Night Crow Master Chapter 529


Chapter 529: 529

An hour and a half later, count Sewall led his own regiment and arrived at barken village 7 . 1 km away .

“Is that the village where the scarlet order is gathered?”

Fogg Sewall looked at the quiet village from a distance, and could not help but wonder .

“It should be here!” Nosk hovenko glanced around, as if to verify whether the terrain was the same as his memory . He said, “this should be the place . They should be in the east room or the west room . ”

Before his “escape”, he fled from south to north, but he was not sure, and his words were deliberately vague .

And this, let a few people a little angry, but more intelligent, on the contrary, more believe that he is from this quiet small village to escape .

When a person is in a panic, how can he deliberately remember so many things, just as he pointed out the wrong way just now . If he remembers the route that only came once in detail and remembers the detailed and detailed one, it can be done on the contrary .

The count of Sewall, of course, was not so stupid as some of the stupid knights who would be angry at the uncertain words of nosk .

“Five of you, take ten people and go around to the east exit and block the intersection . ”

“The five of you take ten people around the south exit and block the intersection”

“so do the five of you, go to the West . ”

“The rest of the people came with me from the north into Bakken village . ”

The count of Sewall led the procession into four groups, and surrounded the village of Bakken .

“If you find an enemy, send a signal . If you can stop it, stop it . If you can’t stop it, protect yourself . Then send a signal again, and others will gather together . ”


“Be careful and don’t disturb the enemy . ”


The first signal is to announce that there is an enemy, and the second signal is to announce that there is a strong enemy .

The count of Sewall has used this signal many times .

After the order was given, three groups of knights and soldiers left in two ways .

The rest of them followed the count of Sewall .

“Just like what I said just now, once the war begins, anyone who comes near will be killed without asking more questions . ”

The count of Sewall stressed again .


“Now, go!”

. . .

in Bakun village, several old people walk towards the gate with the help of young people .

“Is the new Lord here?”

“Didn’t you inform us before?”

“What a fool, Lord, why should he inform you when he comes here? Even if it is a notice, it also informs the housekeeper and servant in the manor . ”

The leading people talked about it .

Barken village was originally developed from a knight manor with less than 40 households and less than 100 people in total .

Although barken village is also under the jurisdiction of barken manor, there are differences between “within the manor” and “outside the manor” in barken village .

The tenant, the tenant, the soldier, the Freedman .

Outside the manor, there are basically free farmers and free people, but there are very few free people . After all, this kind of small place .

“The new Lord will certainly charge us the land rent, and we will say that we have paid it . ”

A few free businessmen are trying to get rid of the rent they should not have paid again .

At this time, they saw that from the north, a troop of more than 20 people was approaching them .

“Is that the new Lord?”


The feudal manor was a self-sufficient natural economic unit . All production in the manor was to supply the Lord’s consumption and the living needs of farmers and their families . Only those things that the manor could not produce, such as salt and iron, were purchased from the merchants . Moreover, the traffic conditions were very poor and there was little communication with the outside world .

No one here even knows the count .

But a dozen of them, who were no different from the others, fixed their eyes on hovenko, who was close to the count of Sewall, and immediately understood what had happened .

According to the master’s order, they immediately started the next action:

“if they find foreign soldiers, they will obviously incite the leading people to approach, and then they will obviously run to the place of detention . After being attacked, they will fight back directly . ”

Two of them immediately turned away from the crowd, while the remaining dozen incited the crowd to approach the count of Sewall and others by various means .

Beside the count of Sewall, the Scarface knight and the bearded knight, armed with spears and swords, protected the count .

And the two people who ran out of the crowd saw it clearly from the point of view they were riding on .

Fogg Sewall could see it clearly, too .


“Count!”At the same time, the three reminded the count of Sewall to notice the two abnormal people . However, he was concerned that several people in the crowd were inciting the leading people to approach them .

“There’s a problem here . ” Count Sewall glanced at the men . “Fork, give me the bow . ”

“Yes! Father Fogg Sewall immediately gave his bow and quiver to the count .

The count of Sewall, ignoring his followers, raised his bow and aimed at a demagogue . With the bowstring coming back, the arrow shot out .

Before the leaders understood what was going on, they found an arrow shot into the chest of a lively and industrious young man, and shot him to the ground .

“Ah When they saw the dead, some people panicked, “run! These people may be bandits! ”

The count of Sewall and others were directly regarded as robbers .

The count of Sewall shot three agitators with arrows and bows .

Soon, the mixed scarlet slaves of the crowd, in accordance with the orders left by ashuen, rushed madly at them .

Hey law!!!

Seeing the enemy, the Knights immediately pulled the reins and launched an attack on the scarlet slaves . The horses neigh and charged with their masters .

Hoo Hoo!!!

As the wind howled, the bearded knight with a huge sword sped out and cut a scarlet slave with a scarlet claw blade in half .


With a huge sword sweeping through the open space, the other knights and soldiers rushed out, leaving only six or seven people to protect the count of Sewall .

Although the count of Sewall did not need protection .

And the Scarface Knight also rushed out in an instant, the spear thrust in his hand, and stabbed the two scarlet slaves at once .

In the midst of a great roar and shouting, several soldiers were killed by scarlet slaves, and then killed by knights, and then a group of scarlet slaves gathered around .

The count of Sewall, on the other hand, was watching this scene quietly, watching the “heretics” who were dying to charge .

I don’t know why, but he felt something wrong .

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