Night Crow Master Chapter 559


Chapter 559: 559

“Without camouflage, it’s not safe anywhere . ”

Players, known as the black screen, call up their channels with mechanical sounds like electronic sounds that can’t hear emotions and gender .

“But the people of blood have a strong power of life, and it is easy to feel the breath of life of other creatures . ”

“There is even a saying that every blood people can identify who the blood on the ground belongs to . ”

“Chameleon” uttered his voice, and his lizard like pupils looked at the black curtain:

“you can’t disguise the breath of bleeding people . We will be very passive if we only rely on the continuous production of leather bags by cobblers . ”

“Well . ” The player “cobbler” also nodded, “if the skin is not broken, it can be used for a long time, but after all, I still follow the path of the dead spirit system, which can be used for a period of time, but after a long time, the blood people can easily see it . We’d better change a place or find a marginal area with less blood people . ”

During the conversation, the cobbler, the chameleon and the black curtain turned their eyes to the man who was careless at the beginning of his speech . The black curtain said directly:

“old dog, what do you say?”

The other seven turned to him .

Although he went out to inquire for information, he was not a subordinate, but the strongest one in the team .

And he was the leader of one of the teams .

The eleven were made up of two teams .

A group headed by cobblers and black curtain, a total of five people .

The other one, headed by chameleon and this man called old dog, was six .

The two teams had known each other for a long time . The leaders of the two teams decided to unite . Therefore, the two teams came together .


These four people are the temporary senior leaders of the team .

Other people can give their opinions, but it is these four who make the final decision .

“How many to several now?”

The man who was called the old dog chuckled: “which one is less, I choose which . ”

Hearing what he said, chameleon couldn’t help patting the forehead . This guy asked for nothing . Old dog, old dog, “dog” is because of his characteristics, while “old” is because of his personality .

“That’s what he is . Leave him alone . Let’s take a stand on the three of us . ”

The chameleon shook his head helplessly .

As a minority of the voice, the black curtain did not have any opinions, and nodded: “just do as you and the cobbler said . First leave here and find a marginal area . ”

Other people except the four have no opinion . They have no camouflage ability, so they have been staying here all the time . They are tired of it these days . It is better to leave this place and find a place where they can move .

“The cobbler, take out the clothes you used before . ”

The cobbler nodded and went to the other members .

Watching the cobbler walk away, the black curtain turns his head and continues to say to the old dog and chameleon:

“we can go anywhere, but we can’t go to the queen of Babylon anyway . ”

“I know . ” The old dog nodded, “who doesn’t know that woman can’t be provoked . . . Who will die?”

The queen of Babylon, among the ten multi-level four strong men in this expedition, is one of the three most difficult to provoke .

Although it is only multi-level four, but she has a real record of unbeaten against the multi-level five strong .

As for why she is not easy to provoke?

Because that woman is so weird . There are all kinds of strong women in the game country, but that woman is the most weird and disgusting one .


The woman took the material road . She collected all kinds of creatures of various races, such as magical creatures and beasts, and “raised” them in her body .

If only this is the case, this kind of road is the “world”, which is a big school of material road .

Create a small space, and then continue to expand it, fill materials, improve the system, and finally end up with a small world .

There are not a few world stream players who use their bodies as the base point of the world, but the woman doesn’t simply use her body as a carrier to keep creatures in captivity . She also takes those creatures as their spouses .

That’s right, mate, the breeding mate, the queen of Babylon, has a strong taste .

But if it’s just like this, players will only disgust her, not be afraid of her .

The blood of all the creatures that become her mate will be absorbed by her .

The queen of Babylon is, so to speak, a walking gene bank .

The monsters that were “raised” in her body, her “mates,” had actually been eaten and absorbed by her and became part of her body .

If she wants to, she can create all kinds of monsters and release them anytime and anywhere .

The queen of Babylon is her own name .

Her other title is “mother’s nest” .

Although the appearance of the queen of Babylon is quite beautiful, considering her ability, none of the people present would want to be her courtier . After all, the players with a little insight also know what the “mother nest” stands for .

Although I don’t know if the source of the woman’s ability is something of the same name, but when I think of it, no one will be interested in it, not to mention its life-threatening .

The old dog seemed to think of something:

“I have heard that before, the queen of Babylon swallowed up all the small countries in the mission world into her body, and ran to the place where she went . It’s not fatal . ”

“I think I’d rather go through the plasma than with her . ”

The chameleon came out .

Plasma is the second strongest among the ten multi-level four strong men in this campaign .

As for what kind of threat, from the nickname can also understand, plasma, powerful lightning attribute attack ability .

“Where is the plasma going?” At this moment, the cobbler came back and asked in a voice .

“To the storm country?” The old dog replied, “I heard that the residents of the storm country are all elemental life such as thunder, wind and so on . ”

“Not bad . ” The black screen electronic sound began, “I can’t go to the storm country anyway . ”

“We can’t even go if we want to . There’s no way to disguise . ” The cobbler looked at him . “I can’t peel the thunder element . ”

With these words, the four talked about the third most threatening of the ten —

“where are the elves?” The darkness inquired in a cautious tone .

“We don’t know about this either . It has never formed a team with others, and this time it is also acting alone . ” Hearing this name, the chameleon’s voice also became cautious . His eyes moved around, as if he was worried about something .

“As long as you don’t follow us . ” The cobbler touched the hole in his body . “I’m afraid . ”

However, he did not notice that a small figure was snickering around the four of them .

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