Night Crow Master Chapter 514


Chapter 514: 514

“Yes, although the power of the evil crow can be simulated and transformed into things with various characteristics, it is still chaotic in nature and can not resist the direct attack of the seven level line of rules and order . ”

“But . . . ”

while the power of the evil crow was scorched and destroyed by the line of order at a very fast speed, a series of black lines full of unknowns surged into these lines of order .

The force of doom ran into the line of rules, and control formed a pair of eyes full of malice .

Bad luck, though ominous, is undoubtedly part of the order side .

The heart of ATT, like a whirlpool of doom, is constantly spinning and stirring, pumping its force into the line of order .

“You too!”

The line of order, when it comes into contact with the body of the empty shell beetle and the seven tenths of the body of order, immediately merges into it .

Numerous branches extend from the line of order and spread out in all directions, controlling the world without any order and rules at a very fast speed .

In the same way, three tenths of the empty shell beetle’s chaotic body is being destroyed by the line of order at a very fast speed –

yiatt’s will .

It’s a crazy plan .

Although art was the creator of the night crow world before, he was not the real master of the night crow world .


Because he can only control the bad luck in the line of rules, which is beyond his control .

So what does he need to do to control the lines of these rules?

Bad luck .

Let the line of rules be completely overrun by doom .

However, the doom that Yat can control, although it can destroy part of the line of order, is very few, and does not conform to his interests, and will lose a lot .

Under what circumstances can the line of order be occupied by doom?

In short, it’s two steps .

First, collect enough bad luck and upgrade to level 7 .

Second, try to find a way to put all the bad luck collected into the line of rules and transform them .


At present, he can snatch the scattered bad luck in the world in the shell . Although the number is small, it can add up to 5% of the total amount of the regular line, add up about 10% of the original inside the regular line, and his own body, about 7-9% .

Of course, if you can strip away the core material of the system built by doom, 100% is not a problem .

But it’s impossible for him to do so .

The system is a big help to him . He doesn’t need to rely on the system to become stronger, but if he wants to be fast, he needs to rely on the system .

Until he has fully mastered the rules of the system, it is impossible for him to destroy the system to separate bad luck .

Even if he can now control about 40% of the system, he won’t move a bit .

To avoid accidentally damaging the system .

The rest of the way, then, is to take only a part of it .

But even if it’s just a part of it, it’s hard .

But the larger the world, the more lines of rules are needed, that is, supplements .

And Yat can take the opportunity to mix his body in and control the world with doom as the line of rules .

The weight of the original rule line of the night crow world is enough to control a multi-level four level world .

It is not feasible to control the virtual shell beetle, which is close to level 6, even if the weight of his doom is added .

Therefore, even if the completely transformed empty shell beetle abandons all chaotic characteristics, as an irregular order world, it is easier to be controlled by the line of rules . Yat can not let the empty shell beetle completely degenerate .

Now, seven tenths of the time . . .

if the body of the empty shell beetle changes to about 75% of the order, it is the best that 100% of its body can be mixed in .

He was able to mix in about 90 percent of his body .

Why do you do this?

He has to .


For a long time, he had been doubting that his own body was bad luck, and doubted what was behind it .

What’s more, it’s too obvious that the body of a creature is bad luck .

However, it is normal that bad luck exists in the line of rules in a world .

Art also has an idea of hiding himself .

Bad luck mixed into the line of the rules of the night crow world, the empty shell beetle wrapped up, and with a very fast speed into the body of the empty shell beetle, at the same time, the empty shell insect is also constantly carrying out a crude resistance .

As a powerful creature close to level 6, it is naturally not young .

But as an order creature, it is very young .

If it is not completely transformed, there will still be some chaotic reactions when it carries out logical and orderly resistance . For example,

art, who lives in the line of rules, constantly releases bad luck and attacks the great will of the empty shell beetle . After a while of resistance, the other party suddenly makes an inexplicable action and stops the resistance .

In this situation, Yat naturally went further, killed more will, and far away devoured and transformed into his own power with the power of the evil crow .

In this case, the will of the empty shell worm is weaker, while the strength of art is stronger .

Moreover, the crows of Yat are rampant in the shell world, killing and devouring the bad luck wantonly . They transmit the bad luck to the crystal shell and to Yat .

Lv45, lv46, lv47, V48 . . .

the line of rules constantly integrates into the body of the empty shell beetle, and becomes a part of the world, like a dense blood vessel

but at the same time, the dark doom flows in the regular line, just like blood .

From time to time, the heads of the crows of doom form in the line of rules, and then lean out to attack the broken will of the empty shellfish again and again .

In Yat’s ominous eyes, there is a strange smell .

Seeing that under his attack, the empty shellfish, who resisted with various complicated and disordered actions, contradictory actions, and even self mutilation actions, became completely creatures on the chaotic side . At was more and more resistant to this future .

Order is everything .

The chaotic side creature has no logical way of thinking, which is totally unacceptable to him .

Who knows that after completely turning into a chaotic creature, will he suddenly commit suicide after hitting others like a virtual shell bug?

The power of the chaos side can be used as his means, but it must not be allowed to affect his rationality .

“I . . . the same kind . . . ”

was attacked successively from the inside of the body by att in this parasitic way, and the will of the empty shell beetle was gradually swallowed up and dissipated, and the reason was also constantly decaying .

“We are not of the same kind . ”

After refuting a sentence, Yat does not hesitate to kill the last will of the empty shell beetle .

He expended a lot of energy .

If we sum it up, the total amount exceeds the total strength of a multi-element five level strong person .

However, the rapid transformation of the power of the evil crow and the continuous plunder of numerous crows within the shell insect world have made him recover very quickly . Now, when he completely destroys the will of the shell insect world, he still has about 50% of his remaining strength .

Then, the next step is to eliminate the residual resistance in the body, devour all the power that can be swallowed, and let yourself rise to the limit .

The huge crystal shell began to twist and deform, and the interior of the shell insect world began to shake constantly .

The ground is broken, the tsunami is continuous, the storm surges, and the gap between the planes is constantly deformed .

The original oval crystal shell, like a beetle, is gradually approaching the shape of a bird under the constant extrusion of Yat .

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