Night Crow Master Chapter 518


Chapter 518: 518


[creator (lv55)]

[material state: lv55 (-) (night crow world) (force of creation)]

[soul state: lv0 (-) (none)]

[belief state: lv55 (-) (force of evil Crow)]

[rule state: lv73 (World rules) [lv53 (force of doom)]

the whole night will be changed In the Raven world, after all the bad luck has been swallowed up, art’s power only reaches lv53 .

The power of evil crow and creation has reached the top lv55 of occupation limit and cannot be promoted .

The power of the creator profession is totally material, and the power of evil crow is of faith .

After transforming fast and Rosa, the lady of black rose, into the family, and dealing with the rest of the things, Yat sorted out the status quo .

The Duke of the blood tree, the Duke of blood he had seen in the glorious world, had disappeared .

The other side escaped from the shell world before his will war with the empty shell bug .

And there is also a steam rider .

The God who embarked on the complete material road is no longer in the shell world .

This . . . He was a little surprised . Although he had made a lot of evil gods and observed the reaction of the gods, he had a vague guess about the steam Knight’s reaction, but when he really confirmed this matter, he was still a little surprised .

These things will be dealt with separately .

Now, what he needs to do is . . .

the future development direction of the world .

Inside the body of the empty shell beetle, the morphological structure is a four-dimensional close to five-dimensional material world .

In the whole shell world, or night crow world, there are nearly ten million large and small three-dimensional planes distributed in various regions .

The smallest, some are only the size of a room, the largest, more than a thousand times the size of the earth, and close to the size of a Jupiter, in various forms .

There are more spherical bodies like planets, but many of them are completely plate like material continents .

But each plane is material, and the plane of soul and belief does not exist .

However, there is a plane completely constructed by the force of chaos, but this plane can not be inhabited by any living creatures, unless it is a chaotic creature .


However, most of them are filled with all kinds of space turbulence and the residual chaos of empty shell insects .

There are about 20 of them that can be used and live .

It is the planes occupied by the first twenty gods .

When changing the shape of the world in the shell by force, the gap between planes was squeezed, and many planes were destroyed .

But it doesn’t matter . There are only 20 planes that can be used in the tens of millions of planes .

The others, he needs to slowly clean up the space turbulence and the chaos left by empty shell insects before they can be used .

Just like the building theory mentioned before, the night crow world, as a four-dimensional world, is like a building with tens of thousands of floors, and each floor is a three-dimensional plane .

The three-dimensional planes, large and small, are like many rooms in a floor, each floor has thousands of three-dimensional planes distributed in different positions .

The reason why it is close to five dimensions means that there are not only one building like this, but tens of thousands of them .

Although many of them are deformed, they are still buildings, which can be expanded as long as it takes time .

The three-dimensional diameter of the whole night crow world is only 13 solar systems in diameter, and most of them are filled with holes filled with plane gaps .

Very small .

Like the huge eight dimensional world made up of gamers, the projection in three dimensions has the size of a galaxy .

And a galaxy with more than 400 billion stars .

1: 1 . 2×10 to the 13th power .

This is only a three-dimensional gap .

The gap between the eight dimensional world and the three-dimensional world is like the gap between the whole earth and a grain of sand .

Gamers, a multi world organization, are not comparable in size .

It is impossible to rely on the stacking on the material level to enhance the strength against the huge multi-element organization of game players .

In the final analysis, what he needs to do is continue to swallow up bad luck, improve his own strength, and upgrade himself to multi-level eight .


Although it is totally incomparable in volume, it is feasible to break the surface with points .

And . . . The connection between his system and the game player organization gives him more opportunities to find .

Even . . . Capture the entire gamer organization . It’s just like he took control of the world in the shell by replacing the line of rules with the body of bad luck .

Now, he needs detailed planning .

However, what he needs more is . . .

more bad luck .

Art’s eyes swept across the night crow world .

Nearly ten million creatures who had been transformed into dependents by him raised their heads together .

“My family, go and find other worlds . ”

The humanoid Yat, turning back to its original form, is a chaotic creature with eighty-eight evil and ominous crows’ heads . It looks up and hisses .

After tens of millions of chaotic forces poured into their bodies, distorted their memory and erased all information about the night crow world and his information, a group of forces formed by the power of evil crows, wrapped with a trace of bad luck attached to art’s will, poured into their bodies and floated in their minds .

Moreover, when Yat no longer actively limits the pollution of the power of the evil crow, the body of this only family member immediately begins to twist and develop towards a strange direction .

Under the pollution of the evil crow’s power, the body of a magic eye crow suddenly bulges numerous flesh balls . Because of the continuous strengthening of the magic eye, most of its body has been degenerated and twisted to form numerous irregular tentacles, which are not only like the vines of plants, but also like the tentacles of octopus . Then, on the magic eye, there are many strange meat balls, which become tentacles .

It looks like starfish and sea urchin .

In addition, in countless tentacles of the trunk, end, various parts, again and again produced a magic eye, and then extended irregular tentacles or meat pieces .

It became a disgusting, seemingly indistinguishable monster that could only make people feel disgusted and confused .

In addition to the subordinates who have names, other relatives who do not know their names and have no emotional basis have turned into various monsters .

Only tens of thousands of family members were left .

The rest of these are subordinates who have been with art since a long time ago .

The millions of them were only ordered by Yat to invade the world in the shell, which was not a pity .

And . . .

at, a crow’s head glanced over a mountain range . In an instant, the mountain collapsed, countless rocks broke into powder, and formed an ellipsoid like millions of crows’ eggs in the air . Then, a thread of evil crow’s power poured in .

The eggshell is broken, and strange creatures are crawling out of the ellipsoid .

It is not difficult for him to make creatures, especially chaotic creatures .

He needs time to clean up the environment in the night crow world and make it into his own physical body .

But he can’t just be confined here by a night crow world and not improve his strength .

What he needs to do is he needs to explore other worlds to swallow up bad luck and enhance his own strength .

Then, use the family members as scouts and send them to all directions .

The power of evil crows integrated into the minds of the family members can interfere with the investigation with chaotic characteristics, so as to avoid them being traced back to the source by more powerful enemies and find their own position .

Once in danger, Yat will immediately detonate the power of the evil crows in their bodies, use the family members as fuel, open the door of destruction, open the channel to the abyss of darkness, and let the crazy chaotic creatures block the gun .

Both aggression and security should be ensured .

“Go, my family . ”

Like a living creature, the world of night crows unfolds its dark and chaotic wings . From its feathers, it flies out one by one strange and chaotic creature, and flies away in all directions and around .

Find other worlds for their great Raven masters .

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