Night Crow Master Chapter 549


Chapter 549: 549

In the south of the kingdom of drovotes, the North was ruled by Prince gores .

A small aristocratic territory .

“Blood solution!”

A little girl’s voice sounded, and a bloody solution suddenly flew out and hit the target .

Zilala –

the blood mist is rising continuously, and there is the scream of demons .

A few seconds later, a monster the size of a wild cat collapsed on the ground, and the shrill scream disappeared completely .

From its abdomen, which has been eroded into a big hole, the rest of it has become completely shriveled .

“Are you all right! Mannery? ”

There was a stir in the bushes and several figures came out .

The little girl shook her head: “I’m ok!”

Her eyes turned to the bodies on the ground .

Although the magic tooth cat has the strength of black iron level, and is fast, it is not her opponent after all .

Then she turned her head and looked at the man standing in the middle of the crowd:


After calling his name, minali leaned directly towards him .

The attitude is obviously different from that of others . Be closer .

Enshea, also known as ashuun, did not have any expression when he saw her leaning over . He just reached for her and touched her head .

But on the surface of peace, asheon’s heart was gloomy .

Violation of peace .

Abnormal violation of peace .

With his character, it is absolutely impossible to take care of a picked up little girl .

No matter how good the little girl is, his character will not make him think of “sacrificing something to cultivate her” .

But now, that’s what he did .

He not only slowed down his plan, but also devoted a lot of resources to the promotion and cultivation of Manali .

He felt that there was an invisible force influencing his action, forcing him to do so .


However, it is clear that no matter what the force is, it is not something he can fight head on .

He can’t fight head-on, he can only comply, or he can only be broken to pieces .

His only choice is to comply .

We should seek our own growth in the process of adaptation .

But there’s another weird place .

He seems to have forgotten something .

What is it?

He can’t remember .

Asheon examined his memory carefully .

He was a little aristocrat of fania, that is to say, the eastern continent, de novote .

A few months ago, he got a blood red scroll .

That scroll, let him obtain the powerful strength .

However, while gaining great power, he is also invaded by a monster .

With his powerful self, he got rid of control, turned this power into his own power, and successfully awakened his talent and became a blood feast Warlock .

Now, he abandoned his aristocratic status and secretly planned to establish the scarlet order, subvert the rule of the earth Holy See, and establish a scarlet nation .

Ashur went back and forth several times and found nothing wrong .

What memory is missing?

Asheon was puzzled .

Who is minali? Why can it affect him?

. . .

in the regular corridor .

A mass of doom, similar to the misfortune surrounding it, continued to flow mechanically and naturally .

There is no movement in the appearance, but the inside is hiding, while constantly recording information .

[split has been assimilated by the world . . . ]

[judgment: the fate operation of the world is a highly automatic evolution type without manual supervision and intervention, and the fate system has matured . 】

[after being influenced by the fate power group, the foreign individual experiences self revise and be assimilated by fate . 】

[the son of destiny carries the Pangda power group, and encounters and approaches the son of fate, and will be assimilated rapidly . 】


[possibility of continuing to erode the world: extremely low]

[success rate: extremely low]

[deducing feasible scheme -]

[unable to break away from the rule corridor without abnormal influence . 】

[the success rate of transforming the rule corridor from the inside of the rule Corridor: extremely low]

[invasion: failure]

[save all the current information, enter the dormant state, and save the information . 】

the dark potential group fell into silence completely and turned into a group of bad luck which was completely different from other bad luck groups .

. . .

night crow world .

Art, who is in the process of evolution and transformation, opens his eyes . He was able to sense that the countless offspring of the evil crow that he had spread out were almost completely destroyed .

And the released doom body, at present, has no actual contact, and he does not know whether it survives or not .

Being killed at the moment of encounter is basically the encounter with advanced world or powerful creatures .

He is still alive, either he has not encountered the world, or he has been caught in captivity, trying to find the position of his noumenon through those progenies .

Although they are killed, those who are not killed fast may encounter a small world .

However, the most cautious idea is that –

any released offspring, whether killed or not, may have been discovered, and the other party is trying to backtrack .

At the same time, Yat has already prepared the countermeasures . . .

. . .

in the endless void .

A giant creature, with his hands outstretched, the dark purple light escapes from his hands with dozens of fingers .

An evil creature, like an octopus and a combination of crows and spiders, is shrouded in the dark purple light .

The light of dark purple constantly penetrates into its body, separating pictures and information .

His thinking core, which is constructed by the energy of belief state and soul state, is running at a high speed:

“it’s a wonderful complex structure . In some places, it can’t be cracked by force, in some places, it can only be broken by force, some can only be disassembled by stacking calculus, and some dismantling structures are compounded with result traps, Success can only be achieved by “failure” . There are even logical traps . The combination of instruction and confusion directly leads to logical confusion . However, as long as there is a goal, it is impossible to truly confuse . . . “”

there are hundreds of thousands of such complex structures .

He smelled beautiful food .

How long has it been since he met such a complicated detective body?

However . . .

“hundreds of thousands of them are still too few . Come on, let me have a look, let me see your origin — “

one by one, he accurately cracked hundreds of thousands of traps and information locks constructed by Yat, and then, nonviolently, cracked the last logical trap that could not be opened .

And in this moment, a dark, confusing force poured out of this sealed complex information lock box .

“Endless abyss?”

The purple giant brain creature was astonished .

He was familiar with the breath, this strange place from the abyss of chaos .

That’s what intelligent creatures like him hate most .

“It’s disgusting . ”

The huge purple brain seemed to be angry and released its power, tearing up the door of chaos leading to the endless abyss .

However, he also developed more interest .

Who is responsible for this complicated investigation?

“No answer is the best answer . That’s great . ”

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