Night Crow Master Chapter 566


Chapter 566: 566

The land of silver .

In the wilderness, several silver people are confronting a demon .

The team of these men is not a special standard tactical team .

All of them are armed with huge heavy weapons .

The two men in simple cloth armour stand in the front, one holding a metal plate that should be called a giant sword, and the other holding a weapon that might be called a Tomahawk .

They are wrapped in silver streamer .

Behind them are three women .

Different from the two men, the three men also wore simple hunting suits, but the grey loose hunting robes covered by them did not look suitable for fighting .

In the distance of the five, on a shadowy but empty ground, a few whispers came out:

“it’s a bit like wizard magic, but why is something wrong?”

A fuzzy figure sways with the light and shadow, leaving almost no fuzzy outline on the ground .

The voice of the presence, watching the five men fighting .

What confronted them was a creature similar to a dinosaur, with a body similar to that of a dinosaur, such as the deinychids .

But the membranous wings hanging from the forelimbs and the second head that looked like a tail told him that it was a kind of double legged flying dragon .

The dragon was grinning its teeth, and its head opened its mouth in front of it . A huge arc of fire, like a crescent moon, flew towards the five people .

At this moment, one of the young people standing in front of him, the young man with the door plank sword, threw out the huge sword in his hand .

Then, the whole man hit the arc of fire .

At the moment of the impact, he grew a sharp silver object like the stiff mane of a wild boar .

The silver sharp objects overlapped on his body surface to form a thick hard block, like a armored chariot . The arc of fire hit on it, leaving only a scorched black mark .


But, similarly, when the flying sword hit the flying dragon, it couldn’t even break through the outer defense .

“Hoo Hoo . . . ”

The next moment, the monster’s nose spewed out two thick white gas . Its hind paws gouged the ground, lowered its body, and suddenly launched a charge towards the young man . The whole body was like a chariot .


With the sound of a human body shaking on the ground .

But there was nothing on either side, just a shock .

The flying dragon with feet raised its head, and the sharp teeth in its mouth twined with the flame, and bit hard at the young man .

The young man swung his huge sword and smashed it into the chin of the flying dragon .

With the sound of the metal hitting each other, the bipedal dragon was knocked back one step .

However, the next moment, that pair of foot flying dragon then turn body, another head hit his body, hit him to fly out .

“The physical defense ability is very strong . . . ” the invisible man whispered, “it is estimated that there is only less than multi-level two strength, but the physical defense is close to multi-level three . . . ”

he is also the first time to see such a wonderful situation .

Silently, he used his ability again, and the light and shadow flowed around him, forming a barrier to hide his figure .

At this time, he saw that the young man who had been hit by the thick skinned and fleshy flying dragon stood up again as if nothing had happened .

However, when he stood up, his waist, but suddenly torn a big mouth, blood as a spring general gushing out .


The invisible player muttered .

Just now, he clearly saw a flash of light on the head of the tail of the two legged flying dragon .

It’s supposed to be the ability of natural magic .


Physical defense is super strong, there is no way to attack other than material properties?

While he was muttering, the other young man with a Tomahawk saw this scene, and suddenly roared and rushed towards the flying dragon with feet .

But, because of his departure, the three women were exposed .

Seeing his action, the young man with the huge sword, whose waist was torn open, widened his eyes and called out:

“no! Go back and protect them

As soon as his words were called out, three creatures suddenly appeared below the three women and above the ground .

They looked similar to the appearance of the two legged flying dragons, but they were a few circles smaller . After climbing out, they immediately pointed their sharp fangs at the three girls, and their pupils showed bloodthirsty light .

When they saw these monsters, they immediately raised their weapons –

different from the silver brilliance of the first two young men, the silver brilliance on their bodies was almost nothing, but in their hands, they did not know whether they should be called daggers or daggers, and on the short handled weapons, which seemed to be called daggers or daggers, they immediately raised their weapons 。”Idiot aborigine, there’s a big one . ”

The invisible player sneered .

The appearance of these silver people is very white, and even has a metallic luster . Although they are generally human, they have no soles . Their feet are like a nail in the root, which looks like a mechanical existence .

But the breath of life in their bodies, there is no doubt that these silver people are material life .

However, for this invisible player, there is no difference, Aboriginal is aboriginal, even human appearance is the same .

However . . .

at this time, it seems that the player’s words have been verified . Another two legged dragon, which is similar in size to the first bipedal dragon, suddenly emerges from the ground, and a fire arc bursts out of its mouth, directly cutting off the arm of the first and second female .

Suddenly attacked, the two women silver people were scared to retreat again and again

the third person was not attacked because of their position, but her action was also flustered because of the attack on her companion .

The blue light that flowed on her weapon shot out in an instant .

Cheering –

with a short sound, half of the body of one of the three young bipedal dragons was instantly covered with frost blue .

After her attack, the other two young bipedal dragons also changed from the fear and vigilance of exploratory behavior to launching an attack –

“ha!” “Ha!”

With a short scream, two small double legged flying dragons quickly reached the left and right sides of the female silver people who did not break their hands, and then —

two mouths full of twining firelight teeth and biting on the left and right hands of the female silver people .

When I first bit it, it was a light sound of biting on the hard object, but with the tearing of the flame fangs, the solid flesh and blood were quickly torn .

Hiss –

hands, instantly cut off .

The two small bipedal dragons did not eat immediately, but cooperated again to save the silver people who had lost the ability to resist .

Then they followed their mother, the female bipedal dragon, who had ambushed cunningly from the ground, and continued to attack two other wounded women, the silver people .

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