately stood up and prepared to resist, but his movement was still a step slower than that of the furious bipedal dragon .

The sharp teeth twining with fire swept over the hard neck of the young Tomahawk, leaving a deep wound .

With the blood of his companions spilling down, Jujian youth was already in despair . He turned his head and murmured something to the female silver people who were still resisting, as if his last words .


As the heat of the flame wrapped around the sharp teeth is getting closer and closer, the youth can even see clearly how many teeth there are .

The most unforgettable thing for them was the cold light of the sharp teeth and the blood and hair mixed between the teeth from their companions .

“Arcane ray!”

At this time, an invisible secret beam of light shot through the head of the male dragon and punctured from the other side of its head . In addition, the light beam of this secret method immediately goes down as soon as it penetrates the male dragon’s body .

In an instant, the beam turned into a sharp blade, cutting off half of the dragon’s head .

As if a giant hand tugged its claws, the body of the male dragon suddenly flew forward .


Accompanied by a strong sense of tremor, the male dragon remains in the state of high-speed charge suddenly hit the ground, making a huge noise .

Almost at the same time, under the body of the female bipedal flying dragon, a tentacle with glowing heat emerged, holding its body like a claw .

It is almost the moment of holding it, the sound of high temperature burning sounds from its body, and then, the place touched by the touch of the light, melts at a very fast speed .

This female bipedal flying dragon also lost its life in an instant .

The remaining small bipedal flying dragon was also penetrated into its head by a flying light spot, and then —

buzzing –

the light spot instantly expanded into a ball shaped light ball, which digested its head .

Like its mother, the ablation section is extremely smooth .

The thrill of the rest of his life after death surprised and surprised several silver people .

Then, a few people saw a man in strange robes and clothes, whose appearance was very different from that of silver . It was like the existence of the wounded people who came out of the floating light and shadow .

Although they don’t know who the other party is, they still understand that the other party has saved themselves . However, when they are ready to express their thanks, they find a few light spots flying out of each other’s body —


The spot of light penetrated several people’s bodies in an instant, and then burst out .

The bodies of several silver people were melted away in an instant, leaving only one head with a puzzled expression .

Looking at the head, the player from the game country murmured:

“sure enough, there is no magic resistance . . . Forget it . First, extract the memory and then find a larger Aboriginal gathering place to look for information . ”

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