Night Crow Master Chapter 556


Chapter 556: 556

In the end, she decided to go from the land of rotation – from the country of dawn, dusk and withering .

Because most of her current teammates in the country of blood banquet must be gathered there, not all of them, but about 60% of them should still be there .

Although she has no longer used her original posture, it has also led to a decline in strength, let alone her group of “teammates” there are many multi-level four strong .

If the other party has any means to recognize her, it’s over .

Of course, she doesn’t think that dawn, dusk and withering will not happen to her, but at least the probability is lower .

Jacqueline took a deep breath, opened her mouth, and swallowed the hard won information .

She didn’t wear any storage props outside . Her storage props were placed in her body .

In the general world, storage props are not so easy to obtain .

However, in a variety of powerful and diverse organizations, such as game players, there are many storage props .

She also learned about some hidden rules, and found that targets with storage items, no matter what the actual situation, would be regarded as members of a diverse organization .

It is also known that Jacqueline specially left the props obtained after killing a hostile player –

[Hattie’s stomach wall]

[level: lv45]

[quality: Gold]

[State: intact]

[type: consumables, equipment]

[additional attributes:

material: life recovery level + 1, life absorption, etc Level + 1 (upper limit Lv60)

Soul: ice attribute level + 1 (upper limit Lv60)

belief: Moon belief level + 1 (upper limit Lv60)]

[additional skills:

1 . Wolf’s stomach lv45

active: after use, the stomach will be permanently transformed into a cold space, which can be used to store props, but can’t store items related to the sun and moon After being placed, the items will be quickly digested and absorbed .



and her original storage props have been sold as resources before this campaign, leaving only a small storage props for easy access . However, she did not bring the props, but put them in the personal space of the game country .

Although the stomach wall of Hattie is a bloodline skill, it is not suppressed because of its higher level and quality . It is just the breath that escapes and is absorbed by Adam’s bone .

Feeling the cold force from the wolf’s stomach, frozen by the cold force of the wolf’s stomach as the esophagus fell, Jacqueline took a deep breath and looked around .

This dark and pale white interwoven environment, let her feel abnormal depression .

Now, having decided on her route, she is also ready to go .

She didn’t want to stay in the legendary kingdom of thorns leading to the underworld .

Those decadent people cast their eyes from time to time, full of malice .

. . .

two days later, Jacqueline, who got in touch with the tide church, spent a lot of money plundered and finally bought the ticket to the withered country .

Or, to be precise, a fish ticket?

On the edge of the harbor, Jacqueline stood among a group of decadent people dressed in black or gray white, looking at the “ship” with a somewhat complicated look .

It’s a huge marine creature .

The body alone is nearly 100 meters long .

Seeing the size of this creature, Jacqueline could not help but come up with a word – “whale” .

But it’s not a whale .

Although it looks like a whale in outline, it has more than dozens of pairs of fins, which swing up and down in succession, like waves, to keep the body afloat .

Its body surface is light green, with dense algae and various plants on its back, and a huge, spiral single horn on the top of its head .


With the sun shining on its surface, Jacqueline could clearly feel that the huge sea animal was greedily absorbing the power from the sky .

Whether it is sunlight or other floating forces, the sea beast greedily absorbed .

Beside the sea animal, six or seven half human and half fish Mermaid women were floating beside the sea animal, floating beside the temporary corridor between the shore and the sea animal, watching the “passengers” who were walking up the back of the huge sea animal from the shore .

Jacqueline also obediently followed the passenger line, ready to walk on the body of the Shanghai beast .

Just as Jacqueline stepped on the temporary bridge, a clear voice sounded:


Jacqueline turned her head and saw a mermaid with pale green snake hair floating in the water watching her, and then said in a voice:

“youJacqueline’s heart was tight, but on the surface, she did not have any excited reaction, but showed a puzzled look, looked at other people, as if to confirm the object of the speech .

“Don’t look! You are the one! The country of pain

At the same time, the head of the mermaid with snake hair, which is like a living sea snake, shakes, spits out a message and sends out a dangerous signal .

With this sentence, everyone’s eyes turned to Jacqueline .

In this world, there is no “human” race . The abilities and appearance characteristics of residents in each country are quite obvious and unique . When it comes to the country of suffering, Jacqueline, which has neither insect characteristics, nor gray and dark skin, nor marine biological characteristics, is the only direction .

Jacqueline was nervous, but she didn’t make any rebellious movements .

She could feel that all the people present, except the mermaid with snake hair, were all ready to drive, with the power spreading towards the water and the power accumulated on the long stick in their hands, as well as the huge sea animal, which had accumulated huge power in the unicorn .

The strength of these tidal people is probably only multi-level-2, but the huge sea animal is different . Its strength is also multi-level-2 . However, if all the attacks are launched at the same time, Jacqueline will surely die if she does not choose to take off Adam’s bone to restore the strength of the dragon race .

Now, she has to fight for time to slowly take out Adam’s bone . . .

but at this tense moment, the snake haired girl’s words made her really surprised:

“you, be my spouse!”



Jacqueline couldn’t help but be astonished . So did other people of the tide who were nervous and ready to fight .

Then the webbed palm of one of the oldest looking women, the tidal man, slapped her in the water:

“celite! What are you talking about

“I’m not kidding!”

Part of the human body looks just like a 13-4-year-old snake haired girl coming out of the water:

“I feel the breath of Queen Lisse

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