Night Crow Master Chapter 515


Chapter 515: 515

Large crystal shells far larger than Eurasia have formed sharp claws under the pressure of powerful forces .

The sharp beak of the crow also arched up and formed in the roar, emitting a sharp light .

At the same time, a huge black feather formed by the power of the evil crow gradually emerged outside the new night crow world .

Each of these crow feathers exudes a sense of confusion . Any way of observation will be interfered by the power of the evil crow . If we observe it visually, the new world of night crows is a chaotic line .

From the perspective of hearing, this night crow world is the source of all kinds of irregular noise .

In any case, to see the interior of the night crow’s world, one has to go through the layers of chaotic feathers .

The feathers of the night crow world have completely turned to black gray . Even in the middle of the giant crow’s eyes the size of a star is filled with whirlpool of black gray . The turbulent force of the evil crow mixed with the rule line of bad luck control, making the whole night crow world wrapped in chaos .

At the same time, Yat devours the chaotic power inside the shell insect body, and constantly uses the power of the evil crow to transform it into the chaos feather .

. . . raise your level .

[character name: black crow (Yat))

Occupation: eighty eight abyss evil crow (lv51)


material state: lv55 (-) (night crow world)

soul state: lv0 (-) (none)

belief state: lv51 (-) (force of evil Crow)

rule state: lv73 (World rule) [lv51 (force of doom)]

status: Normal]

when the mind moves, it has become his thinking system and a part of his “brain”, showing the status bar .

The power level of the physical state is 55, which is the level of the new world created by the fusion of the night crow world and the world in the shell .


He has no soul power .

The belief power is the level of the power of the evil crow . Now, with the crows raging in the world, they constantly devour the power and transform it to him, which is still rising slowly .

Rule state power, lv73’s level, is not his own strength, but the power he obtained by taking advantage of the opportunity of fighting against the will of the empty shell beetle and integrating the world in the shell through the nature of doom, and taking advantage of the opportunity to steal the original regular line of the night crow world, and the amount is very small .

In essence, he has the force of doom, although the essence is a regular state force of seven levels or above, but in terms of quantity and concentration, it only reaches the level of lv51 .

He has broken through the multiple five levels .

What’s more, it seems that the system doesn’t put the doom of this part of the system’s core into its hierarchy .

And there’s one more thing . . .

[Occupation: Creator]

art can clearly sense that after he steals into the line of rules and integrates into the new night crow world, there is a slight fluctuation in the core of the system The interior of the core begins to calculate, reorganize, construct and derive new road trees .

It was not until then that Yat clearly observed the whole process of the system operation for the first time .

The core of the system is a dead thing .

A dead thing .

A program that will only follow the rules .

Before their own defense, is completely superfluous, stupid can not be silly behavior .

However, at present, although he can see most of the operation process clearly, his power is not enough to fully control the system core constructed by the force of doom .

All kinds of knowledge stored in it can not be fully obtained by him now .


At least not now .

Now the system still has a great effect on him .

At least his ontology should reach seven levels of pluralism, and his own ability can completely replace the ability of the system .

Yes .

[all things in the world are made of things, and everything under the imperial name is the standard action]

[the world is right, order is truth, destiny is the right path]

with a subtle feeling, Yat can clearly perceive that with the help of the core of doom, he has a closer relationship with the night crow world .

And his noumenon has become more and more consistent with the line of rules .

Some skills also appear in the skill bar .

[world will] and [rule change]

the former makes it easier for him to operate the rule corridor and change the rules of the night crow world .

The latter makes it easier for him to control the whole world .

And Yat gradually saw that the system’s ability became more and more limited as his level increased .

Like now .

But it doesn’t matter . After carefully confirming his strength, Yat began to turn its goal to the interior of the nightcrow world .

At this moment, the whole world of night crow is his body, which is his logistics stronghold . He needs to carefully organize and organize the disordered world .

. . . .

the situation of the world changing and the position of countless positions broken and changed, so that the gods who are just ready to do it are all cautious .

Immortal devil and withered Angel decided to involve with crow, but also had to stop because of the change of heaven and earth . Countless space fissures made them inhaled into the space gap which had become completely different from before .

“What happened?”

The withered Angel sighed long, and the gray breath from his mouth would corrode the meteorite that flew towards him .

But after destroying this thing, he did not continue to act, but was stunned:

the power has become smaller? Why? ”

Immortal demon woman also noticed the action of her temporary ally, and found the situation .

What seemed to have occurred to her, her eyes looked at a space fissure which was slowly being repaired, and was startled:

space fissure! “Repairing yourself!”

Hearing her words, the angel of withering also seemed to understand what, two people in a different voice:


But at this time, a whirlpool was surging like a storm and a giant object of eyes, which appeared behind the two .

There was no disguise at all, which made them surprised . After she pulled back with full vigilance, the immortal demon looked at the giant eye, and her look changed:

br > the eye of the storm!? You’re not falling! ”

However, the eye of the storm did not answer their questions . A black power emerged in the center of the storm like giant eye:

you will become the family of the master

Looking at the indifferent action of the eyes of the storm, listening to his words, the two men immediately turned and fled .

Although it is not known why the eye of the storm is resurrected, it is clear that “becoming a family member” is contrary to his will .

But looking at the two people who fled at a rapid speed, there was a hint of irony in their eyes like the storm raging:

Where can you escape? The whole world is the body of the master . ”

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