Night Crow Master Chapter 557


Chapter 557: 557

“Queen Lisse?”

This completely different language, in Jacqueline’s mind, translates into a vocabulary of Latin letters that she is familiar with .

Soon, she found the source of this slightly unfamiliar word –

tide queen .

The God of the tidal Kingdom rules the vast sea and the Lord of the kingdom of the tidal kingdom .

Why does this Mermaid say that she feels the breath of tide queen from her body!?

As for the mermaid let her be her spouse, she ignored it .

Not only Jacqueline was stunned, but also others .

As long as they are not ignorant of the name of the tide queen, they are shocked .

Who is the tide queen?

The God of the people of tides, the co owner of all the sea creatures, and the tide queen who controls the vast sea .

Feel the Queen’s breath, what is the concept?

Everyone’s eyes turned to Jacqueline .

And other tidal people are even more surprised . People in other countries don’t know, but they know more about it .

With the breath of the tide queen, it means that the other party is favored by the tide queen and watched by the tide queen, and can become a sacrifice of the tide church or even a tidal Summoner –

the tide calling person is a tidal people who has been given strength by the tide queen .

The normal people of the tide will only increase their strength at noon and midnight .

However, those who call the tide can actively call for the tide, so that their own strength can be improved, and the strength of other tidal people can be enhanced .

However . . .

in history, there were some people who called the tide, but those who called the tide were all people of the tide, and none of them were non tidal people .

A wounded man is favored by the tide queen? How could that be possible!?


But the tide people who just photographed the snake haired Mermaid into the water were staring at the snake haired girl and asking seriously and seriously:

“ansula, are you sure she has the smell of a queen?”

She did not question whether the girl, ansura, could sense the queen of the tides, but asked if she was sure .

The reason is very simple, because ansula is a great tide maker, the offspring of the tide Princess wentimia .

Relying on her blood and talent, she is only one step away from the tide summoner, and now she is trying to adapt to the sacred duty of high sacrifice .

Yes, yes, although a little envious, this ansula is greater than her ordinary tidal people who have lived nearly 20000 rounds of tides, but can’t be sacrificed at all .

Now, she is ansula’s guardian and mentor .

Although she did not receive the Queen’s attention and could not become a sacrifice, she had always dreamed that one day she could be watched by the queen and get the Queen’s breath .

The Queen’s gaze does not have much to do with her age . Even after another 20000 rounds of tides, it is possible to obtain the Queen’s gaze and become a sacrificial offering .

Therefore, holding her dream, she did not give up learning knowledge .

In addition to the Queen’s breath, which can be officially recognized as a sacrifice, she can not learn the ability of tidal sacrifice . She is more like a tidal sacrifice than most of the lower sacrificial rites .

Ansula said that the wounded people had a queen’s breath, which was unbelievable and unacceptable to her .

However, she, who regards sacrifice as her sacred belief and goal ideal, will not delay this situation because of her jealousy .

If it is true, then for the people of the tide, for the tidal sacrifice, for the people who call the tide, it is a big thing .


She has to take it seriously .

“I mean it, Natha!” The snake hair on ansula’s head wiggled like a living creature . The girl glared at a pair of vertical pupils and looked at her as the guard of her sister and even her mother . She said in a firm voice, “I feel the breath of the queen! Even more powerful than ludoya, just . . . Just . . .

this sentence makes the guard Nasha more incredible . Who is ludua?

At present, ludoya is the most likely high sacrifice to become a tide calling person . Even many people in the tide church have supported her and started to run for her, in order to benefit from the fact that she became a tide maker .

Although she thinks that these people use the glory of the tide calling people to stain them, she has no way to stop them, nor can she stop them, but it means that she does not know the significance of this .

That is to say, the injured people may not only become sacrificial rites, but also may even become the tide calling people .

This is ridiculous!!!

However, at this time, she saw a little hesitation on ansula’s face, so she immediately asked:

“ansula, what else do you feel?”

Then she saw the hesitation on the girl’s face becoming more and more intense”Natha, her breath is a little strange . Although it is very strong and strong, it is even stronger than ludoya, but . . . ”

“but what?”

“But she’s only half . ”

“What!? Half? ” There were doubts on Nasha’s face . What did half mean?

“Is . . . ” the girl tried to organize the words . At last, she seemed to think of something, “yes, only the feeling of night, only the night!”

“Only night?”

Nasha was silent, trying to understand ansula’s words, which were rather poor in expression .

The next moment, she seemed to think of something —

“night, the tide of the black moon?”

The tides that come with noon are called coronal tides or flame tides .

The tide that comes with midnight is the tide of the black moon or the tide of shadow, which is the name of the country of the corona and the state of the black moon .

Only night?

Can we say that . . .

the black moon calls the tide?

In the memory of Nasha, there is a record that she once found –

the person who called the tide by the black moon, to be exact, was the sacrifice of the moon tide .

There are many controversies about whether or not they should be called “Chaochao” in history .

Finally, under the repeated deliberation of the high-level of the tidal church, they were excluded from the ranks of the tide summoners and were included in the ranks of the high sacrifice .

The existence between the people who call the tide and the high sacrifice .

Feeling the sight of other tidal people, nasayan said:

“we need to inform the church that in the induction of ansula, the injured people may become the moon tide sacrifice . ”

“Moon tide sacrifice?”

“Moon tide sacrifice?”

“Moon tide sacrifice!”

“The black moon calls the tide!”

Among the other four, two did not know, but the other two remembered something, and even one of them directly called out the name of “black moon calling tide” .

However, unlike the response of the tide people to doubt or surprise, Jacqueline did not understand the specific meaning of the nouns in the mouth of the tidal people, but she did .

Now, trouble .

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