Night Crow Master Chapter 535


Chapter 535: 535

In half a month, great things happened in the whole of Sewall .

Countless soldiers and Vatican personnel are searching for heretics called the scarlet order, which worships the scarlet daughter .

Baron Barthes, on the other hand, was also censored by the Vatican .

A group of the Vaticans, dressed in heavy, earth like and hard metal like garments, came to ashuen’s manor .

They are the mainstream religion in the world, called harahawk, commonly known as the earth church .

He advocates the earth and believes that everything is the son of the earth, and everything is the gift of the earth .

Because of the funeral culture, people will be buried underground after they die, and the black warlock who controls the corpse is regarded as the greatest blasphemy .

Although different from most sorcerers, the earth church can also use powerful magic .

They call themselves the “bestowal skill”, which refers to communicating with the earth and gaining the power of the earth .

This group of church people who can communicate with the earth and get the power of the earth can make them have the power similar to that of warlocks .

Although not comparable to the magical power of warlocks, but their power is enormous .

It can activate and control quicksand gravel shaping attack .

Looking at these people, asheon showed a trace of resentment, just as other nobles met the earth church .

Since ancient times, religion has been a sharp weapon to stabilize and control people’s minds .

However, such sharp weapons will also cause bad consequences .

Most countries have expanded their scale through conquest and plunder, thus forming countries .

When people’s belief in the sacred is promoted, the benefits of the gradual increase are gradually reduced . In a country with higher and more stable belief, the struggle between theocracy and kingship becomes more intense .


Just like the state, the development of church power will breed ambition, and want to control more resources and obtain more things .

Every nobleman would have more or less friction with the church .

It would be weird if ashuun showed a kind look .

As for whether or not to gamble, these people are not mentally retarded . It is unnecessary not to interpret his friendly expression as “hypocrisy” but “guilty heart” .

“Gather all the people of your manor here . ”

The bishop, dressed in black, paid no attention to the indignation on ashuen’s face, as he did to other nobles, and made a rude remark .

According to ashuen’s memory, the world’s classification of strength is derived from the strength traits behind each level .

The strength of black iron is the color of black iron .

Red copper is red copper, blue silver is blue silver, platinum is white gold .

The same is true for the Church of the earth .

In front of him was a black iron bishop .

His name was Carol, and he was a black iron bishop of the Holy See of west wall, but his church was not here, so he didn’t need to be polite at all .

What’s more . . .

a weak aristocrat without black iron strength?

Baron Bart? Oh, he didn’t have the strength of black iron . He just bought his position by money from the legacy of his ancestors and by means of dirty means . He was tired of saying more .

But ashuen was still a “angry” expression, and finally “reluctantly” called the maid to gather all the people in the manor:

“fanil! Fanil! Call everyone here

“Yes! Baron . ”

A beautiful maid trotted out from one side and passed the bishop of Carroll and the other four priests of the earth with her head bowed .

“Wait a minute . ”


Bishop Carroll’s flat voice sounded, and the four earth priests immediately came out behind him and stopped fanil .

“What do you want to do?” Ashuen stares, playing the image of his own incompetent little aristocrat .

But bishop Carroll ignored him, did not even look at him, but said to fanil:

“raise your head . ”

As he spoke, his right hand had moved slightly, ready to attack .

Fanil, the maid, after a pause, raised her head and looked at the bishop with a puzzled, slightly uneasy look .

Eyes . . . Not red .

Carol was shocked when she saw her face .

But . . . This girl is so beautiful .

Pretty . . . Not human .

Having this idea, Carol lifted her chin casually: “go . ”

Then he turned to ashuun:

“everything will be revealed, and if there is anything, it’s better to say it earlier . ”

He pressed his hand on his chest as if there was something there .

And the smile on the corner of his mouth that seems to have grasped the truth can also bring pressure to people . And ashuun is ready .

He changed the pupil color of scarlet minions through careful operation, and gave the scarlet minions orders such as not to resist if attacked .

However, of course, he did not feel that he had sealed all the results . If the other party had other methods to identify, it would be fine .

Ashuen is ready for the worst-case scenario –

to be found .

And preparation has been made .

After leaving the Earl of Sewall, he made three preparations, with scarlet minions making three positions in each of the three regions .

Once it’s revealed, move the base .

However, these three strongholds can only be regarded as a countermeasure .

He had two other ways of doing it, changing his face, turning into someone else, and starting to plot again .

There is another kind, namely –

kill them and turn them into scarlet servants .

Although we can’t guarantee that he will be OK after that, we can buy him a period of time so that he can enter other routes .

Ashuen’s eyes, cold .

After that, dozens of people from the manor gathered in front of the house .

Carol looked at the crowd, and when he was ready to attack and counterattack, he pulled out a black metal block from the chest of the teaching uniform, and said in a loud voice:

“in the name of the earth! The dead! Return to the dust

Carol chanted the opening mantra high, and the black iron in her hand radiated black light around her .

The light fell on the people and asheon .

In an instant, asheon felt that the vitality in his body was touched .

Then . . . Is being extracted .

Although the power is very weak, but the range is very wide .

Ashuen was on the alert in an instant, and immediately began to suppress the vitality in his body and the vitality in the body of the scarlet minion .

He immediately remembered what ashon had done before –

absorbing the vitality of the magic material . . .

the servant who had absorbed the vitality would only turn into a pile of ashes .

What’s that piece of metal!?

Ashuen’s brows wrinkled slightly .

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