Night Crow Master Chapter 547


Chapter 547: 547

With the little girl hiding in the trees, the man who had lost his worries for the time being began to move slowly, trying to reduce his movement and move towards the place where the voice came from .

But as soon as he got closer, he noticed the situation .

Dozens of meters away, a young man dressed like a traveler was waving a weapon and trying to defend something .

When middle-aged people think about what the other side is defending –


A dark shadow suddenly flashed out from the nearby trees and bit the young man’s hand .

The young man’s face did not change, and the sword in his hand made an arc and cut to the black shadow .

Dang –

along with the sound of metal hitting, the black shadow falls on the ground –

this is a silver snake which is close to adult height . Its sharp, triangular cone like head is slightly open and closed . Unlike poisonous snakes, its teeth are similar to those of Python .

And on that tooth, also have faint bloodstain, seem to have just bit some prey .

“It’s a silver snake!” The middle-aged man immediately realized what the snake was, and he was shocked .

Silver iron snake is rarely found in places with few ores, and the body of this demon is covered with hard scales . It is difficult for sharp weapons to do any damage to it . Even the strong black iron class cannot use sharp weapons to do any damage to it .

To kill it, you need to smash its body with heavy weapons such as heavy hammers .

Why are silver snakes here? Middle aged people don’t know .

Who is this young man? He didn’t know .

But he could see that the young man’s weapon did little harm to the silver snake .

According to the conventional method, in this case, they would like to stab the silver snake in the mouth with a weapon, and tear its body with a weapon .


However, for the silver snake, this method is totally unworkable .

Because, silver iron snake is edible metal, their mouth, their teeth, than the scale of the skin is harder .

Such an approach will only result in the destruction of weapons .

The kind-hearted middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then clenched his fist, and was ready to walk out of the grass to give the young man tips and help .

However, at this time, he suddenly saw that the young man’s left hand had wiped the sword, and in an instant, his palm had a bloodstain .

This action makes the middle-aged people confused, but at this time, he saw what the other side took out like a piece of iron and pressed it directly on the wound .

The middle-aged man was surprised to notice that after performing this action, a burst of black strength with metal texture surged on the other side’s body .

Black? Black iron?

Black iron strong .

The middle-aged man is not the original knight who has strong fighting power, but just for his daughter, or nominal daughter Manali .

In fact, he was just a servant .

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly saw that the silver iron snake’s body suddenly shrank and was about to jump forward . It seemed that he felt the threat of youth .

Holding a long sword in his right hand, the young man continued to chop at the silver iron snake, trying to knock the silver iron snake to the ground .

The gray sword tore the air and hit the silver snake .


There was another crackle of metal hitting, and the silver iron snake made an ugly hissing sound and was knocked to the ground .

A touch of humanized anger flashed in the silver iron snake’s eyes . Its mouth opened and its body bounced again . Rows of sharp teeth met the youth .


The momentum is not good, the youth immediately chose to retreat from the attack .


How can the silver iron snake let the youth go? Seeing the youth retreat, the silver iron snake actually pours on it directly . The snake tongue with the same metal texture in its mouth spits out from the snake’s snout, just like a sharp thorn, stabbing at the youth .

But at this time, the black force has completely wrapped the palm of the youth, and also spread to the whole arm of the youth .

After the black power appeared on his body, the young man suddenly reached out his hand and grasped the silver snake .

Sand –

“it’s useless . ”

Talking to himself, the young man stepped forward, and his black palm like a beast’s claw crossed the head of the silver iron snake . His black palm glowed with cold light . At once, he blocked the sharp tongue of the silver iron snake and seized the head of the silver iron snake!

The next moment, the young man pinched hard, the sharp row of teeth directly cut off his tongue .

The broken tongue is like a snake that has lost its head . After landing, it still struggles to wriggle, as if there is still life . The gap flows with blood .

And the next scene, but let the middle-aged people can’t help but stare big eyes .

Because, at the next moment, the silver iron snake, which was grasped by the young man’s right hand with black power, withered rapidly .

It was something he had never seen before . And he was so surprised that his body moved slightly .

The trees driven by his actions also exposed him .

The young man turned his head in an instant, and cast his eyes on his position, and showed his malice .

“Not good!”

Middle aged suddenly feel bad, immediately ready to run away .

But the youth have rushed directly .

The long sword in his hand was thrown out by him, like an arrow, which cut through the air and flashed past the middle-aged man’s waist . The middle-aged man was aware of it and dodged . However, although he did not directly hit him, his clothes were also cut .

Subconsciously, the middle-aged man tried to continue to escape, turned and jumped out directly . However, when he dodged, he suddenly found a white light coming!

That’s the young man just now .

Moreover, there are silver scales on each other’s body —

just like the silver snake .

The body of the youth turned into a silver white arc, and quickly fell in front of the middle-aged .

“I –”

the middle-aged man tried to beg for mercy, but the young man did not hesitate to lift his foot and put his foot on his head .

With a light sound, the head of middle-aged people directly burst open, red and white splash .

And the youth did not end the attack, the black iron was pulled out again by him, and the right hand was surrounded by black power .

Holding out his hand, the young man directly penetrated the heart of the middle-aged corpse .

The black force is like a pipe, stirring and expanding, as if to pull something out of the middle-aged body .

And such a scene, is hidden in another bush of Manali saw .

However, she just widened her eyes, did not have any movement, also did not have any sad response .

It just doesn’t seem to be acceptable that middle-aged people are killed .

She watched this scene quietly, watching the middle-aged man’s decapitated corpse gradually dried up by the young man, and turned into a completely dried corpse and a shriveled skin .

No one noticed that a deep black appeared in her eyes . .

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