Night Crow Master Chapter 550


Chapter 550: 550

“No return design, purely for information collection?”

Giant brain like dark purple creatures gather up the debris:

“if it is only for the purpose of collecting information and not sending back the collected information, that is to say . . . The strategy of spreading the net widely?”

The idea is moving, even if it self explodes, the information contained in it has not been completely destroyed .

The other side is very smart, and even uses the power of the chaos side . Any creature on the order side will naturally have an aversion to the power of the chaos side .

The reason is that the forces on the chaos side assimilate the forces on the order side, that is, out of control .

The internal structure of this detective creature is indeed more hidden and hidden than any other scouting creature he has ever seen .

It can even be said to a morbid degree .

All content structures are set up to hide information, so a lot of function space is sacrificed .

Through the power of the chaos side as a self destruction preservation device, once the detection biology is restricted, it will directly destroy the information .

However, in front of him who has a higher level of strength, this is a joke . He can crack it one by one through his powerful power and the huge computational power comparable to the seven level material state world .

However, the most difficult thing for him is that the maker of the detective creature was extremely cautious .

There are no specific coordinates .

There is no information or coordinates for the maker of this investigative creature .

There’s not a single bit of information about the maker .

From the beginning, no matter how much he cracked, he couldn’t find the answer .

He can’t trace the source .

There is only one way to trace the source –

foresee .

Through the long time, use the magic of foreknowledge to trace the origin of this scouting creature .


But here comes the problem .

He didn’t know how powerful the chaos side the maker had .

As long as the order creature lives in the area on the side of the order, no creature can deviate from the long river of time and not connect with the long river of time .

Through the long river of time to predict, to track down the maker, with the strength he now has, as long as the strength of the target is less than multiple seven levels, and there is no power related to fate and time, then he can certainly trace back .

But there is one exception .

That’s the power of the chaos side .

It is not only time and fate, but also the power of any order side that can not be ignored – the endless chaos .

The power of the chaos side is not a good thing .

These forces, which are abhorrent to all order side creatures, can contaminate all order side forces and make them out of control .

Of course, there are also ways to “purify” the chaotic side forces into the order side forces .

But that’s a field that can only be reached by a strong person above level 7 .

“Naoling” is his ethnic name .

It’s not a powerful race, it’s just a lower class creature between the soul state and the belief state, just a little higher than the lowest class creature of the soul material state .

They are a race upgraded from the spirit state, and have not yet completed the transformation of advanced belief state .

No, to be precise, their race has exhausted its evolutionary potential .

However, although the race form is inferior, the development direction they choose, that is, the ethnic talent endows them with super high calculation ability .

As a multi-level six, he even has the ability to calculate the material state world which is comparable to level seven and has a huge mass .

Because they have taken the wrong path and spent all their evolutionary potential on expanding their brains and improving their ability to calculate, they have exhausted their development potential .


However, because of this paranoid development direction, they also have a good talent for ability . Therefore, their race is often recruited as the leaders of the subordinate world of some powerful multi-element organizations to control the world instead of the world will .

Of course, the idea of recruiting is just a good one .

Capture, captivity, cultivation and so on are more accurate .

They are just a good tool for the masters of the diverse world .

There are even many powerful people who cultivate or release some brain spirits . When the brain spirit grows to a sufficient level, they will capture and transform them into the body .

His name is — merst .

Like countless brain spirits, he is always thinking about how to make his own transformation, which has exhausted the potential of evolution, to a higher level .

Parasitism, reincarnation, assimilation, reset . . .

the Naoling tribe has explored countless ways to complete the integration of material state and soul state .

From three levels of pluralism to five levels of Pluralism — the integration of soul state and belief state is completed .

From five levels of pluralism to seven levels of Pluralism — the integration of belief state and rule state is completed . Level 7 to level 8 of pluralism – complete the integration of regular States, and then continue to superimpose the regular States, or degenerate into the legendary concept creatures .

He didn’t even know the details .

Integration concept? Reaching new heights?

This is the best way to get promoted across the diverse world .

However, this approach has many limitations .

In other words, he has no specific promotion plan .

At present, he does not master the promotion means of the rule state, nor does he have the most important thing –

that can be used as the “rules” of introduction .

What’s more, as a brain spirit, he spent all his evolutionary potential on the improvement of his calculation ability due to the evolutionary choice of his ancestors, resulting in his body being too fragile .

One of the problems that all brain spirits have to face is that they can’t completely degenerate into belief creatures .

It can only stack the power of soul state and belief state constantly, so that I become more bloated .

At present, the most powerful brain spirit is located in the “game player” organization, has advanced to multiple eight levels, and truly separated itself from the long river of time to reach the “brain spirit overlord” of “Trinity” .

Merster shook his head, took the initiative to erase the spread of thinking, and continued to think about how to accurately find this method of detecting creatures through prediction .

. . .

night crow world .

Art was also thinking .

According to his understanding, the whole multi world, most of the seven levels, have chosen the road of advanced world and integration of the world, and become “the will of the world”, just like the will of glory .

However, when it comes to multi level 8, it will control several worlds, integrate “world groups”, and have “domain overlord”

multi level 9 – in fact, the whole game player organization is the legacy of a multi-element level 9 strong player .

In ancient times, there are names like “origin” and “origin ancestor” .

However, when it comes to the multiple level ten, there is only one appellation –

master .

The “master” of the whole multiverse .

And why did Yat know that?

A crystal jewel, floating in front of his eyes .

This gem, which was obtained in the world of glory and contains the coordinates of a declining world, has been ignored by him and thought that it has no effect at this stage . Now, it has finally begun to appear .

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