Night Crow Master Chapter 551


Chapter 551: 551

Att has always been extremely vigilant about the gem he took from the suspected gamer’s hand .

Even though he knew clearly that he could not resist such a strong man at that time, he still could not rule out that the other party might have any plans against him .

Art would never believe that it was just something thrown at him by the other party at will .

But now, he is really aware of the coordinates of the world in the gem of destiny, the position of connection –

the endless abyss .

Yes, that’s right . It’s the place full of chaos that the order side creatures hate .

The coordinates of this gem of destiny lie in the interior of the endless abyss .

It’s a relief for art .

Why a sigh of relief?

Feeling angry because you’re going to be on the side of chaos and destiny gems, or even other people’s designs?

Not really .

At the beginning, Yat has already made his own action, which is the conjecture of being controlled by others .

What is the significance of the existence of the system to itself?

He has made numerous conjectures and hypotheses, and has thought on the basis of the worst results .

The view we have now is not the worst, on the contrary, it is a better result .

And, most importantly, he identified one thing .

That is –

earthen pot, the suspected game character, who met with him in the glory world, and gave his destiny gem to his unknown person . . .

is related to the system .

Art has confirmed it .

The earthen pot is a character related to the system .

Even, the other party itself is the existence that creates the system or assists the system to act, even controls the system action .

The last possibility is that art realized that the essence of the system is a mass of bad luck with quality, quantity and level 7, and his own nature is even higher . He can find out the core of the system in detail and confirm that there is no other connection, and then he ruled it out .


In the gem of destiny, there is a string of information wrapped by the chaotic side forces .

The message, after careful identification by Yat, pointed to the chaotic side area .

This should be true .

But in the worst case, the coordinates pointing to that area are false, and there is no broken and destroyed broken world .

If we think in this direction, it is a trap or a wrong message .

However, the pitfall is not tenable after the “earthen pot” was excluded from the “enemy” camp by Yat .

So, error messages?

Art analyzed the possibility carefully .

Even the “earthen pot” can’t confirm whether it is true or not, or even cheated?

There is no doubt that the earthen pot is a more powerful existence with the same will as glory . Even such a person will be deceived?

The possibility is not to say no .

However, if we establish this possibility and think from this angle, then the purpose of “earthen pot” will become –

“let me go to this coordinate to confirm the authenticity? Or what can I do here? ”

This is the second conclusion that art draws from this possibility .

The first conclusion –

“is not only the purpose of the earthen pot, but also the existence of the system itself, and it is also to let him go to that coordinate . ”

This possibility is very low, but it is related to the conjecture that the “earthen pot” is the helper of the system in order to achieve a certain purpose .

However, as the core of the doomsday group, the system core is gradually assimilated and absorbed by Yat as he becomes stronger and stronger, and there is less and less information that can hide him . Even if there is no need to go to a certain place or accomplish anything, this possibility is very low .

However, the lower the possibility of yiatt’s cautious character, he will be more likely to be noticed and taken into account by him .

Even if “one’s own prudence will become a factor to be reckoned with”, such thinking logic often emerges from Yat’s mind .


There is a certain relationship between the system and the “earthen pot” . Even if the “earthen pot” is one of the makers of the system, or what relationship it has with the maker, the inference has been basically confirmed .

There are also a variety of anomalies in the system before entering the “game player” .

“Earthen pot” is likely to be involved in the multi-element organization of game players, and even the “earthen pot” itself is the top level of the multi-element organization of game players .

If so, then a lot of things can be explained, and there are traces to follow .

He even doubted that after he left the glory world, why he happened to arrive in the world of the players to which the gamers belonged was related to the “earthen pot” . The earthen pot is doing everything possible to guide him into the world group of game players through various obscure actions .

If that’s the case, then art really has to find a chance to return to the players’ world .

However, before that, he needs to be promoted to multi level six .

He has to absorb a lot of bad luck and increase himself to multiple levels .

At the same time, if the coordinates that the fortune gem points to, in the position of the chaos side area, really have a broken world .

Yat needs to think about the power to develop the chaotic side .

However, the forces on the chaos side are opposite to those on the order side, and even interfere with other forces themselves .

Even bad luck is the same .

Although the force of doom is a force inclined to the side of chaos, there is no doubt that doom, which is closely related to fate, is a real force on the side of order .

Whatever it is .

Now art uses the power of the chaos side, completely because through the core of the system, he has integrated the race or profession of the 88 abyss evil crow .

After the fusion, he had already begun to intend to abandon the forces on the chaotic side .

After all, the two conflict with each other, and . . .

if they are dominated by the chaotic side forces, they will lose their senses .

At present, art can still rely on the force of doom, or vaguely feel that his essence is more advanced than level seven and rule level doom to suppress the power of the chaotic side .

However, once the chaos side force reaches level 7, then, waiting for him, it must be irrational .

It’s just a matter of how much you lose your mind .

There is no doubt that Yat’s character can not be accepted without reason .

Even if you use the chaos side power now, you can only continue to level 6 . You can’t get to level 7 .

Because it is impossible to measure the strength of the chaotic side .

Even now, he is able to feel the power of the eighty-eight abyss crows fluctuating irregularly .

Sometimes suddenly jump to more than level 5, close to the intensity of level 6, and sometimes fall to the level below level 4 .

There is no stability in such things that cannot be measured by logic .

Therefore, at most, they can only hold the chaos side force of level 6 or so . In case it suddenly fluctuates to more than level 7 . . . It is higher than its own essence . . .

then, it is irrational to welcome Yat .

He wants to avoid it .

However, now . . . .

to enter the chaos side of the gem of destiny, the chaotic power of the evil crow of the eighty-eight abyss is necessary again . . . .

Yat is once again caught in a complex trade-off .

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