Night Crow Master Chapter 548


Chapter 548: 548

After twisting his wrist, the young man clenched the metal block in his hand, and then —

in the next moment, his left hand was twisted and deformed into a silver iron snake .

Hard scales and sharp rows of teeth, so strong .

Black iron talent – shaper .

Be able to absorb the target and transform part of one’s body into corresponding form .

“The silver snake is in good health . ”

There was excitement in the eyes of the young man . After selling the things, he took the money and went to Liuying . After one by one, he got the original black iron . After playing with it many times, he finally realized his talent .

At present, this source of black iron has not been used up .

And, he found out .

His talent can also absorb the inner strength of the original black iron .

These forces can give him a very strong ability to attack and defend .

“I also have a chance to be a strong man . ”

The young man’s eyes are full of excitement . He will find it back in the future when he is tortured as an experimental object!

With that, he kicked the withered corpse of the middle-aged man beside his foot and turned away .

He didn’t find the little girl until he left .

And the little girl just watched the broken body of the middle-aged man, and did not walk out of the trees because of the youth’s leaving .

She had been squatting in the same place, and her small, not brilliant head echoed the words of middle-aged people:

“don’t come out . ”

“Lauder, mannery’s not going out . ”

The little girl said to herself, still hiding in the trees, still motionless .

. . .

a day later, a group of small mercenaries was gradually approaching the small territory .


Not far behind them, another large group of mercenaries, composed of 40 or 50 people, was gradually approaching this area .

Standing at the front of the line was a young woman with a huge sword like a door plank behind her back . Not far from her, there was a young man who did not look very impressive .

“Wait a minute, Dinah . ”

The young man, who was asheon, suddenly made a noise to stop Dinah .

And as Dina stops, the team slows down and stops .

“What’s the matter? Enshea? ” Outside, naturally, Dina would not call ashuen master directly, but Kia Huen . She would tell her a pseudonym, a name obtained by simply reversing it .

“It’s a little strange . ”

Ashuen’s eyes scanned the woods not far away . He felt that the trees were strange .

There seems to be something powerful lurking in it .

No, it shouldn’t be said to be powerful . According to asheon’s blood feast Sorcerer’s magic into his body, he gradually became stronger and more aware of life force . He did not find any powerful creatures in the forest ahead .

There are only a few magic creatures whose vitality can reach the level of black iron .

And the source that made him feel “powerful” . . .

ashuen’s perception spread to the woods, where only a little girl was found lying in the trees, seemingly avoiding something .

A little girl?

Or a frail little girl?

Ashuen did not feel any strong vitality from her . Instead, she felt weak because she had not eaten for a long time and had not replenished her vitality .

He didn’t know why .

He has completely deleted all the knowledge and memory related to “bad luck, luck and fate”, and even the group of luck and doom around the little girl’s body has gradually become huge and unable to observe .


However, in his memory, there is a short and clear judgment on this feeling —

is very important .

This little girl is very important .

I don’t know why, but it’s important .

The memory of character, engraved in the soul, never ignores or ignores this intuitive response .

There is a reason for everything .

Without any hesitation, he immediately called on Dina and other scarlet slaves and walked towards the little girl’s position in the form of Dina .

At this time, the small group of mercenaries in front of them was close to the little girl’s position .

Asheon did not choose to back down .

Instead, he had a bad feeling .

It would not be a good thing for him to get that small group of mercenaries close to the little girl .

Without any hesitation, his will was given to Dana and other scarlet servants —


And for asheon’s instructions . The scarlet servant headed by Dina did not hesitate to choose to execute .

. . . . . . . . Far away, as if in another dimension, in the depth of the world, representing all origins and fixing all rules in the huge corridor .

A group of doom is similar to the surrounding doom group, and there are countless times of information records interwoven with the cover:

[the split body is close to the fate of the right track related figures . . . ]

[the split body is pulled by the Qi . . . ]

[whether it is a trial behavior or not is not confirmed, and no counter measures are taken . According to the character calculation and counter suggestion, the split will enter the Act in dependence and act on the son of fate . 】

[the possibility of separate encounter investigation will increase in the future . . . ]

[investigation results – the operation form of fate trajectory is basic, and fate traction is carried out through the potential difference between fate and misfortune . At present, there is no agent of fate and no destiny corrector . 】

[there is no contact with the destiny slate, and it is impossible to confirm the number and specific position of the children of fate]

[judgment: the world has left the early stage of destiny development, and the fate system has developed mature without manual intervention .

[no garrison is determined]

[no other invaders are determined]

[a large amount of information is not processed]

1 The Taoist information is recorded in a slow but extremely covert way in the process of continuous concealment .

. . .

when the small group of mercenaries saw ashuen and others approaching, they did not realize that the other party was carrying a killing intention .

When Dina and others rushed in front of them, the group was shocked to find that the other side had no hidden intention to kill .

But it’s too late .

Dina waved her sword, and her slender arms were cut out with an unimaginable force of terror . The huge sword covered with endless blood spots directly cut the three people’s waist .

The other scarlet minions, however, rushed on one after another, waving their weapons to kill the remaining six members of the team .

The mercenaries, who were not scarlet servants, were astonished at the actions of Dina and others .

When the reaction comes over, the mercenary team that was just in peace will be killed completely!?

Watching their reaction, asheon’s eyes flashed a little scarlet .

Originally was to cover up to leave the straw, now, has grown into thorns, produced hidden dangers .

It needs to be cut off .

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