Night Crow Master Chapter 565


Chapter 565: 565

When the toothed wolf king hid his breath and arrived only a few kilometers away from the place where the wolf breath was, he saw such a scene –


On the open plain, two black shadows suddenly burst out from the side . Sharp teeth and sharp claws directly pierced the bodies of small demons that looked like stones and killed them directly .

The two masquerade stone beasts fell to the ground and shed blood before they even started to escape .

Because they were cracked directly from the key point and neck, the heads of the two Stone Beasts rolled down for a distance on the ground and fell to the ground .

The body of the stone beast, which was originally the same color as the wild and stone, became lighter .

Stone beast has the ability to change body color actively to a certain extent .

“Today’s harvest is good . There are two stone beasts!”

At the same time, the two werewolf people at dusk were talking and tearing the flesh and blood of the stone beast easily from their bodies and sending them to the entrance .

After eating a few pieces of meat, the two dusk people growled in a low voice .

With his own strength, the wolf king can clearly hear their conversation and roar without raising his ears .

Language .

This information is a signal to the wolf king .

The system of dusk kingdom is very special . Under normal circumstances, the knowledge and memory of dusk people come from the inheritance of blood .

One of the reasons that the breath blessing of the wolf pack leader will make the people at dusk stronger is that under the guidance of the breath of the wolf pack leader, the blood will wake up and revive, and the memory and power of ancestors will be passed on to the holder .


Only the dusk people with extremely low strength and blood need to learn knowledge and hunting skills .

But there are exceptions .

Lone wolf .

The reason why the lone wolf became a lone wolf was that they did not accept the blood call of the first wolf, so they were expelled from the wolf city .

Whether it is active or passive .

It is extremely difficult to awaken by blood without accepting the voice of the wolf and blood .

The blood call of wolf leaders comes from the twilight church, that is, the power of the twilight wolf, the Lord of the kingdom of the twilight kingdom .

The lone wolf wandering outside, even if he has offspring, is not a member of the evening church . He can’t help his offspring and awaken his blood .

Without the call of blood, these new Twilight people would not be able to gain strength and memory, and become monstrous beasts .

Even if their parents and the lone wolf were educated, they could not achieve the effect of the blood call of the leader of langqun .

These two dusk people, who can talk with each other, have similar habits as most dusk people .

There was only one result – they accepted the blood call of the wolf pack leader, and then chose to betray the wolf city .

But the wolf king didn’t think so .

Because, they don’t have any langqun leader’s breath!

Yeah, there’s no sense of a wolf leader .

No matter whether it is the wolf king or the wolf king or the first wolf, there is no smell .

The breath of these two wolves is very clean .

Clean enough to surprise the toothwolf king .

The message of their roar just now is to call for companions, or, to be more precise, to call brothers and sisters .

It is because of hearing such a message that the wolf king repressed the idea of grasping the two wolves for cross examination immediately .


Then, when the toothed wolf king felt the breath of those dusk people who had heard the call of the two lone wolves, his eyes suddenly widened –

ten, twenty, thirty . . .

dozens of dusk people with similar breath appeared in the scope of toothed wolf king’s perception .

After confirming for the third time that what he felt was right, the wolf king said to himself in disbelief:

“how can this be possible!? So many lone wolves! ”

Before that, the lone wolf that he felt was undoubtedly this group .

However, different from what he had expected before, this group of lone wolf is actually a lone wolf without any wolf pack leader flavor!?

And they’re still brothers and sisters!?

Never heard of, never seen .

From the last generation of toothed wolf king, he has never heard of such a thing .

And there was something that surprised him even more .

That is –

these lone wolves have the strength of the first wolf . . .

this . . . How can this be possible!?

If it is said that the descendants of a wolf emperor gathered together to hunt, the wolf king was surprised, but not so .

But the most important thing is that they don’t have any sense of wolf leaders at all . It’s impossible!

Is it a conspiracy of the land of dawn?

The wolf king couldn’t help thinking .

Although as the wolf king, he also has the confidence to kill these dozens of wolves in the dusk, he calms down quickly when he thinks that the country of dawn may be involved .

We have to inform the wolf king .

Cranial wolf emperor, the wolf emperor in the area of wolf head .

With a dignified look, the wolf king’s breath, which had been converged to the end, converged again . He stepped forward and left .

But at this moment, he felt a bad breath .


The force inside the body suddenly burst out, converging on the teeth and sharp claws, and the body directly pounced out . At the time, the wolf king burst out a short and sharp howl in his mouth .

“It’s strong, but it’s not a cute dog . ”

At the moment when his power broke out, the wolf king felt that a breath stronger than him and stronger than any wolf emperor he had ever seen oppressed him .

Moreover, in the momentum, there is a sense of tolerance that makes him fall into infatuation instantly .

His original fierce attack was relieved in an instant .

At this time, he saw the source of this momentum .

It was a rather ugly female with no hair on her body except her head, and her chest bulged, similar to that of dusk people .

Although his aesthetic judgment, the female creature in front of him is quite “ugly”, but this breath, see each other, observe the moment, he has an idea .

“This female is the most beautiful, the most suitable, the best mate . ”

The tooth wolf king, whose will was gradually eroded by desire, put down all resistance and leaned towards the female in front of her .

“Sure enough, it’s an unlovable dog . If you don’t say anything, you’re going to get down to business?”

“But I like ~”

. . .

. . .

on the other side, players who use hidden breath props or abilities to hide, watch the toothed wolf king and the queen of Babylon begin to applaud for love, and then turn their heads together .

Although the success of the first step, but always feel that there is something wrong with this way .

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