Night Crow Master Chapter 552


Chapter 552: 552

But in any case, in which direction he is going, he needs to fill his stomach first, and then raise his preparatory body to level six .

Now, he can start to use his hands and feet from the “gamer” . At this level, the remaining backhand can be officially activated .

Art’s eyes swept across the vast world like a huge black crow .

. . .

gamers .

Dark world group, player hall, battle hall .

Several players are gathering .

“I’m going to join the battle . ”

A tall woman with membranous wings and a huge dragon tail behind her said to the crowd nearby .

Between the words, there is a strong to the extreme chill from her mouth .

“Jacqueline, do you really want to go?”

Beside her, a man in white plate armor, overflowing with a sense of holiness and holiness, inquired in a low voice .

As he spoke, a golden figure with three pairs of wings loomed behind him, making him more holy .

“We have just been promoted to level 30 and reached level 3 . You are the highest level among us, but there are only 35 levels . This level is cannon fodder to participate in the war . ”

“Yes, Jacqueline . ” She is tall and slender, has a strong sense of temptation, dark skin, slender thigh tied with a number of complicated lines of dagger fairy female assassin, touched his own pointed ears, the former captain labor, went to the war, did not come back . ”

“But . . . ”

the Dragon Girl Jacqueline sighed with dark blue power and cold breath:

“I’m different from you . You have five world missions to reach the qualification assessment world, but I only need two tasks . I don’t have enough resources now . If I can’t complete the fourth level world task in the next task, then My qualification rating will be lowered from ‘B’ to ‘C’


The qualification assessment task is related to the average world difficulty and the task reward of the promoted region when they are promoted from low level to high level world region .

Different regions have different levels of difficulty and reward .

The higher the area, the higher the natural difficulty . However, in proportion to the risk, the more rewards can be obtained, the better .

In such a system, the strong are stronger and the weak are weaker .

Whether it is active or passive to join the game player, become a member of the “player”, then, we must understand this rule .

Jacqueline knew it was kind enough .

Although there are systems such as “duel field” and “killing world” that allow “players” to kill each other, they are not encouraged to kill each other .

However, kindness is benevolent, but this does not mean that there will be “equality” in the game kingdom .

The so-called “equality” is, in essence, the most unequal and unfair thing .

Why should members with stronger talents and abilities enjoy the same treatment as the weak?

Before Jacqueline’s three-level qualification examination, she managed to climb from C to B, but she didn’t want to go back .

So, what can change?

Combat mission .

War against the world outside the game state .

As an intruder, invade other diverse organizations or some independent world .

There are also various forms .

Investigation, sneak in, expedition .

What she wanted to take part in was the expedition .

Whether it is investigation, sneak in or expedition, there is an advantage that is not available in the game country –

to seize the resources you want without restriction is not like doing all kinds of world tasks, you can only obtain certain resources .

Ambitious members, no matter how many, will try various expeditions .

However, relatively, the risks are also great .


Investigation is the safest one . As long as the coordinates of the world are returned to the game country and confirmed as the undiscovered world, there will be a high reward .

But looking for the undiscovered world?

It’s too hard .

It goes without saying that a few members even sneak into a certain world alone .

Once found out, the basic end is no return .

The risks are very high and the rewards are extremely high .

It is relatively safest to invade a world following the invasion of game states .

But there are also risks .

If the main army of the expedition fails, the result will be total annihilation .

The best choice is to select those expeditions that have already been felled, or have started the expedition, and have gained great advantages .

But of course, she is not the only smart person . Such a world has been robbed of all the places . After a variety of trade-offs, she chose a multi-level five level expedition world .

The world below level 7 is basically the world fragment or subsidiary plane of some large world, and there is no complete world rule .

However, in such a world, there are not necessarily many resources available .

Although the world of level 4 is very safe, it has very few resources . The world of level 5 has a lot of risks, but . . .

according to the estimation of various materials, if she wants to obtain enough resources to enable herself not to be demoted from the level 4 qualification assessment, she must choose the world of level 5 .

Standing in front of the portal, Jacqueline opens one of her chosen tasks .

[expedition task]

[Nature: private recruitment]

[rating: affiliated world (level 40-59)]

[exploration level: 3%]

[request for assistance: 0]

[expedition team: Number: 1 (in organization)]

[transmission cost . . . ]

a series of information emerged from the panel .

It’s a world that hasn’t been explored, a world that hasn’t been opened up .

If you succeed, you can get a lot of resources . If you don’t, you can get very few resources .

Jacqueline pointed out the details of the construction of the political and legal team .


[organizer: evil spirits (lv55)]

[requirements: I found the world coordinates, personally confirmed the level, about five levels of subsidiary world, to 10 levels above 40, 30 levels above 30, the higher the better, cutting-edge wasteland, do not cumbersome, cover props I out, are the corresponding level, grade transmission costs I pay, income is all 30 %, sign self-restraint contract regardless of grade . ]

full of game style words, as if playing a game .

But Jacqueline doesn’t ignore the content .

This is a team with high risk, which can be seen from the profit of only 30% .

Those who join the team will give the organizer 30% of all the resources they get after the battle .

30% is not high, which is based on the sentence “I found the world coordinates” .

When discovering the new world coordinates, someone will directly give the coordinates to the game country . For such a fire, the nature of the task is [open recruitment] .

However, some people are not willing to give an unexplored world directly to the game country .

Therefore, they choose to explore by themselves . After taking all the things they want to take, they give them to the game country, or even occupy it by themselves . Then they choose to belong to the game country and become the Lord of the world .

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